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1174-  ffos* 

his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a   resident  of  Fosey   Count;/   uf unsaid;  that  he  is 

tinted  una*    ^>:^:^~'/X.  c2L*~^w   *  y.Z.- 

I8580G9  / 

Before  nie,  ^  ^-<rtt&.     'L      L    -'-'^  Clerk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  thaj  he  is 

:  that  he  hath   reason  tu,  and   renin  doth,  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  m  irnj.  without  fit"  consent  of        (S^uL?- 
parent     or  guardian     ;   that    lie  knows    no   lawful  reason    who    tin    said   parties 
should   not  many,   and   that   the   said  sszi./l,"*/  ^  t,-  iS   a 

resident-Tof  said     County    of     Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to   this  ilate. 


Xn   Witness    of    WliicJi,  I   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /«£      "        dan  of  ^^TT-^zt^jJ    267  £ 

~r        i    /  s    /'  * 

....   v^-^j7^fi;  ,  Yh.  C    «-*~^V  Clerk. - 

Before  me ,  _^<ZL-o     / f^ &"(<->  S^  .    Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Count//  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  an:  duly  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  saith,   that    he  is  a   resident  of  1'osey  County,  a  foresaid:  that  he  is 

acquainted  with    J-^<  &■■      <^        ^C^££r     M     //f^^     S  //'Be  ^. 

^  :  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  verily   doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of- 

parent     or  guardian     :   that  he   knows   no  lawful  reason    why   the  said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the  said Ji^A- h&c**/  //~  <C//^<^v-.t')''x;t 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month, 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


J@£:    trills 

la  IVitne**   of   >VlvlcU#  1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 
this  _  _._ -day  of 1S7 

_ Clerk. 

!•"//■/;  '   ■  •  , 

lately  precious  to  litis  date. 


In   TVitno**    of  >Tl«icJ»,  /  //«ce  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of.  1ST 


/      f  </  /   /■ 

Before  me,  .  « >■**?■?       //,       C  *«  •'-'  ,   Clerk  oj  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Count//  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn. 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident. of  Fosey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 
acquainted  with        7I^.*^-..s/<      & ~-=* ? /      ty**J&.   A      '"\^W' 

;  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  eerily  doth  beliere 
the  said,  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.  .     '-<  ■'"■er 

/Hireut     or     :   thai   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 

/     -/  ■ 
should  not   marry,   and   thai   the   said < -/-' --i^'^* fs   a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,    and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 

diately  precious  to  this  dote. 


_ ,.iLi 

f -*'"7 

In   "Witiie.»-»*    of  /WHicH*   1   have  hereunto  set  nai  hand 
this  f    '  day  of  /.'^^/^y  187  ^ , 

n*ht  &ai*  S*  g»fcia»»,  ^.s**3  W^wai'^  s£: 


Be/0,,  wie,  &r^,     4,    i?^^     Cleric  of  the   Circuit   Court  , 

CtowOv  aforesaid,  personal!.,,  cam,  the  undersized,  a-ho  Lein*  U,  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath   saith,  thai  he  is  a    resident  of  Fuse,,    Count,,    afore jd:  that  he  is 


JLZC  :  that  lie  hath    reason  to.  and   verily  doth   belief 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  l-urful  aSe  to  m,trrU.  without  the  consent  or 
parent     or  Ouardian     :    that    he  know, 
should  not  marry,   and   that   tin-   said 

parent     or  guardian     :    that    he  knows    no   lawfal  reason    why    the  said   parties 

fJz^T'd*'  is  a 

££ui^L  '.-£-  %k  &2SL 

resident    of  said'  Co ant ,j   of    Pose,,    and    has    resided   there,,,    for  one    month 

immediately  previous  to   this  date. 


la  TTitn* >**   of   iThich.  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

tins  "        <la'-t  °f     .  y- ^-rt 

^4f^^^  Clerk. 

Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  o]  the 
Before  me, 

V         *    •-       ■       --        u     j 7  / 


te  f^it«<^*   of  fVh»<rft..   1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

this  <^y"f  187 


Before  >nc,       y?zr?r*y«'.     '/.      Mi^*-*-'"  Clerk  of  the  Circuit    Court  of  tin 

County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  ha  me   /,////  sworn, 
upon  his  oath   sa.ith,  Uial  he  is  a    resided  of  J'osey    County y,  foresai  d ;  that  he 
acr/ua/nted  with     _/<*■""  - -  { '  ■   f  -^—  -^  J 

miy   ajoresa/u 

-^  :  that   he  hath    reason  to,  and   verili/  doth   belie 

the.  said  parlies  to  he  of  l-uvful  age  to  murry.  without  the  consent  of        &&'/ 

dian     ;    that    he  knows    no    lawful   reason    win/    the   said  parties 

parent     o 

should   not   many,   and   that   the   said  -*^^  „„      ^  ^ 

resident^ of  said     County    of    Posey,     and    has    resided   therein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to   /his  dole. 

Sioned     ^&St<y&S-SiS/-~s-^    ^Z%rrz~C*~-e^ 

In    Witness    of   "Which,   I   have  hp-puuto  set  my  hand, 

^   '*  day  of      .jjfe*:.  1ST  6. 

<Je—T>-?-0aJ  St _      izt^sC^-s  Clerk 


frt^cfc  ffi       As*.    ,-7ny    <UJfiU4.  $  /./Z^/s        '    .^ss-zssC 

(l*u/  t^/^OiK-r^/     JS.-^-C.    /fry    ./r///^^^ 

S/iaij'/X-f^    /y       ?/y    S/if<y/4Z7~^/~/£7Z7^ 


"  on 

as^*^    ^    Sf*k5rfMrttSJ:.    '$>HS£~U    S&tt2ft&    $$; 


1  1   :\ 

lit  Court  of  the 
•te  dull/  sworn, 
-.aid;  that  he  is 

ill/  doth  believe 


he  said  parties 


day  of 

for    one    month 

ito  set  mi/  hand, 


—  Clerk. 

JgJw  |toi*  flf  gnirta-aa*  8&s*$  S^tttjfr,  ££; 

Before  nw,  /*'-?■<>,.  /I,     OU^k^^j  -Clerk  of  the   Circuit    Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  per/ion  ally  runic  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a   resident  of  Posey   Count//   aforesaid;  that  he  is 

acquainted  with dr^irtf&L^     ,.     /Vr:  ^ 

;  that   he  hath    reason  to,  and   verily  doth   believe 

the  said,  parlieft  to  be  of  l-twfid  age  to  marry,  withoat  the,  consent  of    — ' <%-£.■* 

parent     or  guardian     :    that    tie  knows   no   lawful   reason    why    the  said   parties 
should  not  marry,   ami   that   the  said  --<fe*-i-*-<^Lc*_-      L    /V^ -C  is   a 

resident    of  soul     Count,,    of    Posey,    and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immed.iulcly  previous  to   this  date. 

" .  / 


In   Witness    of  Whiolij  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /  i>  day  of     c^-r/£*~L^£  157  X 


^u^     yfr~@usv£* 

/  -d  /      /■ 

Before,  me,-       4£mrrCf*-        s/,tD*»^-*  ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Count//  aforesaid,  oersovaUy  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that    he  is  a   resident  of  Posey  Count]/,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 

acquainted  with       (%&.     *( .  .    ^^  £*?__    .  <  -^r— / 

So  '   jU- 

g-msLortt-  .  that  he  hufh  reason  io>  and  mrily  doih  helin.(. 

the  said  parties  to  lie  of  I  an- fa  I  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.        <^'   ***~- 
parent     or  guardian     ;   that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the  said   parties 

should  not   marry,   and  that  the  said Q*  vG5~ <^g    -ffi  u  . 

resident1 of  said    county   of    Posey,    and.   has    resided    therein    for    one    mouth 
immediately  previous  to  this  dale. 

l   o/   "ITIi 
&..#.*.  day  of..  .     .   <$%*£/.  287  < 

/    V  \  In  fTItnosK   oX   "Wliieli.  J  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

day  of..  .         - .6*rf 

<=-^7*/<^"~—  --Clerk. 



.Be/or*  ?«e,  . ^yU^-^^^/      7f,     Acu^U^>    clerk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  .sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  tluit  It,:  is  «  resident  of  Posey  County  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  _  fl  '  r^f^l.        '  :^^^       '  c^z^r-^^/y 

&.        /^-^-^-r^y  :  that   he  hath    reason  to.  and  verily  doth   believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  l-iwful  age  to  mirry.  without  the  consent  of  (a^^Lr- 

parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,    und   that   the   said  'J^jik^  c*^e.J   jy  a 

resident  of  said  County  of  Posey,  and  has  resided,  therein,  for  one  month 
immediately  precious  to   this  date. 

Signed,  ,         / 

aJtt£Cie.ui    &*£*± 

Xjm.   Witii«*»*    of   -»-hicii,  1   hare  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

this  &&      '       day  of  t/^/  1S7  &, 

<Le~-~0—r-~&-et  it}^  ^^7^-^  Clerk. 

Before  me,  -  *-^0  *  *"_  62^-*-^—  ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Countn  aforesaid,  personalia  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bn  m.e  duly  sworn, 
upon  *>**.  oath  saitlt.  that  flic  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid;  that/he  is 
acquainted  with/f#l£*~-.      //^  fU  &..  &  ">-*-f0^ — -,  &^*^L-L^ 

^e^t^-efc--. .  thatdie   hath    reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of. /C^- — __. 

parent*  or  guardian*  :   that  Vie   knows    no  lawful   reason    why   the   said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said 'g  ~Zt*^L~ — ^—       SC*o-C-*^  <  *-^-^__  ls  a 

resident  of  said  county  of  Posey,  and-  has  resided  therein  for  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

lai   "WitaeSS    «*   ITUieH,   1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this          -f?  &  day  of        j^J  137  £ 
^l^^Jjtzd^^         Clerk. 

Before  Die,        "^^W    />,       p**?*ZP  Clerk  of  the.   Circuit   Court  of  the 

Count!/  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  dull/  sworn, 

iiliiiu  his  oath   saith,  tlijat  lie  is  a    res/dent  of  Posey    Count//    aforesaid;  that  he  is 

acauaintedwith       ^ -^ ,      $?_     Cy,-,-^       /      |^feW__Z§_ 

Z7.6  ^/utw 


;  that   iie  hath    reason  to,  and   verili/  doth  beliei'i 

the.  said  parties  to  be  of  Itwfid  age  to  nuirrij.  without  the  consent  of         £**«*/> 

parent     or  guardian     .    that    he  knows   no   lawful   reason    why    the  said   parties 
should,  not  mo  hi/,   oml   Unit   the   said  y^t'a~s  ,.z  ,A-    ^^^ 

reside.ut^of  said     County    of    Posey,    and    has    resided    therein    fur   one    month 

dialely  p 



In   tVitii*'**   of   ^Vliioli,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

rf    "  day 

of  ,      <&~~<~*S      1S7  £ 

<Z^ff-^-fjz^^7xD  to^fe 


7       / 




ht  ptzl?  si'  ,31  Titian  a.,  ^oseij  &.nunf$,  z$ 

Before  me, 

Count)/  aforesaid 

,%  cr?—^     MC'&^^O       ,  Clerk  of  the.  Circuit  Court 

of  the 
anally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

u //on  his  oath  saith,  that    he  is  u   resilient  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid :  that  he  is 

acaiiMnted  with     ~^^-^  cw        7&Z^-  ®?    '^Co-I*,.    &CJ*  c*JL/t5 

7'<st^s,iv<. «t/.'^- W  ,"  M<//  /ie   //a///    reason  to,   and  verily  dotlt  believe 

the  snid  parlies  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  irithout  the  consent  of .-'-^-e-— — 

parent     or  guardian     .    thai   lie   knows   no  lawful  reason    why   the  said  parties 

Mould  not 

In  *»Vitneis«*   of  ^YHic-U,   1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

this  day  of     -  ^-^  <_^/ 187 £■ 



I  , 

r  ,      I       /      // 

'/6  sc< 


,    (:C„>* 

5e/w'?  m^-^&z^-  /vCf^l^*  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  7c//o  being  by  me  dull/  sworn, 
upon  his  oath   saith,  that  he  is  a   resilient  of  Posey   County   aforesaid;  that  he  is 

acquainted  with      t/^ .- -l~^x  -c^L-      -^^J-z^^e—      $<*     •^^-^C^T 

f*%^j3s£&i*^r</£  ;  that  he  hath   reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the,  consent  of  ./7cv-t_-7_. 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said  ^Z^tZ^-iZ--^^  js   u 

resident  of  said  County  of  Pose//,  and  has  resided  therein  for  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

Signed,  . 

In   Witness   «»f   Which*  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this         /&  day  of       lJ^-^s£+-<zS- —   1S7  & 

/ZU-cr      ^-V      U^t-^l^s  clerk. 

?p:kz  ^t&it  iaf  '^-nYvd'iin,  p$5£3  jSfawiAi^*  55:. 

Before  me,^^Sc^^r^£^  Si/  CJ^oc-'i^c^^^  f  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Countri  aforesaid '.,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  /^  £*?*r  ^  •s^t-tV.....         ^ZfC^on-^yy^^-^-- 

....;  that  he  hath  reason  to,  anil  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  part  iff  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  «/'._  —i*£^- — — «_ 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    why   the  said  partiry 

should  not  marry,   and   that  the  said ^2j?=fca^-**i^_ is  a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has     resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


__ 'jtfJtlL    (JLeSSAfdL 

Im  "WitnesK   of   Which-   1  luive  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this         f ...  y      day  of       -^/^C  187  <- 

if  f   /      ,. 

Before  me,    J*«~r-f*       >>.       <iCW4>  -Clerk  of  the  Circuit   Court  of  the 

Count!/  aforesaid,  personally  crime  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  mc  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  snith,  that  lie  is  u  resident  of  Fusty  County  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  j^dr^c^^  5**^t<  <^i-?&  _  -(C  r ^  &*-f..  /~  <-/*"-^  —  »->.^ 
;  that  he  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  I  iwftil  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  <C  <6>--i 
parent  or  guardian  :  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should   not   marry,    and    that   the   said  J?i/Zev  a  v /     ^-„ 

resilient Sof  sunt     County    of     Posey,    and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to   litis  dale. 

■Jtt~l  « i,  f-^)      ^    - 

In   TTituo*.*   «»!•   >V!iicK,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  /&  day  of        J y^*~^u  287  6, 

.      xJc^r-yc)      »'      <C ^^  Clerk., 



~    AC //;<^~^  <<o 

he  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.       (£   f«C£_ 

Before  me,  ^</^ryr  >'/.  C~  ^*<W  ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Fosey  Comity,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  <  ^-  ^^c/        Z^^/^-.        tz^^r/         y/^  <£?  S&k 

Vf-fet'  :  that  he   hath    reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

parent     or  guardian     ;    tha.t   he   knows   no   lawful    reason    why   the   said,   parlies 

should  not   marry,    and   that   the   said v£?;^g>v <«-t^    j^r, 

residentiTof  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one     mouth 
immediately  precious  to  this  dale. 
Zy^tU^A  .  -  Signed.  ^~  *£*-"       * 

k  ftoc/Ul.  #yA~~.  ^£~~~ V-^v...._ 

In   "Witeess    of  "\Tli-ieh,   1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

this  /?     "        day  of      ^£^c^Je.u         ^187  <&, 

_._  J^^^-yd      4:    Jb^e&L cierk. 

/       / 

/   "/  /  /I'    ' 

.Be/ore  >«<?,  _  V^TrjrtJ  %U  <CWZZ<  _  CZC7vfc  o/  f/^>  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  tlie  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  Jus  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  _   *<J*>-z***t/     Sf2*~ue&iU**z&J     *x~-*C      -^Qjb**-^***. 

/fteffW.     __  ;  that  lie  hath    reason  to,  and   verily  doth   believe 

tlie  said  parties  to  be  of  liwful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of 


parent     or  guardian     ;   that    lie  knows    no   lawful   reason,   why   the  said   parties 

should  not  many,  and  that  the  said  y^Z2^  ^-  u_, 

resident  So f  said     County    of    Posey,    and    hus    resided   therein,    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to   this  date. 

Signed,  /*  « 

Before  me.  ...'>*<'/  ys  .  g,  .  y<4>gfcgg^ ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  cume  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  jue  duly  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  saith,  that    he  is  a   resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid :  that  he  ii 
ted^th  ..r^J^^4^... .//&i*~~~*~ — /      <a^-*'  .     z£*^~-**~/l;       ?£, 

acquainted ]  jjtith 

;  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 
tlie  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of_.      '-  *   *-T 
parent     or  guardian     :   that  he  knows   no  lawful  reason    why  the  said  parties 

should,  not  marry,   and   that  the   said -ya^u^* ^  u, 

resident Sof  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has     resided,    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 



1st   TVitncai*    of   Which*   1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

this  %  I      '      day  of  Jy&L.J*r       187  /^ 

<J^W   %L    <C^&>  Clerk. 

Before  me.  <&  <r^~^  ST.  ^<D-^^* __  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Coimta  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
a&iuainted  with    jrt&^az*     "''■   Jgr?^.      *&«-~S~     C^-^^/S       yQ-^'-^C 

:  that  iir  hath    reason  to,  and  veriln  doth   believe 
the  said-  parties  to  be.  of  1%'vfn.l  age  to  marry,  iritkottt  the  consent  of         (acMss* 
parent     or  guardian     ;    that    lie  knows    )io   lawful   reason    why    the  said   parties 
shoal,/  not  nam//,   and   that  the  said  '-/szt^tsS  4&a/t& 

resident  Sof  said     Count//    of     Posey,     and    l/as    resided    therein    for   our    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  dale. 


In    TV  it  ii  «■*.**    of  Which*  /  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of  _  _  1S7 


5Jhv  pint?  of  JJJttfcisima,  J^useij  .eJ;iiiini.ij>  $$$ 

Before,  me,  \L&- -o—r — ^A-f/0^~^2^^-A^,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count//  aforesaid-,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  imth  saith,  lluiT :l/e  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County.  aforcsf/7tf';  that  h#  is 
ar,/„iii,/tr,l  n-dh      '       tX-yW^^j         "^Cl/L^/A        ^^wfe 


that  he  hath  reason  to,  and  Verily  doth  bderve 
the  said  parties  to  be.  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  <^^-^<e/J  \ 
parent     or  guardian     :    flint   he   knows   no   la.u-falf-cason,  why   the   said   parties 

should  not    mum/,   and   that   the   said \  /^^^ <*L-?e±i^£5=?5- 

residentSof  said    county    of    Posey,    and    has    resided    therein    for    one    mouth 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


In   "Witness    of   lyhioH*   1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 


:Si&^ _„_* 

//-/     /' 

Before  me,      .Sfiztts.j,  ',(c>,,/^  __  Clerk  of  the   Circuit    Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  eame  the  undersigned,  u-ho  being  bu  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a   resident  of  Posey    County    aforesaid;  that  fie  is 

acyuainted  with    -   ._..    '^i^±  f'Zr-?*.  *fV  .. .      y  '"Z  "/!-s.„        — 

;  that   he  hath    reason  to,  and   verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  hurful  age  to  marry,  without  the,  consent  of  "  '  (yrz-. 

parent     or  guardian     ;   that    he  knows    no   lawful   reason   why   the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,   and   that  the   said  -J^'/.  is   a 

resident    of  said     Count//    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to   this  date. 

Signed,  /~y 

V/~L    £L*  idL*£Z 

In.   "Witavesa    of   "Wliich,  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  J*/'  '     day  of  -'/  "  ?V.    ...        257  &, 

r^v  <£Z^,*  vf/x^*  ?s. 

.Be/ore  ;//c,  kZ^*  /V  '  &  '^^CoZ  .Clerk-  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count ii  aforesaid,  personally  came  tin  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sivorti, 
upon  his  oath  suitli,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
}/ut-*  ■     At]   -T7^-^-*XJ    *  -*^-v<^_ 

acquainted  irith 

:  that  he  hath  reason  to,  and  verilu  dotlt  believe 
Ilie  said  parties  to  be  of  litvfal,  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of'  y- '•"*-— C 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  nun nj,   and  that  the  said  dhec^y    cA     W<^*-A^*^<~.  is   a 

resident    of  said     Count:/    of     Posey,     uud     has     resided    therein     for    one     month 
uu/uedia/ely  previous  to  /his  dale. 


In    TVitiios*   of   Ifhichj,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of  187 


re  me,      *A<f></^    //^^/^         _  CUyJ.  (Jf  till,  Cn,.uif  Court  oj  „„. 



Count//  aforesaid,  personally  euiue  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saifh.   tin, I    he.  is  a   resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 

pi/uiduted  with       //■  /['  ^^^^~  y/fst ?***&.     **<<  e^>. 

iTc/Y  //2/&£Z*fcf  :  that  he  hath   reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parlies  to  he  of  lawful  age  to' marry,  without  the  consent  of    S%^ 

parents- or  guardian  S ;   thai   he   knows    no  lawful   reason    why   the   said,   parties 

should  not   marry,   and   that   the   said.    //  f[_  i/yt*--**-**.^  is   u 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one     mouth 
immediately  precious   to  this  date. 



Ji»  Witness    of  ">VIiicK*  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  day  of  187 


Before  me, 

County  afesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  oein*  by  me  duly  sworn. 
uvon  his  oath  saith.  thai  he  is  a   resident  of  Fosey   Count,   aforesaid;  that  he  is 

aa/uainted  icith 

^^2^-^-/      Sj^t- 

;  that  he  hath   reason  to,  and  verily  doth  belief, 

,.      ,    i  ,     ti  ,,,-fil  tide  ti  rnirr:'    without  the  consent  of 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  l%ufu!  agi  to  mirr ,. 

%ft~y    /    M« 

parent     or  »nardia> 

that    he  knows    no   lawful   reason   why    the  said   partit 

should  not  marry,   and  that   the  said    S'  / 

•  7     j.      s        -i     rnil„t,,    ,,t'     }Jineu     and    lias    resided    therein    f< 
resident    of   said     County    "/      rosey, 

immediately  precious  to  tins  date. 


TTiti^S*    -»r   Which.  1   hare,  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

day  of 


mU  State  at  3J*fcfc«,  g***3  gaW£>  *** 

^_  .  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Before  me. 

■yu*t€zy  g  <%>™JP 

j^^^r  t !-^>^~L-*^7y-    A^-y 

cr-yf  /— f 

Beforevie,  ^^>  ?&-  bgU^S^?  -Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  mine  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  ■>,,//,   saith,  that  he.  in  ,<    resident  of  Posey   County    aforesaid;  that  he  #« 

aci/uainted  with       3f     -^^A^z^-^^zZ.-j^^^^~^^^^K _' 

;  2/m/   /«<  ftaM    reason  to,  and   renin  doth   believe~~' 
the  said,  partite  to  be.  of  I  a<Je  t„  marry,  without  the  consent  of      -^^->_ 
parent     or  aaurdian     ;    tliat    lie  knows    no   lawful   reason    why    the  said   parity 
should  not  nun  iii.   and   that  the  said^.    <^  °2  -z^z^ZL^    <^C-*  -^  .W"    ,.v  „ 
resilient    of  said     Count,/    of    Posey,    and    lias    resided    therein    for   our    month 
immediately  /xenons  to  tins  dale. 



q.  ~AU_ ,  j/r,.s,  ,  s/^j 

In    TVim.**   of  irh/cii.  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  O 

day  of 




3T  ^.^^^/y./f"^;      '^'/^ 

~£o-ti&  JlJ^-^l^ 

pur   <A >*(/$&■ . <***?.  ■■?^/-^&'fzt  .  -^  'I ^U^>/UJ 

i  ni  n  /  //     y      / 

In  MUiie***    of   "Which.   1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of 287 

.Bp/W  me,. . '-"*=^-*'     ^-'//^  <^<t<<<^5-<=?      ,   t'/e/-A.-  of /7/r  Circuit  Court  oj  the 

Couiitii  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned ,  who  being  by  nie  cZwi//  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  saith,  that   In 


C>— ^-£-~*~ <r^~<c~  :  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of. ^^t-<^^%r 

parent     or  guardian     ;   that  lie   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the  said   parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said '>£t_<^£^-y_ ^^^,^r^- is   a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

Signed,  —i  f~~l 

In   "WAti*««*   •*  YFlUok*   1  lutte  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this     ^/'^dayof^r^  ^y  187  y 

Before  me,  Zzks*>  /ft  fe^^-^<3  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  iiis  oath  smth.  that  he  is  «  resident  of  Posey  County  aforesaid: Jlmt  In-  is 
aa/uainted  with      /t^H^-c^^   —''/'    ^^^^^a,;;^!^       \r-~> 

35,  $     ^/s^/A  f 

/ZuuAy  ^£<    /  t  6    fc-C^c^^aA^+^-t-bui   he  I  Lath   reason  to,  and   verily  doth   beliere 

'tftesaid  parties  to  be  of  L-urfiU  age  to  iw.irry.  without  the.  consent  of        %7Z*A- 

pareuta  or  guardian*  :    that    he  knows   no   lawful   reason    why    tin-  said   parties 

shout, I  not  marry,   raid  that  the  said  /^^^/     f<    )^a<&£^~^~^L^is  a 

'dent    of  said     Count//    of     Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
uediulelii  precious  to    litis  dote. 

Signed,  Q 

Xn    tVi.tii.t-**    <»f  Which*  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of  .._.  1ST. 


TiJUfri  '  ^/t\ 

&/ />***y    6  <—  ?y  "/»*: 

sf7~~     Z/*^^_     &    /hy&ymx^  ^     "^<f<«^«- 

?&£■  'f!0L^f 

gp*  gtaU  tt  gfcfciaara.,  ^£5*^  g&amig,  53: 


)f/         ■    <.        C  //£  *  *  «  e  X/^  <  V  '  r'«*  '■  -  -V 

Yc~     jilscl^j    t^ut    <<£y,<    £ {y.$s<  ,^'t ■/?<"!> 

immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


*»  IKtoew   of  tviiicii.  i   &az&  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of  187 

- — -.- - Clerk. 

j£&$  ^.init'jii  J-nfciana,  *jSuZSt%  .^ma%>  %%% 

Before  me,  ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Counti/  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  nee  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that    lie  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid;  that  lie  is 

acquainted  with  __ 

;  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  dotli  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  witliout  the  consent  of 1 

parent     or  guardian     :  thai  he  knows  no  lawful  reason   why  the  said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the  said- is  a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,    and,    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  dote. 


1  TTitn«»*   of  WhicKj  1  Jiave  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of  287 

- Clerk: 

^mni^f  $$_:, 

h^i^      fAz.    /3     /rv^v 

i  %s6os<^y,  /'/Cot    ^'^1  I  <^vl(l 

?lerk  of  the   Circuit    Court  of  the 

ed,  who  being  hi,  me  duly  sworn, 

'  -"said;  that  he  is 


4/-^  a-^^^U-' 


>?  t  '^^2^' 



I  have  herein/to  set  my  hand, 
f—  -    1S7 


xunty,  %■&% 

upon  h  ' 

the  sat 
par  em 
i»/ men 

.     erk 

Of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

*'-.v   """'«   «'<■»  « 

luerszojied.  win 

being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

"'"'    *-  &  a    rr.side, 

It  Of   lose,/   COU 

nhj,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 

to  * 


lly  doth  believe 


■e  said   parties 

or    one    month 

'o  set  my  hand, 


resident    of  suit/     County    of    Posey,    and    litis    resided    therein    fur   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  <hite. 


In.   TViti»«»s*j*    «>f   TThicli,   /  /iaM  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  day  of—  1S7 


H&$  ^>Jat?  xrl  £3  n  Man  a,  ^casy  ||j.$#tt:frjj  3l$; 

C'/erfc  o/Mf  Circuit  Court  of  the 
I.  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
■y  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 

;*,i,„  -w    ison  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 
ut  the  consent  of. 
-->  reason   why   the  said  parties 

-~'~- is  a 

ided    therein    for    one     month 

t  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
aau  of  187 

-    Clerk. 

Before  me.       Ja-yjv'  /r     <-L4l^6-0  .Clerk  of  the.   Circuit   Court  If  the 

Count]/  aforesaid,  personally  mine  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu  mr  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resided  of  Posey  Cunt,,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with      rUr^uo    *-&>3f  St***?    ^**W   ^<^^^u^   /^?>jr&*4- 

;  that   he  hath   reason  to,  and   veriln  doth   believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  l-vvftd  age  to  marry,  without  the  con-tent  of       '^W^ 
parent     or  guardian     ;    that    he  knows   no    lawful   reason    why    the   said   parties 
should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said^t^cZta/   /^7>y^^V-  is  a 

resilient  of  said  County  of  Posey,  and.  has  resided  therein  for  one  month 
immediately  precious  lo   this  dote 

Signed.  7      , 

K,  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
arty  of     ^~^fi^^-*«-^t<^'    1S~  ~7 

.   Witnoss*   of  Witch,  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  ^4*  <Lay  of     %i2^W  IS 

Sgjt*  ptntzni  Juikna,  H^^S  &^UTit^>  5* 

Before  me, 

'  -'erk  e 


< -trait  C 

Count//  uforesau 

,  personal 


upon  his   oath  sr 

ith,    that 

■   ^      "     "> 


,   -^ 



aci/uainted  with 

.        -    Xxv 


^ '      \ ; 


the  suit/  parties  t 

o  be  of 

J  ^  : 


parent      or   guar 
should  not   marl 

linn      . 



*t.  -^ : 



resident    of  said 



v'  :v4 




immediately  prci 

ions   t 

IV.         A 




^    ";     '  ' 



'    \ 

^C    ^ 




> \ 





v  ' 

^  ■ 



5>  • 







jBe/ore  »ie,  ..  Clerk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 

Count',  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  hi/  me  dull,  sworn, 
tth   snith.  that  he  is  a    resident  of  Fosey    County    aforesaid;  that  he  is 

Seal  Estate  Agent/, 


y/f  \j A.  y 

-06^  .—/  '?^7 ta*   &<£  /f-£^ 

.»«...,   j.    rune  Hereunto  sex-  my  nana, 
day  0/  187 


\^W?~  Js<*^~r  Ccc-fZj        ** 

.B*/we  me,  ^jJs*'  '"_,.-  * 

~/'<~f*?Cj>e    £Z-£l*uz.       ,6*'  /         *  *S-Sy? 
County  aforesaid,  personally  c,  ^  ,  X '  Jf^/ls  t-  c F {£  s,  ,  , 

upon  his  oath,  saith,  that  he  is  \^ 

acquainted  with  rJ-t/fK^^^/  sy^  /  lX   t-  t.  S* / 1  rf 

the  said  parties  to  he  of  Itwfd  /l^?-A<-<    7/^*^       " 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   , 

should  not  umiTij,  and  that  the  said  is  a 

resident    of  said     County    of     I'osei/,    and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 

immediately  precious  to  this  dale. 


In    1Vitii<-*«    of   "Which.,  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of  1ST 


Before  me,     ,^^f-'  '</?  ,£^^£~y  f  cjerk  0f  tjle  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Count t/  aforesaid,  -personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  jne  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  natli  saith.   thai    he  is  a   resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid :  that  lie  is 

ueauainted  with  y^-'^p<         <Sys/^**^/ 

:  that  lie   hath    reason  to.jmd-j-erily  doth  believe 

the  said  partus  to  lie  of  lairful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of- ,^"^*r_ 

parent     or  guardian     :    that   he   lenoirs   no   lairful   reason    why   the   said   purtt&r'     i 

should  not   marry,   and   that   the   said ^22Ll^±^L *£<j:1?^^-< is   a       ' 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    Juts    resided    therein    for    one     mouth 
immediately  precious  to  this  date.       <^^'      ^'      ^*~- -^ 

«*  off'd^  fm 

In   Witn-e&H    of   >VKivH,   1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 
this  /^ '*■   ^day  of  '      C^^^-X        18s^t 

e/-£  o/  //**•  Circuit  Court  of  the 
I,  who  being  hi/  me  duly  sworn, 
I   County   u foresaid;  that  lie  is 

Ut      '.,/>.        iJ      '  ou<  * ^^y^    ^^^ 

/a:c       C(,ir>;<r       It        (7jL    sf/u  i  I  (" ■  u.son  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
/(A.l   J/       /fj^Jl^.         a-TL't  mt  the  consent  of    _;z*S&t 

y u*y    a     Au,'i^t  ,  reason  why  the  said  parties 

&<-"'   -^-'1        ^^y    &&<&*    is  a 

isiaea    therein    fur   one    niuntSi 

I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
^t^f/^d^l^s^s  Clerk 



Before  me,  «2Wl^.  '  /) ' ,  <Z2&^^^1.  .  ,  Clerk  of  the  CirruU  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,   that    he  is  a   resident  of  1'osey  County,  aforesaid:  that  lie  is 

acquainted  with      LS&fs^^&S      ^«^-j^l^>>^ -J=^0L^X       &<^f 

^S^^it^/  .  that  he   hath   reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  <if  &*■  ■S'Sfl. 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful  reason   why   the  said  parties 

should  not  many,   and   that  the  said (    >%1<zz?-^S<j£S is  a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and   has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

Signed,  ^ ,         ^ 

,2^Uc^^i  %Zcej£<n  *f*  ^ 

Xb   TFTitme«<*    »f   YTl»ich.»   1  iuive  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
//y^  ^     day  of  ^<^?^/\       lSf^r 

"'^/V,     -©^-t-^-i?—^  Clerk 


r,  /«e,    ^^y^S? ,  &/<-<  T^S  Clerk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 

aforesuid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bit  me  duly  swoi-n, 

-■-   i#  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a   resident  of  Posey   County   aforesaid;  that  he  is 

;  that  he  hath   reason  to.  and  verihi  doth  believe 
tul  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of      ^-^^e 
7j    or  guardian     ;   that    he  knows    no   lawful   reason   why    the  said  parties 
(.4  not  marry,   and   that   the   said  -r~?  *?%*-y>      <>>^^^1_c      i&   u 

mt    of  said     County    of     Pose//,     and     has     resided    therein     for    one    month 
ttludely  previous  to  this  date. 
\  :  Signed, 


^l/i^ivut'S     J^Om^ 

In   Witness    of   VFhicn,  /   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  /<^   "   day  of  ^/^  1SY^. 

'^  0-^^?^^*--^>  Clerk. 

Before  me,  „«l£rt^** -7?*,  <22^  *^<  ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  1'osey  County,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with     <S$p*^£?.      ^*^e^>  V      r^^§<?^_J>^ 

^^-^-v^y'  .  that  he   hath    reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of- &*-Sy'"> 

parent     or  guardian     .    that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 

should-  not  marry,   and   that  the   said <  y^ <^^  -7sj2~*S is  a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has     resided    therein    for    one    mouth 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 



£ ^ft^Jf?^^  ^< 

^     day  of  --^^C^/\       lSt^C 

ggfc*  gtaj*  si  |3nKa»&>  pPaseij  jaunty,  ss; 

Before  me.      ^Z^/y^S/^    £^^<£*s        Clerk  of  the.   Circuit    Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  person nlly  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bit  me    >ulu  sworn, 

,u  Ins  oath   saith,  that  In 

i    resident  of  I'osey    County    aforesaid;  that  he.  is 
acquainted  with        -^£^g^^g--t^g<^^>»<«=g^-      yZ^^-<^^     y*~'^ ~  t~L*/'_____ 

:  that   he  hath    reason  to,  and  verily  doth   beliere 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  Hwfn.l  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of    <?&?& 
parent     or  guardian      :    that    he  knows    no    lawful   reason    why    the   said   parties 
should  not  marry,   and  that   the  said  ~.''^<  sC^,  ^^    f-„   fJ 

resident  iof  said     County    „f     I'osey,    and    hear  resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  dale. 


l'rv*iif<     /A>^ 

In    -fritii<-*H    *>F   -vri.icJi,   /  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

'?   «     dan  of  ^/^  IST^ 

kl*-^*^f  &  '  ' ,  UZ^—^tx?  Clerk. 

x2/  & ,  y  s//y^^^^ 

Before  me,      <<£^sf?-/ / ,     ^^^cS^ 

t^^-s       ,  Cierh  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  ■personally  came  tin'  undersigned.,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  saith,   that    he  is  a   resident  of  I'osey  County,  aforesaid :  that  he  is 

ncnttuiuteil  with  €^/%<^*        c^ftyp^t^^-z^^^^   ^-C^er~~~~^f:     ^£f?n.z*^ 

;  that  he  hath    reason  to,   and.  verily  doth  be/fere 

the  said  parlies  to  be  oj  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.    J^-^^l 

parent     or  guardian     :  thai  he  knows  no  lawful  reason    why  the  stud  parties 
should  no/   mum/,   and   that   the   said 

resident  V'V  s""1    eounty    of    Posey,     and    has     resided    therein    for    one     month 
i  united  in  Id  ij  precious   to  this  date. 


.yjeo-iyf-^yo  la*^    ^tfa.  >  ^  *-  -e,/ 
In   TVitne*s    of  Whlen*  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

this  /^     '  day  of ^C^6  ^lSsTc '■  f 

__^^^^^.^f^^Z2^^r^k clerk 

.Rf/W  y//e,  _.  ±;r  r,y,'  zA  &?~A!Ak  C/e/-A-  o/  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count]/  aforesaid-,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  tltat  In-  is  u  resilient  of  Fosey  Count//  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with      AZ'^'A^     -AA^^A-/       AAJ^ '^<^  A    A^2^y 

;  that  he  hath   reason  to,  and   verily  doth  believe  . 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  I iwful  age  to  marry,  without  tin'  consent  of  At.  A&' 

parent     or  guardian     ;   that    he  knows   no   lawful   reason    why    the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,  and  tltat   the  said  Cy^L^r  >  ^-  s    ^'^^-jy-n 

resident  i'of  said     County    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    fur   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 



Xta.  Witives.'*    of   tyiiicli,  I  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /"A  "day  of  <A^A  lSfA^, 

A*AA*^-#  £■  -SS^ (A^^A^<     ^  clerk: 

Before  me,  .    '^Z^c^Tyr^A^'^iZ^^<^^^ ,   Clerk  of  the  (in  ait  Court  of  the 

Counti/  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned    who  being  l///  me  duly  sworn, 

*AA~!*>      s*A 

upon  his  oath  saith,,   that    he  is  a   resident  nf  \m\   ,"  County,  ufuTTsTTid :  that  he  is 

AiAzA£<*A    ^a^a^La^. 

acf/uaiuted  with 

_-..,-  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  verily   doth  believe 

the  said  partys  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  meaty,  without  the  consent  of.    ^z^AAl 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful  reason    why   the  said  partny 

should  not  marry,   ami  i'  '■ 'i1'        u  ;  f [^ZXjZ^r^'Y  i*  ,rr.. 

rrti-lrttt    -f   mid    r»""t;i    of — Pninu    and    I '  '    t    t/i,  i,  !',<    fm — rrm — „,t,„-tl,~ 

irttrrrr-/ittti[i  ftrri—'      '     ' ''"' 

j^Ca}  ^^AAt-li 


i  fT'itne<**i   of   WUchi   1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this     a^  ~fdalJ  of   yA^A       187rc/f 

__^2U^~^T^~~*2^'        Clerk 

^/o/t  iwe,  -^^-Ty^^^Z^^r^/^  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  person ally  came  tin-  undersigned,  who  being  bn  ///,■  dull,  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  lie  is  n  resilient  of  Posey  Coin////  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  &&?*?  ^  ^y\£*?y&&~ 

.     ;  that   lie  hath    reason  to,  and  verilu  dotii   believe 

tin-  said  parties  to  be  of  l-iwf/U  age  to  nvtrrij.  without  the  consent  of   J^^^^-c 

resident    of  said     County    of     Posey,    and    l/us    resided    therein    foi 
immediately  previous  to  this  dale. 


£/<_'_ V  .-qfe^-z.^. 

In   fr&tiio£t«*   of   -vVhiciv,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /^    "      day  of   ^^^^^y<        ISa&f 


Xzl-y    i@*-~- -^<*^ 

Before  me,  .  'fr^/'^s  //',  (^i<r^y  ;  clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Count//  //foresnid.  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bit  me  duly  sworn, 
upon,  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  u  resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  &?<W<^-     /£?_    (^/C^ 

:  that  he  l/utti    reason  to,   and  eerily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of-^C^1^'- 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and  that   the  said yS&?-''  y is  a 

resident  of  sain'  county  of  Posey,  a//il  has  resiiled  therein  for  oi/e  month 
immediately  previous  to  this  dole. 


^ftlty      U/-c&/^< 

In  "Witness   of  YF  III  ell  f   I  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

A>/W  >„<■,  ^ayy^^f  ^^4^  _  CZerjfc  o/  *Ae  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Cwumty  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  hi/  me  duly  sworn, 
aupun  mx  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County  aforesaid:  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  ^7s>"-y<  J^ry^S  <7  iC^^^^L^^  °<^?~?rt^g^' 
;  that  he  luitii  reason  to.  and  verilu  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  liwful  age  to  mxrry.  without  the  consent  of  ^v, -wt.  ' 
-parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
■xheuld  not  marry,   and   that   l!ti>   /.old  _*#—«_ 

vwide&t-yf—stshi     Getmh)    nf    fpsgff,    and    hxt*    /v. Ivd    //,,.<■,  in    f,r   u„, — Ht^rhUi- 

j*nuwliii1<ty  pirriaus  tu    tin*  flute. 


I»   Witnejis    of  Which,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  &  day  of  ^S*^—^  1S&7, 

^kZ^*^>^/?<;   *Z^~^r-?'  ...    clerk. 

Before  me,  '^^^f^//<i0^<^^  .  Clerk  of  the  Circuit ,Court  of  the 
Ctmntu  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
WpBH  his  oath  saith,  tt±n4 — La-L*  ,.  imsidcixLML  UuSMjt  JMimtli  afujuuutid :  that  he  is 
acquainted  with        ^/i^aC^  _~^ff-^s£?<Z/'       /~         <^^^-_«^-^l 

;  that  lie   hath   reason  to,   and  verilu  doth  believt 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of-  _  ^  "^^L-. 
■parent  or  guardian  :  that  lie  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  partie 
should  not  marry,   and   >ini   U  — m  :d ^_ 

-rr-^dr„f     ,,f    <„,,!     ,;,„„ty     q£      EaS£lif (J  ltd     ha,-      r,-«i>l>  4     ih.vri,,     ft L-      i  n  i  i,i,  ffr- 

il)l.))Ul/iuh<f.y  /DV'-iMiir    to   this     i<>t*r; 


^S^fjl/      CS&£(&&ri  

1m  'fr*fc»**«*    •*  Xhieh*  1  ftuve  hereunto  set  my  hand. 
this  1?.#JlL     dMy  *—   /^4  IS*/, 

r^/^^y/.tC"'^^        cievk. 

/£,  ~&^y*  ///?l^  ^^J^if\^ 

J        ,    >/  ,  >  .^v  -^ 

*  t*2>1f//M. 



cp  '-     w 

I  f..         rf.       Z7  -     .-; 


/rcAtj    /j-iil     ffo.    c  c*ic<6l  ^tA.  ;tjlc/  O''"  I'l-^hfy  $t  /*<  ;> 


in  nil  <?4.( 

cC  Ci  vie/  6'<fYM 

'^nict^-    /tU     t 

^/f    cct 



/  /)/%, ■■)   /  y 

YfrTaty    ;/)'t/(^   &t'   Sft&L  £6^  Ofay 


.Be/ore  we,       «S^  7-^-7/r     fe&*£f     Clerk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 

•should  not  marry,   unit   that   the   saitl      -^' 

County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  Lu  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.  that  hej-s  a  resident  of'  Fdsey  County  aforesaid :  that  he  is 
acpuLinted  wUU  t/^-C<<-£^       /tM^ 's&d&k^S^    /^f^L 

(^^U-^U^  >JsZ'*t£  '..'.■:  that  he  hath   reason  to,  and   verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  I  nvfuJ  age  to  mnrry.  Without  the  consent  of    t&<-e*-rfr* 
parents  or  guardian  $ ;    that    be  knows    no   lawful  reason    why    the  said  parties 

-Cll^e^    /V^-g   Cz^C^c       is  a 
dent — of  tot  it/ — Con  a  try — uf. — I'osey.     and    has    reside//    therein    for   one    month 

immediately  previous  to  this  t/ate 

Signet  I, 


Itt    IVitiioSi*    uf   "Wliicli.  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  ?~fs        day  of   /JU^^^         IS?/ 

( lerk. 

Before  me,  -  ,  Clerk  of  the  Cut-nit  Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personalis/  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

upon  his  c 
acquaint  ei 

the  said  p 
parent  o 
should  nt 
resident  i 



—;>■<->  '"'  '  "T'l  doth  believ, 

J        Jicr      "  -tv'     '*■   :  /,       rJf. 

■   .  ..lU.jJL.      '    i,. • ;'.     -y   .ft 

'lid   parties 


ut   a 

one    month 


t  my  hand, 


■—  Clerk. 


Before  me,    -^ZLny*  /l     &~^4£  Clerk  of  the  Circuit   Court  of  the 

Comity  aforesaid,  personally  mine  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  ,111///  saith,  that  he  in  a  resident  of  I'osetj  Count;/  aforesaid;  that  lie  is 
acquainted  with      SsrS'v    /so^sf/^^-    /  _ //'/si/ ^  *s /^    /, 

//f    ,r  y^rrt,,,**.  .  thlU    hl.  hllijl    rvason    to<  an(l    rm7?/  l/ufh    MieV(, 

the  .said,  parties  to  be  u]  l.nvf/d  age  to  un.rry.  without  the  consent  of       <&~<^~ 
parent     or  guardian     ;    that    he  knows   no   lawful   reason    why    the  said  parties 
should  not  mum,,    and   /■'■„,-    , /, ,     .,,/,/  Ty^ 

"<•'■     '■■■"l<-d    "    t    •■      f  '     urn      mtUitli 



TTi.tii«-*«.    of   >Vliiclj.  I  I, arc  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /f-    *      da,/  Of     >^£---   /-  18§T2- 

^Zfij*  <£^h^~^      clerJl 

Before  me,     J^  //  (C C^lZ?  ;  vlerk  (>;  f//l,  (u.rllit  Court  0/  {he 

Count//  a  foresaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  /,,,  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 
unpiuinted  with       Jl^4<^       ■USWL 

:  tharhe   hath    reason  to,   and,  verily  doth  believe 
the.  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of     rf^r  __ 
parent*  or  guardians:   that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    xvhy   the  said  parties 

should  not   marry,   and   thai   the   saJd^Z^^iiCJL^   Z/fcnrfC,  is   a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one     month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


In   "WitJUSS*    «>f   M'luch,   1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  /\y^/     "d(JV  of  ^y-t'Zy  .      187%*L^ 

^^<^:7^'dL^^fc-r'    Clerk. 

Before  me,  ^kgSTO*-.  // f  -^>'  tv'  clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  come  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  >>ie  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  tie  is  a  resident  of  Htssutt-  County  afvn-ttttid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  u-ith  _     </S/.<«'^ ■'         ^/r^'A/ 

;  that  he  hath    reason  to, 
the  said  partiejfto  be  of  hurful  age  to  mrtrry.  without  the  consent  of 
parent     or  guardian      ;    tltat    lie  knows    no    lawful   reason   why    the  said   partite? 

resident    of  said — CoTTTiTTf    »f    1'mrrr,    777777    7777 
iarTficdiau  11/  pillions  to   Hrn  thrti . — . 

il  verily  doth  believe 

rhrd—ihcii.iu — fox.    QM£     month 


Xn.  TV i  1  ij «- » h   «f  "Wiiich,  /  have  hereunto  set  my.  hand, 



-,:  day  of  LSZ&ps^A   1Sf  Z-f 


Before  vie,     /"^^l^^-^^?  ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  Jlwt    heis  a   resident  of  1'oscu  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 

f^0&&*^<>  f/^^^—^-   y^——^ 

...:  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

acquainted  with 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lairful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of- 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful  reason    why   the  said  partii 

should  not  marry,   and   thTi 
rtmdeut    <  f  i  n  '  ?  **? — f 

U,      mm/     i'i   ,.: 

tiled     tftSrWl     JW     OlTS     UoTTtfr 

imuuuiUeh'hj  p.ninns  To  this  time.  -^^_^ 

&£rf~*  Signed,  jp  ^jl^J. 

\kLJLoU*  io^ih  ^^^^t^S^^^^^ 

la  "Wit™««*»   <*t  TViiich,   I   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /^n,"  day  of         )^^/~^  ISp 


£e/bre  we,        y^y^/^    &^/Z/  cievk  of  the  Circuit   Court  of  the 

Comity  aforesaid,  personally  mine  the  undersigned,  who  being  bit  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  tiuti  lie  is  u    resident  of  Posey   County   aforesaid;  th-at  lie  is 

ac/uaiuted  with  ^?&y  .        ^X^—^^L^ 

.  that    he  Itath    reason  to,  and   veribi  doth   believe 
the  said,  partnfi  :••  It  **f     rrfi — r-*. —  ,  j<  rrrrf, — i  .  '  'te  >     Ui     i  771  >,  nl  ot 
pareuJ     or  guardian     :    that    lie  knows    no   lawful   reason    why    the  said   />artief 
should  not  morn/,   and   thatjh,    said.  •y*C^^/~^~  , ;s   „ 

resident    of  sold     Count//    of     Vosey,     and     has     rcsidfetl.    therein     for    one     month    (J 
immediately  previous  to  this  dale. 


Xn   TTiti..**    of   >riiiclv.  I  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /^    ''day  of     ^-7^  lssf? 

"<i^*-^2, — <^z>  /•/,„/. 

Before  me,     ^7^  ",    fcVs  S^sS         _  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Count  i/  aforesaid,  personally  en  me  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  saith,  thrrt    In   i-  u    •  ...,/'■')/  ,'    f   i\  ,  y  t '  mi's*,  u/oiesuid.  that  he  is 

ae./uainted  with  ^^/f^S^^^^y^s^/     S<7^sy     .vf 

/ V^T  /^  /^^/  ;  that  he   hath    reason  to.   and.  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  /unties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of__ <^^^i. 

parent     oe  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful  reason    why   the  said  parties 

should,   nut    many. 

n  '  id*  ..I    t.f  .KiiJ. — .;,iiuty    of —Hnw,     aud—hrm — r,  sided    IncTein    for- 

in,  on  \liii.'i  hj  fit 'nff.i    In  i'm  W   dn/i  .  - 


- (U^C-^f^. 

In  ">Titnc*«   of  IVlUtolit*  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  4/       U^ay  of  yy^-y  isifi^ 

Before  me,    *-t' SK^-*? // .  y'CCu -f'4st  Qlerk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  mine  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath   saith,  Uutl  k     in  u    rrSTTfi  ..<  >■] — »Ty~.    <     m*U>    rrj\ie<  .mid :  Uuit  lie  is 

acquainted  with  t/^  ^-^t-f^i<  re  .      (fe^f  a.^C  C<^e^> 

(J  (/ 
n*                                           ;  that  he  hath   reason  to,  ami  verily  doth  Relieve 

tiie-stm*  petiiicp-iv  (v  of  fateful  age  to  mirfy,  without  the  consent  of    ~pn-  ^  "^ 

parent^  or  guardian  0 ;    tluit    he  knows   no   Lawful   n 

should  not  marry. 

reside)!  t    oj   sun)     i'uuiily    uf — /  ,;.•.,,/, — uVTt — ,%,,,     i.'s.u'eit    therein — jm — une    month, 
iinwcdiutih)  pillions  tu   this  date. 


^&#**y5  ^*~& 

In.  fTltnfUM   of   >Vli  I  «,•!»,  /  Jiaee  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this         //*~-T='    day  of  C^^rT^&o  isf  ^ 

,  ■  y^€^^T^^'/7 ^^^^  /i^  clerk. 


CC ///  *?    isf^   //>■?  <£*&  /clerk  of  the  (  irruit  Com)  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  out.ii  saith,  that  he  m  >\  i\  ,<id\  m)  o/  Ihimii  (  mentor,  n;  "o  ..tid^that  lie  is 
acquainted  with  ^//{/s^*^     Syf  Lsfs*  s  ^^        / 

c^tytc       tsfy&y<?<:        :  that  he   hath   reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe. 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of    .jT-f  'S^/^ 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   lie   knows   no  lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and   flint   th«   tmid is  -a. 

resident     itf   an  id — run  lit  I)    rrf — /Wmi,i,      IUuLJuuj      ihm/i/ii/     tit,  ivin     for     one — uuuU.ii 



la   f1"ltn«*w    *>t  Vltli'h.*   /   hare  hereunto  set , my  hand. 

this  ///  S~day  0/  p^/^-/*^     187r\f 

c-^;  .J/c^-^^y  a„, 

Jgfc*  gtait  jjf  guton^  ^'cseo]  &*mnt^,  55: 


„,,,    <//£>^       ^/^^^ Clerk  of  the   Circuit    Court  of 

County  aforesaid,  personalli 

upon  his  onili   sal  til. 

ngned,  who  being  bi/  me  duly  sworn, 

■/'".i  ■>     r  *t+t    <  >>  • ■<"  "'■■  that  he  is 

1  ~PK     ■ 

acquainted  with      y-///'^~~-   <</{    ^Zf^sf^-     (7      SZ%>^ 

-<i^  /S^^y.^^S  ■  that   he  hath    reason  to,  and  verily  doth   beliem 

the  sunt  panics  to  be  of  l-urftd  age  to  murru.  without  the  consent  of   -  7sr7^Z. 

should  not  nu 

f    In   HVltnt-ma   of  >Tiiici>.  I  have  hereunto  set  my  //and, 

this  //?<    rduy  of  ^^  £-~^C-     26'zftr' 

Before  mc^Yrt --^  /  ■^;7</J'fSs-/~~  .  C7er/o  o/  tf?e  GVwm*  CVw/V  of  the 
Count//  aforesaid,  ncrsnnallij  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  l/is  oath  sniili,  l/mi  I  ■  <  i  n  rnrrtfr*+-qf  I'usry  ii,ll,/:V  -n'/Vi. ;  ■</{<!  ft/tut  he  is 
acquainted  withJ^n^O -(/, 2f^^M>20.         (2-ud  .o£otcy      ^-fjJs^S 

.  that  lie  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
the.  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  „&C  ?7u&- 
parenl     in-  guardian     .    that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the  said   /turtles 

should   not    marry,    nTlli    that  lac    .sunt ^V    q 

■■    ■■-'■■'   --,'•    ■■■■•'        -of"   -/'     f'«"r:t      /    ; ■'■'  ■'    " ■•■■    /- at!- 

achj  pret 'i ous  to  It, 

In   ^Vi'iJies-w    «C   WIvleltj   I   ha/'/ hereunto  set  my  hand. 
this        -2*^  _^^   day  of       OO-^C^  li 

C^£iL&^  Clerk. 

Before  me,  &:  £6t/$I^/f_  A^f'£/<?f&tf  Clerk  oj  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  hit  me  duly  sworn, 
upoii  his  oath  saith.  tiiat  he  is  a  resident  of  -4'wv.y  Conn///  u&axxuid i-ihut  he  is 
acquainted  with  ^U     Xtnu-Uj'      tAi/J^t-o. —         T~    /£///!£      c    C-^rV/^L 

that   he  hath    reason  to,  and  verily  doth  helievi 
it  of 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marrii.  without  the  consent  of  £c-tf£ci  ' 

parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  niarry,  and  that  the  said'--  ^ \rzcc u*i^ AJ<^<w — y  ^"f  .{ffj'--'  j^  „■ 
residents  of  said  County  of  fuse:/,  and  italfrrestded  therein  forLoue  month 
immediately  previous  to  this  <hite. 

f      Signed, 

3J»   "Witness   of   IVliich,  /  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  y  'day  of    /^ZO^d^L  1S$  ^ 

^^^^^ri^    C 


Before  me,  (£^S'?t  iS?  ,  &Z&^ar/\i  clerk  oj  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Countii  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Fosetf  County,  aforesaid:  that  lie  is 
acquainted  with  ^Z^erryc/ ^      /?/&&£&      <&<**        eZTzZZt^^vi     *?-/s*yrsC--SA_ 

^       ■  ,  / 

-r^S^r^Si/  ;  that  he   hath   reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  untliout  the  consent  of_.  .  K^s'steL^ 

parent     or  guardian     :   that  he   knows   no  lawful   reason    why  the  said  parties 

should  not  marry,  aT&t~thi£h4ke*<urid _**— a. 

rrrttdrtrt — nf^Mid    co unty   of  -^Pose-y-, — and    has — residua — thcieiu    fur    uffp — mouth- 

iittuieUitUtdy^p-LiUMUi-*  to  .this  (Me.  -       


Xn  "Witn-eiSH    **t  ^Vhiclij  1  have  liereanto  set  my  hand, 

this  day  of  187 


Before  me,  C^/sS^  ^^_j^??^^^rA_CLerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  hi/  me  dull/  sworn, 
u.pon  his  oath  saith,  t/iat  he  is  «    resident  of  Posey   County   aforesaid;  that  lie  is 

acquainted  with  <&s«y  &T^//ss<*S___  

;  that   he  hath    reason  to,  rind   verihi  doth   believe 
the  said  partiys  to  in'  of '  LiwfiU  age  to  marry .  without  the  consent  of         .  s //-s^ 
parent     or  <     ;    llutt    ite  knows    no   lawful   reason    why   the  said   parties 
should  not  marry,  and  llwt  HrrSTTid  -is  a- 

r-~LI,-,,f    ,,f   :;,;,!     Count n    ,,f     Lfuu/.     and    has     resided,    ihereu/     Jul1    one — nrrm+k- 

i*+u,<di(iffil'idXJMU"<   I"    lM#-ThT+rr- 

'  L.rfto^    *Zl_'    " 

In   •\Vitii<-*«   of   Wluch,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  l/and, 

I  his 

#t  * , 

lay  of       s/**^  18*  f 

(&/&&r-C&,      &£zs£f*s*rX 'clerk. 

Before  me,  (Z^<~?  >  yTx^7^/-^7     ,  Clerk  of  the  Cirri  lit  Court  of  the 
Count  1/  aforesaid,  vcrsonnlhi  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu  me  duly  sworn, 



upon  his  oatti  saitli,   that    '"'.i*  "   resident  of  -fn-ny  Countyj  aforesaid:  that  lie  is 

ueniiuiiitcd  with 



i,f^  j3^-     'zi'tz.  &■ r  &•£-  > 

:  that  lie   hath    reason  to.   und.verilit  doth  believe 
the  said  partite  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry*  without  the  consent  of  :_ 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 

should  not   marry, 

if. *« 

»iUln  i^'ni'i  hj  jin 

'~^\^)  jk^j-iv- — ) 

oV  f  <t 

In  "Witiicsfi    o{  WMcJm  1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

ms      J~<r~  day  of  Cyft^ty  i$%^~ 

CM^^M^^  ^Ijlerk. 

.Be/bre  we,  C^'^      /•      ^^^CL^Ic  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  br,  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  htiCoath  saith,  tlmtjhe  is  a   resident  of-Pmrr,   County   ajoresaid;  that  ho  i«. 

_-,„■.  „•„•■/,         xZ**^     '/#>/  4*&    ^     //.5^^^    5? '*"?<£/ 

j?**y-/7&~A  ^y&    <l  *     J^  f,^    ,^7,,,,,.    ,.,^ _,„    ftm,/  vorilifiloth   Miertt^ 

tlarmid  partinrtu  i.«->i;  :  ^ ' '/' ■  ■'    •■■-    i  -  "'  Tfry.  nrtmrw,  :„■  ,  j7Tsmt-0f. 

parem  i  w    gtmrrti — i — w*  rT"" ' 

WmwrV/  vnt  *.*>>>■!/.   ■■"    '  '"■<■'   "' "^ lS_7r^ 

.;,,..,     .,■..„•■/     /Tc^,./..    „/     /•,, ,„■■'     '■.>■•     'v-r/rr/    /,'<m/f,     fan    rn.r     WW& 

nnu+ediuttli/  jwi  /  iott.-t 


Ik   ■Witn.e^i*   of   Uhi.£ii.  I   Aore  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /^    'day  or  ___   L^r^j^  133   ?y~ 

e  me,  &!&?** Vf*-  &&4&/?*^'. ' Clerk  or  the  Circuit  Court,  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that   lie  is  a  resident  of  Posey  Count,,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 

acquainted  with      ^^^ «^*=    y  *-" 

{^2  A  A/  ■   ■■  that  he   hath   reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  mam/,  without  the  consent  of— 
parent     or  guardian     :   that  he   knows   no   lawful  reason    why   the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,   and   that,   the   said      &6^>      %£*a*xe*L^Ll»   a 
resident    of  said     county    of    Posey,     and    has     resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

Signed.  ,  f     l     I    >• 

_ i2S  U2.C  cstai  U  %  ,<4W  klii ;  'U 

IX    -Vritn^t*' 

»f   "»Yl\ich«   /  have  hereunto  set  my  ham!. 

this  //.  day  oT    &^>  18%y 

^/T  *<!4f*/^p.e  */-    Clerk. 


"Sight  ||)3t*  *tl  '^nhinnz.,  ]£*$$■&£  $pmtft$f  %\%% 

Before  me,       €.    /// ^  ^   ^^••^fty(r/,  0f  the  Circuit   Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath   sttith.  that  lie  is  a    resident  of  Posey    County   aforesaid;  that  tie  is~ 
actfuainted  with    ^W^'si     ^,  S>  /^.//'s^f '  /7"C  .9&*~4%ri  .*%z/\ 

S .         ,      ,       ,.-  ,  :  thul  iiShath   >■,  ;:wi  -to.  ii ml  refill)  'loth  iirftrrr 

*-fo-fa*-a/'  1%'rfal  age  to  littery.  ,i  ii  'unit  >//■•  r>>usrnt  in 

/Jsuw/teyy^-    c-J/^^Km-t^LsC 

In   Tritiio.i**i    of  "Which.  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand 
this  <*<*      '     ,,a;/  Qf  C,  ■ 

s&  ^  ^  *T»ASy9t¥i**^-  °^r&'. 

J§&«  ,2>tirU  of  'iHnaintta,  Jf?*^  jaunty,  sa; 

Before  me/O&Z&S  rL  ''/7 ^J^/i^Sf-  £^/~  clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Countii  aforesaid,  nersoiialh/  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 

,nnii    ^tiii//,     iii'ti      "i     to    it     rioiU'Crtf     "J      J.  Vft&y    ^■/ttttitf.    u./  of  t'SU  1 1 1,  .    IIIUL    lie    IS 

:  that  lie  hath  reason  to,  and.  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.  £*^/5£c^' 
parent  or  guardian.  :  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,   curd    ''     '    ,:i  ■'  ,r,     M 

*rrm    joi 



In  Witness    of  WJtiefcj  J  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand. 
this  yy7  day  ofC^^^-T^Z&U^ 



Before  m«,^^^  ^^^^^^^/.CLa-h  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  />eing  hi/  nie  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath,  sitith,  tital  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  Cuuuiy  aforesaid;  that  lie  is 
acquainted  unt!S^^eju*yi   /KVy^^A^,  ^£<-c/0  <•&<& ^ZZa^*^ 

^*!yG^L^4s#~-tsi^~  ;  that  he  hath   reason  to.  and  verily  doth  believe 

tlie  said  parties  to  be  of  I'lWful  age  to  mirry.  without  the  consent  of 
parent     or  guardian     ;   tl/at   he  knoirs   no   lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,   and  that  the  said  &/ 7€Z '^&&*v*e^  ^^/S^-^t-^-s^^-ris  u 
resident    of  said     County   of    Posey,    and    has    resided   therein    for  one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

Signed , 

Xj»   Witness   «r   Which.  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

18$  J" 

—  y— 

'."<*r      Clerk. 

Before  me,U£ck* ~>  '  ^  y^i/^/ C£^f  f  clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Countii  aforesaid,  per  son  ally  came  the  undersigucii.  iriw  being  Inj  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saitli,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  •l'&-3*it  County,  iL)„><  mttid:  that  i/e  is 
acquainted  with  <J^n^^_jiA^^^.,  &>C(^>        :'s<j!Ss-<: 

oO£Z~Z~?jZ  l/  :  that  he   hath    reason  to.   and  verily  doth,  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  tlie  consent  of.^GL-z^^^U^ 
parent  or  guardian  :  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  patties 
Should  not   marry,    and    '•<•>'    '<">     ■  i  "  '' — .  < —    .-. —  i.t   ■  — 

zesideut — of  *«id    enmity   a£ — Bw  ■<, — i ■  >■  > t    h ■  i a — w  >•<■•■ — I — th,  mm — /'*»■    om — month 
•invmuliutilij  jm  i  fmvs  i'ii  **>'■<  k' 

la  Witi»««**    «t  V'hXch«  I  htive  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  y>  day  of  C^C^Z^t ^^     18%^ 

Jfe/or*  we,  <^^ j4^^^CLerk  of  the  Circuit   Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  nun,-  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  »ir  duly  sworn, 

upon,  his  oath  saith,  that  It 

ics'ulent  of  Posey    County    aforesaid ;  that  he  is 

acyuainted  with 

" — '        V — ~~ "  :  that  tie  hath   reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 

the  suit!  parties  to  be  of  Itwfid  age  to  marry,  without,  the  consent  of    tt-erZ^s^L- 
parent     or  guardian     ;    that    lie  knows   no    lawful   reason    why    the  said   parties 

should  not  marry,  and  that  the  said      C^C^-CLA,      -^5? ^v~z^l—^^ ?5  (/, 

resident    of  said     County    of     Posey,    and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to   this  dole. 


JtyJlAt^J^cXs^  c<^g^-z^ 

In   T>*itnos.*<    oJE   "Wiiicii.   /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  S*  day  of  J*0^--^>^<^^_      iS£J~ 

'^S^j^  '2-J-f  Clerk. 


Before  me,&  ^-ilt^  ^  I   -T7^ L^^^t^jTerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  crime  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,   thai    he  is  a    resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid :  that  lie  is 
acquainted  with     <^^*^«^   <4&_<2<W        f?W^     CO^r^C^ 
-^^'^t)  •'  that  he   hath    reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawjul  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of_L£-<_^ 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the   said   parties 

should  no!   marry,   and   Hint   the   sa idr^^^n^C^ < CjZ^^r-/e^t_J is   u 

resident    of  said    county    of     Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 
C*£&fc<^Z      '  Signed,  /f  rv/  » 

c  /J  ^^_  Au^^^Occ^^^ 

In   WJtuess   of  ">VUich?  1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this         3-/  day  ofJtZS&Z^ iS&\$^ 

^2^J^V^W5  ^*^^£^/Cle~rk. 

.Be/or*  »«;,  ^^ji2<zL^J<^^/^J^^/cierk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  tin 

County  aforesaid,  personalty  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  lie  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with     __     (£%/.&      /I '  // /YSf -/--c  ^  's*s*-€.  .        ^       ^2c?^?^-<^ 

___k£Z    ^l^y  ?~&  i ■  .-  that  he  hath   reason  to,  and  verilu  doth   believe 

the  said  partus  to  be  of  liwful  age  t  j  m-irry.  without  the  consent  of    ^ss^/t^  >— 

parent  or  guardian  ;  tliat  iie  knows  no^ lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
slwuld  not  marry,  and  that  the  suid^&^*76/~&*^€  &  ^-^C^ f-^  ir^is  a 
resilient  of  sail/  County  of  Posey,  and  has  resided  tjpereiu  for  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date.  "7(    _      f\         -£~  ^  l~-f/"*2^^ 

Signed , 

Sxl  'WUne*.*  of  -vriiicii,  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  &*  day  of       A^/^^<^C^-      18%J~~ 

Before  vie,  C£.&l<^-r^/,  ^^S^S^fr*,  clerk  or  the  (  in- nit  Court  of  the 
Countif  aforesaid,  versouaUy  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  f>n  "ic  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.  that  lie  is  a  resident  of  Posey  (Jaunty,  aforesuid:  t/iat  he  is 
acquainted  with  J^?^  O^^/^^-^  _££^zS__  ^^^-^  (£ 
_S-S=&^iL^C*Zr*st^C?^-  .-  that  he  hath  reason  to.  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of . Cc^e-^sZI^i- 
parent     or  guardian     :   that  lie  knows   n-o  lawful  reason,   why  the  said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that  the   said <^%^g^g^^- "g^  ^<£<k^C4*zu^is   a 

resident    of  said    county   of    Posey,     and-    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  daie.^-^t*    Jy^1^'    f" 

\riin«*«»    of  Vhichi   1   luive  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this    ....         <J  day  or    ^^<^^C  jsz^ 


A?/b#*  «/*.     tt^Y^T-y/,     ^J^^^A  VU:lk  o/  the   Circuit    Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  person  ally  came  In,    undersigned.  irh%  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath   saith,  that  he  is  a    resident  of 
itedjcith        J^^^^y/^- 


that   he  hath    reason  to,  and   verily  doth   believi 

the  said  /unties  to  he  of  I'lwful  u.Oa  to  iwirry. 

without  the  consent  of         ^^-^^v- 

parent     or  guardian     ;    that    he  knows    no  lawful   reason    why    the  said   parties 

should   nn/   marry,    and    Had    tin     said  ^^^S^               /??<-£— 

resident^,/'  said     County    of     Posey,    ami  has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  precious  to   ll/is  dale. 


In    TVitne***    »!   •>■*-), id,,   1   lH,ve  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  7  r     day  of  ^r^^T         iszfi/' 

S&y    &*~^^v^?Z 

fjjjjjht  ,3oia-U  -at  ^TiMana/  '^ns?ij  fc£%a%>  &£i 

Before  me,  UsSf  Sn:  sZ^J^/Z/tpf'e o/.l.'lerk  of  the  Cire/iit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid ,  personally  eame  the  undersigned .  who  being  bit  me  duly  sworn, 
u/>ou  his  oath  saith,  thai  he  is  u-^resideut  of  I'osey  Count!/,  aforesaid:  that  lie  is 
acquainted  with^^^c/..  S^W  <^c-t>^^^..     _%/    c  ^I&^&i 

/'/4>CO^  ?^  :  that  he   hath    reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

the,  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  many,  without  the  consent  ofJuX* C^eJ.^2/ 
parent     or  guardian     :   thai,   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 

should  not    marry,   and   that   the   said ^CZ^^i^     Zz&Z&T^ is   a 

resident    of  said    county    of     I'osey,     and    has    resided,    therein    for    one     mouth 
immediately  precious  to  this  date. 


_..    Ti^^i^P  ^U^^^^A^     ._ _ 

la   "Witness    of   >VI«icU,    I   hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this       *£&  day  of      ><W^g^^<S  1S%S~~~ 

UZiZ^^t-  4-.&?&&*j3:.S*/Zci  erk 

8!&<  |§iaJ4  tit  gaiiiaa*^  ?|-»s*3  £/xm7it:y„  55; 

£<?/ore  nte(j&~S*r*r  C^.ji^^^^-^C^Clerk  "/  ttc   GYreiti*   Cowrf  0/  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  name  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.  that  he  is  a    resilient  of  Posey   County   aforesaid;  that  he  is 
aa/uainted  with LfjP<^^h^o       /"?.     £^C^'-t^        ^L    >^^-g2^-^ 
_'C/  tZc^^T-  C  :  that   he  hath    reason  to,  and  verily  dotli   believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lnvfal  age  t  >  mirry.  without  the  consent  of  <-£-£•  ^?<r.«—- 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  h.e  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
sitould  not  marry,   and  that   the   said     ^-^ft/     si  '  <*~ V~ZrO  is  a 

resident  of  said  County  of  Posey,  and  has  resided  therein  for  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


In    "W&iax&sm    «>f  ""'liich,  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  &-?  dan  of      &<<£^c^  iA$J*"* 

UP*  gist*  at  g#fc$a#a>  8^&£g  §W*%  3*: 

Before  mr,(^^  C^/^d<^^^faerk  or  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  eame  the" undersigned,  who  being  bu  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that   lie  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid;  that  hebyC? 

acou^ted  with  ^^^zrr^Ck  ^V~  S&^^0?f~ 

(^/Zj2./ZC^z>c4'_/^--c~c^  :  that  lie   hath   reason  to,   and.  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of 'CeLi^&L^ 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,   and   that  the   said^^^>^±J^^C^^^J^^^^o^U,s   a 
resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date.  f~\       (~~ti~* 

Signed,  /  /^— ^      f 

IB  >y  itn«-*»   of-^'Hich*  /  kave/tiei-euuto  set  my  hand. 
Z   day  o;       ^#^2^£L_  I32vT^ 

5e/o/£  w«?,         ^^  /A      ?Z%Sjf*  '^Lderk  of  the  Circuit   Court  of  the 

upon  his  oath   s/iit/i,  tkrtt-^trrrv 

acquainted  with  °^y  \  cz        <*f-  //,*?<</ A- 

;  that   he  hath    reason  to,  runt   verili/  /loth   believe 
the  said  parties  to  ha  of  l.%wfid  age  to  marry,  witkotd  the  consent  of      &*/&r- 
parent     or  guardian     ;   tluit    he  knows    no    lawful   reason    why    the  said   parties 

rt*id,  ttf    ,./  ..itf — Cuiihti;    ..) — t'osri/r    andr-ha*    rrsirted    fui    one    »nm+k 
intittL,l><\n\<<j  /.I,  .'lulls  it)    f /in  rhrki. 

Sid, ted. 

JfaUL    tiufyvu^e  ^/fK^OtJ^ 

In   "Witu.-***    «»f   ">VliicJi.  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  ^      r       day  of      ^^p<  l$fJJ~ 


sjL  & :.-^*/<^ 

Before  me,  C^Cl^^^^f^^^^^^cr^^Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Counti/  aforesaid ,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  Count]/,  aforesaid :  tJiat  he  is 
acquainted  with  fC/f^C^-  U^-^~d^t^-^^C-c^<y  I^^T  -^C^-^u^iy 
Q}  C^^^^r-d^L^^^^  ;  that  he  hath  reason  to.  and  verili/  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  Be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  <t^&<*^z^' 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  u-ln/  the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,  and  that  the  xairb~€^Z?~2&£  (o  Cc^C^f±^(^^  js  a 
resident  of  said  county  of  Posey,  and  has  resided  therein  for  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


unto  st 

In   "Witncsiyi    of   "WHicl**   I   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this        /#  day  of       C^^^_  1S%6^ 

Jgjie  gift**  xrf  gaiiaaa,  gasxaj'  fgpnntg,  zzt  ■ 

Before  me,  L^CCc^r^  /  &~?i  /^ ^  <?  <rf  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  salt//  that  lie  is  a  resident  or  Fosey  County  aforesaid;  that  lie  is 
icquainted  with    .  /TrV>-<<. '      //       c<~  £^C*C£<2.  -/cr?^  .         ^<tf~~-Cj2--t£-_c*a_£;<^ 

acquainted  with   ,r'^ti<-<.'     //      ^  o-i-c/^-^a, 

that  he  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  beliei 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  mtrnj.  without  th*  consent  of  &^Z£Z*- 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  lie  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,  and  that  the  said  Cj£?~4--^^c~<_jl^  Cj2-*— z__<_^^,  *^Js  a 
resident  of  said  Count,/  of  Posey,  and  ha*  resided  therein  fur  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  this  <hite. 

a#zjr~  ^_      *-""'■      -}u-     -cz-y* 

I*»  "Witive*4«  of  >vhicii,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  S  day  of    J^/^c^e^  1S%S~~ 


Before  me,  C&r&br  /(  //'/^frr  A.  clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid .  ucrsonally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Fosey  County,  aforesaid:  that  lie  is 
acquainted  with  <^r  cj  A^-^-^*-      -CkZ-^1 — ^-? — ■*—    — ^— - — ~__=r___. 

,"  that  he   hath   reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  < if  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of—       £~-tUZ~*_^~ 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful  reason    why  the  said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that  the  said s     ~^*~~ ^?       ~ **  a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month, 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 



1  TT»*ne«»   ot  TTlil«Ji»  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  2        f.    -day  €£—.^*~^2.  -182$  *  7 


s2~  ^ — ^ 

J5t/oiv  u>cX^^^^.  ^^Zyr?<s/~-Clrrk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Counti/  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bi/  me  ■lulu  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he.  is  u    resident  of  Posey   County   aforesaid;  that  he  is 

uctiuainted  with    & '&£>^-<*-rJ ~L/^     st&e^^^y  ^  ^>-         o^^e.e/^ 

t/t/a    (J^H<j&£t^u3  .  that   he  hath   reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  bin- fid  age  to  ni'irry.  without  the  consent  of  <U^2£j>^- 
parent  <>r  guardian  ;  Unit  he-  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,  and  that  the  said    Cy<^ct-^~^^€^{^  ^  a 

resident    of  said     Count,/    of     Posey,    and    has    resided    therein    for   on,'    month 
immediately  previous  to  litis  date. 


epQ^o^sO^  (J_ 

In    TVUiit-*/*    of  ^VliicH,  /  have,  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  $/■  day  of     L/^^___  lb%!T~ 

(j^c^p^y  ^7^iVfc'e^1r/~  Clerk. 

Before,  w^lc^rt/^^^^^  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Counti/  u foresaid*  versonalh/  rami-  the.  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  Ins  oath  saith.  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  fount//,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 
acuuainted.  with^c^*      %?&  S^^     %C   <£^U   C^ 

that  lie   hath    reaso/i  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

>o  be.  of  lawful  age 
dian     :   that   he   k 


the  said  parties  to  he  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of. 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   kuoies   no  lawful   reason    why   the  said   partie. 

should  not   marry,   and   that   the 

resident    of  said    count//    of    Pose//,     and    has     resided    therein    for    one     month 

lined iatelij  previous   to  this  date. 

£?Z%*^X   r   .       )  Signed 

'  </    -^-^     7 

In  Witness    of  "M'liAch,  1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 
this        ^Ss'  day  of        LJ-^^t-^r  1S%6 

_&&^  W^^^Tcierlc. 

Before  me,t&£Z/.  t^~^f7^&?H&ffW Clerk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  th<tt  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County  aforesaid;  that  lie  is 
acyuauited  with  CX^^  /(j>3fffL  <%L-  //&  cSj>_^  .  ^cj.  Q2j£+^.<^^  <*_^^- 
.    £^-£<V  &Z  "      :  that  he  hath    reason  to.  and   verily  doth  believe 


the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  mirry.  without  the,  consent  of 
parent  or  guardian  :  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  win;  the  said  parties 
sliould  not  marry,  and  that  tin-  said  \£^C^C^^^-^  <sc  ^vCe^  ^i—  is  a 
resident  of  said  County  of  Posey,  and  lias  resided  tin-rein  for  one  mnnth 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

Signed,  . 

In    "Witi>esrj*   <jf  Which,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  //  day  of  Cj>'<-C^.  IS^^V 

Before  me,^^<^L^^i^'/r'^^  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.  that  he  is  a  resident  of  1'osey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  ^T^^O  <L?A^ts.  ^.X^.^,^ 
-~-e^y  C^CC^ff.  _._.;  that  he   hath    reason,  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of-£jLtL£6An*~ 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason,    why   the  said,  parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that  the  sui d ££&14&££fs>  '/{_/  \^f^X^ is   a 

resident    of  said    comity    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date.      G^^T  jfe^ZZ^  ^Z^ y^^y    ~ 
OC^c^     /&*Js^~  £/~***>  -^&iMcjJy,    &6tL^^-t^    £ZT<*S  &Ce^e^c<=:&j& — -z?.^ 

fa   "Wii-n^s*   **t  YTiiieh*   /  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

/<<S         day  of   , 

Ai/brc  »>«,  Cu-/*-*.^^   S^j^p^rd^  llf  the  circuit   Court  of  the 
Count})  aforesaid,  personally  run,,  the^indersigned,  who  being  by  mr  duly  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  saith.  thai  I,, 

ident  ofPosey   Count//   aforesaid;  that  he  is 
(2y  crc/oO;  ,  //,„/   a,-  /,„//,   ,.,r,.sW/  /„,  a7?d  verity  ,{ot/l  oelieve 

acquainted  icith       ^¥l^^. 

Ilw  said  parties  to  be  of  liu-fid  age  to  nvirry.  withoid  the  consent  of 

parent     or  guardian     .    that    he  knows    no   lawful   reason    why    the  said,   parties 

should  not  n, ami.   ami  /hat  the  said      ^Z^.f^  ^<  ~ts%r-zz/'<£>C~~^iT~f, 

resident    of  mid     County    of    Posey,    and    h, 
imineil lately  precious  to  this  dale. 

(led    therein    for   one    month 


In    TTitiK-**    of   >VliicH,  /  havcJwrcunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /^         day  of- y-^^^L-  lSt>4~ 

^&^J^Jt^^~:  clerk. 

Before  me,     CC^tS  Jr(     </yI^'j>ga^( Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

"S*  aforesaid, 

din  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

upon  his   oath  saith.   Hint    he  is  a    resident  of  Fosey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 
acquainted  with    .  ^/^^y      Ly^^/^^~    ... 

;  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  //allies  to  be  of  lawful  a  Lie  to  marry .  without  the  consent  of. (^S&r: 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why  the  said  parties 

shoal, I  not   marry,   and   that   the   said ^€^^^ is   a 

resident    of  said     county    of    Posey,     and    has     resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  dale. 

In   "Witness    of   "Which*  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  -12^    "day  of  S%tS<  lSjPcry 

Before  me,  (j^c^^-^^^/^V^r-^^^Clcrk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  bring  In/  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  lit-  is  a  resident  of  Posey  Count//  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  icith    (Qcf-^.^^c.  LX  ■'X£>o^i^i^  ~^^J^zz^~^A.  (1_^ 

i^'&'&^t/c^^- — }  .  that  hl,  jinth  ri,ason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  Lawful-  age  to  marry,  without  fli"  consent  of  <2t-ji£Z^L^ 
parent     or  guardian     ;    that   he  knows   no   lawful   reason    why    the  said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the   *«/r7"^^<*-«^-~dijC=s^<£^^<s/£_-« ^is   a 

resident  of  said  County  of  Posey,  and  has  resided  therein  for  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

Signed,  '^O^UyA     ^y/e^^1'' 

Ii*    ffitn«i!S   «»F   "tviiieh.  I  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  r  day  of- — ^^^^  '^^       1S%>^  — 

&&L--<^^^==*/^&*^^^  "Clerk: 

Before  me. ^^t€<U^^-^-^^^^^^^<^.  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  ((foresaid,  personally  came  the  under-sinned .  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,   that    he  is  a   resident  of   Posey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he.  is 

acquainted  with 

CD.  L» ■*-e-<^*^>-jt!> *~n_/  :  that  he   hath   reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.G-t-  t^cLt^- 
parenf     or  guardian     :   that  he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,   and   that  the   said  J^^^LeU^,  *A  (^te^^c*^?**-/,,..  is   a 
resident    of  said    county   of    Posey,    and-   has    resided    therein   for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

Signed,  e/^VjA      </^t^y 

"Wi*jn-e«s*»   <**  ^VHiUslt.  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

this  X  day  of  <-^CCsf^y—-         ISQtT 

<£&U^r  ^jJ^J^B^  ~cierk. 

5e/o?'c  wc.C£e^cs-i^7'\^y! k^^^^^r  <^~Clerk  0f  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid-,  personally  came  the  undersigned.,  who  being  by  me  'lull/  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,Lhat  he  is  a   resident  of  Posey   County   aforesaid;  that  he  is 

aci/uainted  with/^tyz^sicj     ■<*_     r^tU^sZ7^-ze.f  _    ^cj CT^-c^^^^e*. ■ 

tzZ—yca-zi^xS--  ■  that   he  hath   reason  to,  and  verili/  doth  believe 

Ihvsn'ul  /„ir//,s  In  be  of  I -in- fat.  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  dz^— <Z^^- 
fjareut     or  guardian     :    that    he  knoics    nv   lawful   reason    why    the  said   parties 

resilient    of  sail/     County    of     Posey,    and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 


In    IVUi.phk   «»C   TThicb.,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
dan  of  LSr^*0  ^^s^ —  i,S'S^~" 


Before  m<  :^^ce^r^y/~^^>t<^rfrP^Y<~,  Clerk-  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count//  aforesaid ,  personally  ca/ueHlic  undersigned ,  wllO  being  In/  me  'July  sworn, 

Upon  his   oath   saith,    that    In 

acquainted  with    O^- 

dcut  of  l'osei/  Count,/,  aforesaid :  that  he  is 

that  he  hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 
The  sunt  parties  tn  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of(L-C^^c2^~ 

lawful   reason    why   the  said-  parties 

diould  not   marry,   and   thai   the   said. 

resident    of  said    county   of    Pose//,    and    has'    resided    therein    for    oi/e    month 

lediately  precious  to  this  dale. 

igned,  /7y  ,  ^      ^S / 

uJlLj^^J  V,    /      Iii    v»  itnes*   «Vf  Which,  1  have  hfreuiM  set  ihr/  hand. 
^-^tl/is       y£f-  day  of^^^/z^^-        1S%*~- 

|H&*  |§i^*  vl  |to£a»a,.  ^assy  ©aunty,  55; 

.Be/ore  me/J:'{l^<^/J^-j*^7^t-^/'~~  Clerk  of  the   Circuit    Court  of  the 

Cvttnty  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  hi/  me  duly 

upon  ilia  oath  sttiti 


acquainted  icith  La 

upon  his  with  miMl.  that  he  is  a   resident  of  Posey    County    uforesuid;  that  he 

acquainted  iritk  LS^/t^^K.    ^2^^^-^fe^-t^        ^^^    S<J-f£^/l^y 

£^-<^^<_^S:  ■c^-jl^*-/'  .  iflut   ne  hath    reason  to.  and   verilu  doth  U'lit 

;  that  he  hath   reason  to,  and  verily  doVi  believe. 
the  suul  parties  to  b/ of  I  ticf  it  I  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of 
parent     or  guardian     :   that    he  knows   nojawfu!   reason    why    the  said  parties 
should  not  mat 

resident    of  sail/     County    of    Posey,    and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


try,  and  that  the  said  U^^^^f    <-^<^+  C^iz^^^.  iv  a 

■     rein     fui 

1   "Witness,    of   IVhicU,  I  have  hereunto  set/my  hand, 
this  f"^  day  of   (&Ujt£s-~~  1$%*~~~ 

u2£^^^,  O^^^^rTp  try  -~cierk. 

Before  me^^^-^Cyy^^'^^^F^^ .  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Counti/  aforesaid,  personally  canie^ifie  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.  that    he  is  a   resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid :  that  he  is 

acquainted  id 

■»». . 1 — * ■ ■ .'  that  he   liutii    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  ofs-Z-^-^  3<r 
parent     or  guardian     ;   that   he   knows   no  lawful  reason    why   the  said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said  ^^^y^  ^C..  ^^'^^^C is   a 

*&07   resident    of  said     county    of    Posey,     and.    has     resided    therein,    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


Ib   Witness    of  "Which*  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

this  /  ?  day  ot^^^^^-^       18%  b~~ 


&/»»'  ""'•  G&te*^}l6^Jp£p&*^ILa*i-k  of  the  Circuit   Court  of  tke 
Counti/  aforesaid,  personally  eaimfthe  undersigned,  who  being  hi,  me  duly  sworn, 

upon  his  oath   snith,  t/utf  he-  is  a    resident  of--**m#    Coimti/^rf+t «w,-  that  ite  is 

ac</uaiitted  with     s^t-^^s^^/?    ""v     .^//^&>-z^<s£^t       C<^s<-t 

//f&&+ss«     Jj^-t-tLj      .  timi  fus  liath  reason  t0>  and  verihl  doth  bdieve 

the-  said  parlies  to  be  of  li.wful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  ot&s~S<Z-*^ 
parent     or  guardian     ;    that    he  knoics   no   lawful   reason    why    the  said   parties 
should    UOt    a, are,/,    and    that    the    said    ^C^^ttS^    jl*^ <Z^-^ 

*    «»(  »"iiicii,  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

&  day  of    ,■>  iNSJ 

&&r^C^tj&£S&^7?a*+/-~  Clerk. 

JChe  £3ttat*  of  '^nViTiriTi,  JgB&Mj  $iam:nt^>  ss t 

Before  me,C^^^^^^/—-/^^/^^?-^f^Flerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of 

Counti/  aforesaid,  personally  came  thevindersigued.  who  being  hi/  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.  that   he  is  a   resident  of  Posey  Coiintij,  aforesaid:  that  h 



-that  lie   hath    reason  to,    and  verily  doth  believe 
tin-  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  oj\ 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    why  the  said  parties 

should   not    marry,    and    that    the    said <^2^^^(^4^^?_5i^=rty^ 

resilient    of   said     eoanty    of     Posey,     and.    has     resided    therein    for    one     month 
immediately  previous   to  this  date. 


In  Witness**   of  ">yiiic"h*  1  have  hereuMo  set  my  hand, 
this  y7  day  of  //£>7*-~ ^18^b" 

Before  me,  (L'/rfr^vrt  ■S^'&^A  C  U ,  k  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bit  me  dull/  sworn, 
upon  his  oatksaith.  """   ''  •■■■■■■,■,'    ■■>  .f    /'..--■  ■■    •:.■.■  ,       .,;,,,.,.,  „/  ■  t/laf  ne  js 

acquainted  with  5^ "^         X.  T.^^y€^p>/' '__ 

;  that  he  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  I  ncfu!  age  tj  marry,  without  the  consent  of  &-^/y6?^' 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
■      ;   ■  ^^Z~  ^_ 

should  not  marry, 

-J3**z,    JjZzG&zJ&ZZiz 

i  TTitiv«s»s»   of  "»yhich,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  fZ-tf^fday  of      <^S^fc  lSsf&, 

<g2&*£r-  t^/f  y^^^^Clerk. 

Before  me,     J^ss^r     ^A    J&^*)?^)  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Countii  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,,  who  being  ba  me  duly  sworn, 

l..'i'.  m  i  |     J  ■—  i         .     -..  ..II     d:  that  he  is 

acquainted  with 

upon  his  oath  saith,   that    In   ...  u    u-  '•>'■  m   I  .'- 

/  that  lie   hath    reason  to.   a/id  verily  doth  believe, 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  witiiout  the  consent  of S'S/y&s"^ 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   lie   knows   no  lawful   reason    why   tlce  said  parties 
should  not  marry,   and  that   the  suid y^ rrs— p*- 

resmem    of 
in&imlmtely  prnn 

d     >»n»h)    Of S 

7  U),      Jiil 

Witn««R    •  *   TTlvicix*  1  luive  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

'"day  or      <!^r/cr^O?^         l&S^V    , 

/  -^       "  day  or 

Jg'te  gtais  $1  ^ii^:,  j| '35*3  Stomal  35: 

ife/we  we,      O^r    L/£_  6mj£fS#ACL*rk  of  flu   Circuit    (hurt  of  the 

Count//  aforesaid,  personally  r-tun-e  llu  undersigned,  who  being  bit  me  izdy  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.  thai  •», 
aei/uainted  with   _  _ 


fci/i'  Uf  J'OselJ    ColUlttj    uj'OILM.r^  that  he 

the.  said  pt 

tiiat   iu-  hath   reason  to,  and  verili/  doth   believe 
the  consent  of  ./^^'/\ 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   tie  knows   no   lawful  reason   why   the  said  partus 

mi  partes  to  be  of  I -v.r fid  age  to  marry,  without 

should   not  m 


I»    WitMosi*   «r  TTiiicl»,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  ?S1    day  of        €Z?£^  i£/K~ 


Before  in e,  Cj0?*r-$%  S/S <4?^*r-<~-/\  .  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Countlj  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu  me  duly  sirorn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.   thut    i.<    brt,    i,  dd,i,/  of  I'oi,  r,  County,  iij'oi  rsirid:  that  he  is 

w  -  -■■"-■■-  -    -.^ 

:  that  he  hath    reason  to.   and  verily  doth  beliez 

'■i/uaiiitcd  with 

the  said  parties  to  be.  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of b-Ci 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    why   the  said,  parties 

nil  on lil  not   mi. 

/*W.„/    of   .... 

iml  that  the  ill  id-. 

S~iuis^.  rctihh'tf  therein  for 

tiiifljidely  pirn  on  s  U 

^m^,/C  ^igned. 

la   >Titne*«    of  IVlxicK,   1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 
this                 /£%       day  of  <^p£  l&fP^ 
<&s$/-%^-4       ^^^^r-^aerk 

Before  we,  <Os«s'  ^,  ^//^..^/f  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaul,  personally  came  tin-  undersigned,  who  bring  by  me  dull/  sworn, 
upon  his  out//  smith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquaiiitedwith       JV^.y^^rv-yXJ^r-^^^'^^-:'^     -<^^*^^^y^^Vf 

-    ^w^- -'s  .  that  he  hath  reason  t0i  and  ren/l/  doth  beifei.e 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  ltwfu.1  age  to  mtrry.  without  fit"  ousent  of  <&v*>%^ 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should   not   marry,    ami    Hint  THe    sn'nl  is~a~^ 

**Htttrtlittt\  Iff   f  ii i)  »1IH    tV    ,'.',  IV  n.l.r: 

Signed , 


>uu,  l 
this  *^/     "      '^aV  °f 

Im   TfitiK'ss   <»r  >vi.ioix,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  liaud 

Before  me,  (j^jc^c-'i^^v,  ~77^/~^y r<s-/       ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

9  ' 

Counti/  aforesaid ,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,   that    he  is  a    resident  of  J'osey  County,  aforesaid:  that  In 

yC^cr-^£X&                            :  that  he   hath    reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said,  parties  to  lie  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  (~4L£Xft£^~ 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   lie   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 
should  not   marry,   and   that   the   said-££&££ S±&£2L&£__ is^^^ 

lis  oath  saith,   that    he  is  a   resident  of  J'osey  County,  aforesaid:  that 
inted  withAA^T^-    -02^^^a^W^1_.      ^^T~  ^2^^ 


imniediately  previous  to  this  date. 



i  "Witn^Hn   «f   Which*  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this       <J? /   '**       day  of    t>0^—^ —  1S%^  ~ 


€<^  Clerk. 

gglu  gtut^  at  |3n£iiatta>  'pzzzx\  ©aunt 

3*  $3£ 

0/ Mr   Circuit   Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  iume  m,   u,n,n si^,,,t,,  ,,  ,tl,  uciriu  i 

upon  hi,  oath   saith.  that  In-  is  a    reside/tffi^lkf  Count,,   -feli^;  that  he  is 

acquainted  with  ~^£/cA/l^c<    yC^  <yf  y^y      ^Jy^^^^Jt    C^-^^L^- — 

Ay  '  '7  ' 

.  CS/r&t  ^<r-^\^-  :  that   he  hath   reason  to,  and   verili/  doth   believe 

the  sunt  parties  to  In-  oj  l-vvful  age  to  marry,  .without,  the  consent  of  (£yy??£Z>— 

parent     or  guardian     ;    that    he  knows   no    lawful   reason    why   the  saiil  parties 

o./7       Ay/        ■    s?~    '  '%r*S-~- 

should  not  >n« in/,   and   that   the  ,w»l  ^«  ''  /<;^6'-'A  <  ^t/  is   a 

resident    of  sunt     County    of    Posey,    and    has    resided   therein    for   one    month 
In   TVUiiosk   of  -wi.ioli,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

tins      ?  r 


lay  of > 

-y/  €/-  j  <.  s^ 



'    Before  me,  tkyyyryy  L//J&&zZ£cZ> S^/^,  <  'lerk  of  the  <  ircitit  Court  of  tin 

wunti/  aft 


ier/uuinted  with 

init/ti,  came  Hie  undersigned,  who  being  hi/  me  dull/  sworn, 
'.//on  his  oath  saith. ^  that    he  is  a   resident  of  rS**  County,  (^  *»•**!:  that  he  is 

,;  that  he  hath  reason  to,  and,  verily  dotlt  believt 
he  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  many,  without  the  consent  of *  GyZZjLi^ 
ntrcnt     or  guardian     .    that  lie   knows   no   lawful  reason    irlnj  the  said  parties 

thould  not   marry,   and   that   the   saidjC&^^^^^^^a^^i is   a 

Resident    of  said    county    of     Posey,    and    has.  r, sided,    therein    /or    one    month 

<y  cfh£c^    if^/jyCA  a-f^ce^  c^-<  yy  _ 

niuiediatelu  precious   to  this  date.      ^^    ^^TST^'^' ^^^ 

In  "Witxness    of  >YJiioH,  1  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand. 
this  J^-f  day  of     ^^2^-*=^      13%£ 

HP*  gjaJ*  $:  gjji&iaaa.,  jggwtij  gaming,  52: 

Jfe/W  ««;,  t&^Urt  i<y/^; ?/<*■? r^Y^citrk  o/  the  Court  of  the 
Count]/  aforesaid,  personally  tame  the  undersigned,  who  being  In/  me  duty  sworn, 
upon  his  oatit  nfciMr,  that  he  is~d*Tesident  of  fuse:/   County   aforesaid:  that  he  is 

acquainted  with «^?  ^-r>-^;yc?  *r  <?Se  ^z^v  a^c^      <^-^<*2l^^sSr«r*g  b^ 

'^Z-^g-La'  ;  that   he  hat//    reason  to,  and   verily  doth   believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  l%wful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of<^^Z-s7^~ 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
slwuld  not  marry,   and   that  the  said  ^^P^^^&a^      y^yy'^jf  ^   a 

resident  of  said  County  of  Posey,  and  has  resided  therein  for  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

Slgln  it , 

i»,  I  iiave 

".I    of         ..■*: 

"Witness   of   >Vl.icU,  I  hw-e  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  ^f  day  of_       ^^= 

Before  me,U>&*  ?<^f.  k/fS^f^ ?  <*-/  ~  clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Counti/  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  ht/  nie  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.  that  he  is  a  resident  of  1'osey  County,  aforesaid;  that  be  is 
acquainted  with^A^^ ^4-  "^ <-^l^< c^^_/  y^cJ .  Cj&^z^^J 
._  (J\Q~t>?c£*£JL^--££7  ■  that  he   bath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said,  parties  to  be  of  I awful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.  C£L-e^<7l^ 
parent     or  guardian     ;   that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said^c^Cc^^r^c,  (/->*-  S&^Lj  v^g> js   a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date.     a*<  J~/ULi/     /£i   <^s*-^z^Z^  ct^  \  'c^^zi 
.77^2-ey    .  Signal,  /  s,   .  aL^t^C-T^  c_/  oc^ryC 

la   "Wita***!*    of  IVlvit-K,   /  iuive  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this        /  L^~        day  of     C^^^ — ..  1S%£ 

,e^f~~     aerie. 

£e/br«  /Me,  iU&S^r'C  /c  ^t^^J^t^ievk  of  the   circuit    Court  of  th, 

County  aforesaid,  /lersonally  came  the  undersigned,  alio  being  by  me  ./it///  sworn, 

\a ,;.  t 

upon  his  oath   saith,  thai  lie  is  a    resident  of  Fosey    County    aforesaid;  that  he  is 

inted  with     „  k^L     S^/c%  ?^y' f  ^/  s^^y  ^£ 

that  lie  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
thc  soul  /jartics  to  be  of  If.vfu.l  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  <~£Lz£ZIZ^- 
parcnt  or  guardian  :  that  he  knows  iiolaivful  reason  why  t/ie  said  parties 
should  not  main,,  and  that  the  saidj^. .«  J^^&7-i^(^^y  (^2^is  a 
resident    of  said     County    of     Fosey,    and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 

dialely  previous  to  this  date. 


Q     Q 

m  JL ,  k  ^ 

In    'TTitiK-**    of   M'liicli,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
day  of      C^k^.^  1S^C 



Before  nuC^^^-Zi^s^/Z^y^^  .  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count//  aforesaid ,  personally  caiu&rhe  undersigned,  who  being  1///  me  duly  sworn, 
//yon  his  oath  saith.  that  //e  is  a  resident  of  Fosey  County,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  witty---/ <^~7iU-+-     v^  <2?  *?<^~        Z5=t/„   <^C-&^:  ^i,    ^%0££ 

:  that  he  hath  reason  to.  and  verily  dotlibetieve 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lairful  age  to  mart//,  without  the  consent  /if^&c^i^^-— 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   lie   knows   no  laivful   reason    why   tl/e  said  parties 

should  not   marry,   and   that   the   so i :d J^C^Z^^ <^-^^^t2s~~_  is   a 

is    resided    th(%in    f< 


resident    of  said    county    of    Fosey.     and    has    resided    thefyin    for    one    mouth 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


alBMTOji   ^Mrc^L^'kL? 

la   "Wit ues*    of   ■>VHic'h»    I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 



this  /  day  of^ry/Loc/^.  18%£ 

£e;W  y//#f  (i:tU^jiy/  ^i/^Tif/  clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count;/  aforesaid,  /jersonully  catnevfi*  undersigned,  who  bring  bi/  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saitlt.  Uud  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  Count//  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  Sjf'^Z)   Q&Z&t^t/a^      ^^J~~~~gd<x~o^    tf. 

v/-<£e  i^uoa^^^  :  that  he  hath  mason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said,  parties  to  be  of  liwful  age  t ,  marry,  without  t!>p.  consent  of'  <^<-<£2fe^ 
parent  or  guardian  :  that  he  knows  no  hucful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  nucrry,  and  that  the  said*~?<Z£*'4^/  *i>£~(/^g^>7~zts  u:-ca-^ _-ts  a 
resident  of  said  Count;/  of  Posey,  and  has  resided  therein  for  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  tins  <  I  at  ep~0^lc™*^/ ~~~  ft^fcz-'  9^/^  f£^27^^ 
I  ■    Signed  7  /->        t 

*™  TFitn«-?6S   of  Which,  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /" a  duir^y^y  2S%>(o 

Before  me,  C<T?<S?  S?,  g/ss/rr^c^A .  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Countii  aforesaid,  personally  eame  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  m,e  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,   th,,t    In   is  a    >,_.-idtUt  o/    l'u.s,.y  Cvttnhr:  a/,,,rrxaid:  that  hy  i,u 

acquain'ed  with 

—!r^r—y      —  ?  ztluithcliatli    reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

tke-mr&  parti,<.i  tu   hi    u/    /mi /)i/  ii/m   mull,/.    ICllhuUt   Ihe  ruVSei^-iyf- 


pa^ut OX     ■niarilaio        ■     /'•••<+  '■  I     '', n     i„,     I,,,,',,/     ,,.,.,,. i      ir'lll     ),',-■     ■  ■,,,,,'     ....VI,, 

should,  not   marry,    and    Uud  Ui£    mid _r,/jj   n 

mmdetrt    vfsrrtd    county    <,)'  rose;/, — llhtl  has    resiaeu    TTTerem    for    one    7777777777 — - 

immed Intel y  /u-erinus   to  tins  auTe. 


J/jz/ eA^£-t^Z- 

Ht   at  "*vuie*»»  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 
this  ^7    ".       day  of      ^/^^  18^^, 

£e/o»e  me,  C6x£tn<r^^7$2^j?£^_Zclerk  of  the   Circuit    Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  mine  tfie  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  dull/  sworn, 
upon  his  oath,  sait/i,  that  he  is  a   resident  of  Posey   County   ((foresaid:  that  lie  is 
aci/uainted  witlr-<Jst£jfcJz£^e^    &Y?Z~<Z£-<^jm*4^        ^gjQ^  J~Z^cc_, 
-     /rZ£-*U^*--e^c.<?  .  that   he  hath    reason  to.  and  rent/,  doth   believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  oj  liw/'a'  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of 
parent     or  guardian     :   that    he  knows   no   lawful  reason   why   the  said  /unties 
should  not  marry,   and  that  the  said    0<~  ^~^<^C^^    /rc££l &-e^c«?    js  u. 
resident    of  said     Count;/    of'     Posey,     and    has    resided    /herein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

In     ffi »s    of   >Vliicl».    I    have  hereunto   set  my  hand, 

of      t^^f  ^^y^~  26'S  C 
/      6&^rL^/y^-^^>^-S~       Clerk. 


this  '/  day 

/,'  ^ 

Before  mef^^:-^C^^^^&^^~7 Clerh  or  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count//  it  foresaid,  personally  en  me  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  mr  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
aei/uaij^-d  with    /^^p5^z^^>  t^^  £2^1^^ 

.  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  verily   doth  believe 
the  suit/  parlies  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  t ifJ^L&ZZ^z^ 
parent     or  guardian     ;   that   he   knows  iioUucful   reason    why   the   said  parties 
should  not   marry,   and   that   the  said-^^^^t^^^^Zj^O^^^^^^L.  is   a 
resident    of  said    county    of     Posey,     and    has    resided,    therein    for    one     month 

immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


'/V  .', 

'    '  In   ">Viliic>*>»    «>f   IVKicHj  1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this     ^^^  day  of  cCMp^^>^  1S<^ 

.Be/ore  me,C&£6#Z<riS/  SJZZ&V&trf.  Clerk  or  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid ,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bi,  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  <l  resident  of  Fosey  County  aforesaid ;  that  he  is 
acquainted  withy^^Y  '/f/L  .£?>*-?  >V  j^^c^c^^S  i/Jot^/^l 
;  that  he  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
t/ie  said  parties  to  he  of  luvful  age  t  >  mrtrry.  without  tlm  consent  or'  G*.SZZ7Z- 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
slwuld  not  marry,   and  that   the   said    /*0£^u^u^  .*\_)  iZZct^ct  IS  a 

resident    of  said     County    of    Posey,    and    has    resided   therein    for   one    month 
immediate!,,  prions  to   thy  date.    &     ^^'T^^^f^^fC- 

In.   TTiti»«»<*)*   of   Mliich,  /  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this     /(j      ,luy  of  £Zzf#>*s     is%c 


Before  me,  C^^^^^^^^^^f  ^^/^7€lerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count//  aforesaid,  personally  came  thr  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Fosey  County,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  frt£f't&^^    ^C^^L^^^l^-i^        ^*£^  C^U^ci. 

_JF^t^££fc<^<^c^  :  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  eerily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.    <^-^^}<' 
•parent     or   '■usird.ian     :   that   he   knows   no   lawful  reason   why   the   said   parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the  saiiTr^y^^^^  S^t^StZrt^z^ U   a 

resident    of  saiil    county    of    Fosey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  precious  to  this  date. 

Signed,       ^Cx^iuL-i  '  j/c-XU-r? 

Xm.  TfYitm*****    «*?  Whiciu   1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  ^T^     day  or   ^J^-  ^*^~         1S%& 

Cj^^c^~^^^y/\^S^^y'^ e  ^        Clerk. 

ggj«  |uu  iS  pr&iana*  ||as*3  ©.aunt;;,.  $5: 

Before  we.  CC//^/y^,  ^>^^e^/f_  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Connti/  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  mc  dull/  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a   resident  of  Posey   Countij   u foresaid:  that  he  is 

y/uaiuted  with  o^t^f^f  CJ& 


he  said  inn-ties  to  he  of  1-iwfiU  age  to  marry,  flic  consent  of       t£/£* 

Unit   lie  hath    reason  to,  and   verihi  doth   beli 

dmuld  not  marry,   and  that  the  said  ^e^e^ig^s^ 

parent     or  guardian     :    that    tie  knows   no   lawful   reason    why    the  said   parties 

is   a 

resident    of  said.     County    of     Cose/,,    mid    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  precious  to  this  date. 

In    Wit  no**    or  "VFii>cli.  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  str"   day  of  '-^7^e/    iiV/^ 


0^^^  c  x^Avy^^^  *~^\ 

Before  me,  C&OUr^i^c^&t^r'f' £<r/  ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 
acquainted  with<^6^r?y^^    //      02^c^-£Z  K     y^^e^t  '     j^W^~t£^ 

:  that  he  hath    reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of...  &^/Ce^^- 
purent     or  guardian     :   that   lie   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 

should  not   marry,   and   that   the   suidj^^^^o'   /^L^-^-C       ^ is   a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,    and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


In   "M'itiie**    or  "iYhicIiji  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 


day  off<^^-^-^  H 


Jgi*  Juti  a;  |h&.iaaia„  Hxi.sttj  jaunty,  SJ$ 

.Be/ere  »»e,  ^X^t-</.^  t/ajSf+/  Clerk  <>/  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  Count//  aforesaid:  t/iut  he  is 
acquainted  with      /A^'S^*-~      JfeZ&t*^     C%f  &a^As    ^& 

{f-Z't^Jo  :  that  he  hath    reason  to,  and   verily  dotli   believe 

%e  said  parties  to  be  of  1'iwful-  age  t  •  marry,    i  i    'i  '  , , 

Iflfreiit     i>r   <.»;■>■"'''">■■      ;    tliat    lie  knows    no    lawful    reason    why    the  said   parties 
should  not 

r   riu±Ujliuii      ;    that    lie  knows    no   lawful   reason    why    the  so 
ot  marry,   and  that   the   suid£<^e-£fy  Jrl^/^yzJ? 

resident    of  sou/     County    of     Posey,    and    lias    resided    therein,    for   one    month 

immediately  precious  to  this  date.  ,  r  j  / 

Signed,  n    j  S  s~ 

Which.  /  have  hereunto  set  > 
day  of         g£^~ 
C^£*C*^^  <~*</^'^~^4a-9-*^  Clerk. 

In   fYltti«<««    of   "Which,   /   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /J~~         day  of         ^^4^~      2S%4 

Before  me  ^<^^^c^V  ^^T^V^cT/  ~]~Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  vie  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.  that  he  isa  resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 
acy^yedivWi^^^f^  l^eVc^^'  *%&<£  UZ&^^rfi 
i  JuL(Hr^£j     "...  ;  that  he   hath    reason  to,   anil  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  vfS4^-^»r 
parent     or  guardian — ;   that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    why   the  said  part 
should  not  ma 
resident    of  said     county    of    Posey,     and    lias     resided    therein    for    one    month 

rry.   and   that   the   said OO^C^A^^^  (/\  #^&t^6> 

•y,     and    h 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

//  la  WIt«««!*   <*t   WH4eIt*  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

*  this         J£  day  of    (^/f^f^-  1S&& 


Before  me.  Ui>CC^ri^^A^^/^rar£^_  t'[,  ,-k  of  the  Circuit   Court  of  th, 

County  aforesaid,  personally  came  Hie  uudt 

dent  of  Pi 

d,  n-lio  being  I >'ii  me    lull/  sirorn, 

unity    aforesaid;  that  he  is 

ae.piaiutedwithJ^/^Z^^^^      jO^So      ^^<T^/C_^     ^2^> 
/yfauzc&64,    /'Z&C<!'6&4^s>S'  .  that   he  hath    reason  to,  and  verily  doth   believe 
I  parties  to  he  of  /vrftil  age  to  unrry.  without  the  consent  oi^-^^iZ^ 


should  not  marry,    anrLpltut   the   said  /M<f^C<c*>f,    /^OcSti^c^ 

and   flats     resided,    therein     for    one 

dialely  p'ri 

ta    litis  dill, 




Ij»    -ft-Uucs    of   ->ri.  icli,  /  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
day  of       d^kV^~  1S&£ 


3Jh*  pX^Xz  nf  |07i'Mart.a,  ^as^ij  .£  aunty 

Before  me, 

"r,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  jjcrsonnlly  came  the  undersigned,  who  being'  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his   oath  suith.    thai    he  is  a    resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid :  that  he  is 

aei/uaiutcd  with         y^^^^ 

:  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe.-? 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  tiie  consent  of. 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    why  the  said  partlt 

ry,   and   that   the   said 


resident    of  sai 

1    county    of    Posey, 

aid    has    resided    therein    for    one    mouth 

immediately  pit 

vioas  to  this  date. 


J-  2  2U— ^  _ 

In   Witness    of  1Vhicl*»   I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 
*      dm,  of       <^i^^^         lSlf^. 

/^  v   ^    J//  -  / 

Sefortt  me,  (d^^f^-r-  /!,_  i//'^/^/^  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid]  personally  oame  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  dull/  sworn, 
upon  hi*  oath  with,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Fosey  County  aforesaid:  that  he  is 
acquainted  with         ,J^r/^«-f      <£6$f*~&t      <7~  c/^-~-*         d^^r.t    O 

;  that   lie  hath   reason  to,  and  verily  doth   brieve     7 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  i'jbwful  age  to  ni'orry.  without  the  consent  of         &-<  S/£r  ^ 
parent     or  guardian     ;    that    he  knows    no   lawful   reason    why    the  said   parties 
sfiould  not  marry,    and   that   the   said  CX^-^U^-o  ^   a 

resilient    of  said     County    of     Posey,     and    has    resided    therein,    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

-j^?^  Y  •^^ia 

i6n*_-«^   <*J5  V'h(«h,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

jw  f-  dZ^c     1S7rd^ 

^^ya^f     clerk. 

/97S     ■  /^  ^~  jr——      '— 

Before  me,  (Jc'sC^Crg^-<-sZ -Y^t^t??^ t&f Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid .  personally  came  the  undersioned .  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saitli.  that  he  is  a  resident  of  i'osey  County,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with    O^^s^l^jls    ^S^i^^^-      ^^f    ^^jZ£y 

//O 0~YCj^j>-~- ;  that  he   hath    reason  to.   and  eerily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  G-^-^^c^i^ 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason,   why   the   said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that-  the   said.   tSsjZcZs     /cJ/Z^fejL^- — ■ ,;v   u 

resident  of  sard  county  of  Posey,  and  has  resided  therein,  for  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

la   ^Vit»»S«*   «»'   WUiel*#   1   hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
^    Z-  dan   0fi^y^~7^-  18?>£ 

this        -^~  ^~~  day  ., 

vl  h  (f 

U!     %r--k  of  the  Circuit   Court  of  the 

■ -^>I'  r    ;V    >i    j  ,;ho  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
.».*  v.-  s    ^.  v       J  ««///   uforesaidj  that  he  i° 


$to,  and  verily  doth   believe 

If*     ; 


-axon   why   the  said  parties 
ubl  not  marry,   and  that  the  said^Ttr/a    W' -  r^S^'^C^  is  a 

dent    of  said     County    of     Posey,    and    has    resided    therein    for   one,    month 
ilea lafcly  precious  to   tins  date.  /*"    c<-1   t(--.^< 


/?<+  *  -«  <.  u  j-\  <*,"   'yT  7  - ■  &  <%> 

In    IV it  11  «»»«   of  >riiieh,  /  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  ^~+  day  of  -     <?V~£  c-£t^  A-^r_   26"%  ^> 

teZ<:*rlr'<~^f.  :  'i/t/^-yfer/  ~"     Clerk. 

Before  me,  <Q^S//[     ^ 'iZ^e^t     ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned-,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

upon  his   oath  saith,    U*~i    '■•  _■•         ■      i  '  ■    I      -/-.,.  /■ ,f £  ^j  .  that  j/(j  ^ 

«/<UH»*ri  a«M  ^^ZL^sZti^- 

:  that  lie   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  bet 
trft  to  be.  of  lair  fill  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of       ^^ 

the  said  partrm 

parent     or  guardian     .    that   he   Icnotrs   u-ojjncful   reason    why   the  sa 

should   not    marry,  mul  -H '    t'm ',/  t  ^T^V*  -   a  g  L^ '  l.1   ,'    g  "" 

irf  parties 

Se/b/v  we,    £&&?£  "".     <&f  &f  <*"-/{  Clerk  of  the   Circuit  Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  runic  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  Ids  oath   saith,  tti+ti   '••<    \.<   <\ — 1 1  ...  n   > /     /'  »•<■<>    '•  '•  u    I  ,<      y  '  :,i-.  that  in   is 

d  with   ^,y .  ^s^rs  S<r-/S*/  /    e^SrtzoO^ 


.  ;  that   lie  hath    reason  to.  and   verily  doth   believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  nrirri/.  without  the  consent  of     trs S5&f\ 
parent     or  guardian      ;    that    lie  knows    uo   lawful   reason   why   the  said   parties 

should  not  marry,    i nl.fl     '    r~" — titt^  io  <<■ 

uxside/it    itf    mid — CtrnntiJ    nf — — rmW — lm* — n  .uu'i  ir    fetwi — fm — urn      month 

immeduiUdu  mad '"  »<<<<    rfnivz 


4^  2M4-L. 

,   "Witness    <sF   YVhicH,  I- have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  y^  '     day  of  "  <y%**V  *&*       IS"/') 

'#?0?7y/,      i^y^y^rf£^r-r\       clerk. 

Before  me,L&&<  ^^y^<^^^^  7  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sicorn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.  thyt  lie  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 
acquainted  witl^/^^T^^^:  yT'^^JU^  ^rj  &c^^^^ 
,£jL^^-S^)-Z--~^c--<r   ^c  ■  .  that  he   iiath    reason  to.   and  verily   doth  beliere 

the  said  parties  to  lie  of  lawful  age  to  many,  without  the  consent  ofCa^^SZ^--: 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  lie  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,  mid  that  the  saidy^U^^cr^ra^^^- KJ  ^h^&^^^^-is  a 
resident  of  im-M  county  af  Besay,  and  has  resided  therein  for  one  mouth 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


kJ&  _  %fcZj*de>  >_ 

Ib  TS'itnetis    of  >VliicH»  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this         2^  day  of 

Before  me.  &Ss*<SSS/t  S/Z&efa&frcierk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  hi,  me  /til//  swum, 
upon  //is  oath  saith,  that  he  is  ,,  resident  of^  1'osey  County  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with     ^7C  •   ^^^-~-t^^S^^^<?^^__ 

C7&&?"  ■  /'^/^Sf?  r    .  ///,//   he  hath    reason  to,  and  verili,  dothbelierx 
///r  said  parties  to  be  of  li.wful  age  to  marry.  tvithotU  the  consent  of       £*S%Lt- 
parent     or  guardian     :    that    he.  knows    no    lawful   reason    why    the  said  parties 
should.  //,„'  marry,   ,>W   Hnri   ,/„    -.,,,'/-  /  -nrrr- 


qC^o^  %^22kr. 


Jn    fVitin-ais    of  -vriiioii.  I  have  here/into  set  my  hand, 
/9^day  of.     ^&^-^X      lS2f/? 

S&,  &-?*4&&Z. 

Before  me,  /£%rt^>K     ^S%^*^f Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

(I,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

.    resideijtof  Posey  County,  aforesaid:  that  lie  is 

Coauttj  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  ai/de 
upon  his  oath  saith,   that    In 
aei/aainte/l  with 

:  that  he  hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  witlioat  the  consent  of. (SS^ZZ^r^ 

should  not  marry,  and  that  the  said ^^^^^^^}^^^^K:_is  a 

resident    of  sai/l    county    of    Posey,    and-    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 

immediately  previous  to  litis  daft. 


C/JU-yJzAj    JqmJJj$'„ 

In   "Witness*    of   >VliioJ*«   1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

.Be/ore  »*«,  O  /^A^^  yV.  /yY^T^^C^i^k  of  tlie  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bi,  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  uatli  saith,  that  he  is  a  resilient  of  Posey  County  aforesaid:  that  he  is 
acf/uaiuted  with  ^^^^^S&SjZ?  ~~^  <^^^  ^^/^ s^frj?s^< 

that   h-e  hath    reason  to,  and   cerihi  dotii  believe 

the  suid  parties  to  be  of  fateful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of     <£+^^ ^ 
parent     or  guardian     ;    that  >. he  fouoics    no   lawful   reason    why   the  said,   parties 
should  not  marry,  awL4ktd  tin    *nid  fe-xt. 

rrgjdrnf   nf  muI    County  of   iW.y,    and    Iiuj,    im'-ihu   t/uniiu    ibi    oiui   hlbhth 


.   Witness   of   Which,  J  //are  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  '        ' 


Counti/  aforesaid,  personally  came  Hie  unders 

upon  his  oath  saitli,   that    he  is  a   resident  of  Posey  Vomit;/,  aforesaid:  that  I, 

'A*  C^^s-i-o  :  thatshe   liatli   reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believt 


acquainted  with 

Clerk  of  the  Cirruit  Court  of  the 
<l .  who  being  bit  noe  duly  sworn, 

4LC  (t-CJLs.ct-C^ 

he  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  »u 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   be   knows   no   lawful 

1  c^lt-t-e^.^. 

without  the  eon  sent  nf  (O/^So 

why   the  said  parties 

y*       '  ^    '/yr- 

should  not  marry,  and  that  the  staid.e*—C4~&A^*uzra  Jf^XJ  ce^r^? ,A.   a 

resident    of  said,    county    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  precious  to  tins  date.     ^f ^/A^^ ~~A^ -«fcr  &y«r  ZZf«^~ 
'       Signed 

-/!<£  &*** 

*VliicJ»»  I  have  hereunto 
day  of    ^4^^-e, 

Is   *Witjne«*»   «**   "^"ii-icJa*   I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /  2^"  day  of    ^^*~t^o*C  lSiy 

Se^OT'e  »«?,     <Z<&z~7?-t^,\     C??'f/&f^r Clerk  of  the   Circuit    Vourt  of  the 
Couuti/  aforesaid,  personally  rttme  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu  mc  dull/  sworn, 

u/jun  his  oath  saith,  tUut  .'d... — ■   ,  v,n,'  hi  ■>/  dm  >±   i'diui^ — ,f,» h>:,^  that  he  is 

acquainted  with 


that   he  hath   reason  to,  and  veriln  dotli   beliere 

llir  sunt  j,tivtyfi  to  be  uj  1-t.wfa.l  age  to  ni't.rrij.  without,  the  consent 

parent     or  guardian     :    that    be  knows    no   lawful   reason    why    the  said   part 


mi     rrm     resided — iiieeehi — fm — rrrrr — month 


J"    TTi  t  no*.*;    iif  ^Vliich,  /  //are  hereunto  set  nuj  hand, 

this  /& 

I  at/  of 


s<W-z-*~-c/, . 


Be/ore  me,  ^^i^V/^f/^  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count//  aforesaid ,  ijci  sunnily  came  the  undersigned ,  irho  being  bu  me  dull/  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  be  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with      ^2^L^>    ^t-^c^yC  _J%ef_       y^^^tl  €>U^<S 

tJ?  t^-^^Z-^P  ■'  that  lie   liutli    reason-  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  pa.rties  to  be.  o/  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  LP-^TAj-^' 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   lie   knows   no  lantfkdm  reason    why   Cue  said  parties 

resident    of  said    count//    of     Posey,     and    has     resided    therein    for    one    mouth 

immediately  precious  to  this  date. 


m^}t<^^  (/Lu^^ 

In   •Witness    <vf   "WUicH,   1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand 

this  <£     ^~        day  of  {^^^^  i<Sg  "7 





.Be/b7t;  ine,CUt^z^T-<.77L^/-<^/^jrr^/  Clerk,  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  icho  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  ortt-ft  saith.  that'/nrfs  a  resident  of  Futtey- County  n foresaid ;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with   O&h:  ^k~  £  '  '1__L;~  ■» '  ' '-  >" »  *>   CJ^^&^c^-  c^a^cn^^ 

^J  C5& J<x  /r*~JC  xU^CT-    ..  that   he  hath    reason  to,  and   verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  I'twfid  age  to  m-'trry.  without  the  consent  of  ta^<!&I^ 
parent     or  guardian     ;    that    he  knows    no    lawful   reason    why    the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said    C^^^l^i^^T    -0£z-^£r  jg  u 

resident    of  said     County   of    Posey,    and    lias    resided   therein    for   one    month 

immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


Qm  W&QClL 

In  "  <*T  ITHieU,  1  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  -Zcf  day  of    C  y^^&  IShy 

/^ge^^-Lsfc '  J&zSZyr ■s-*±/~~'  Clerk. 

Before  me,(j^t^^r-cy/^£^i/^^£^^^.   Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  icho  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,   that    he  is  a   resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 
acquainted  with      <5Z/^c^y    OU^^^e^    Sc//L£^i^s ,       *<ee~C^ 
C^^^fH.     t/K^&e^cr-^J,  :  that  he   hath    reason  to,    and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  Cl^d*^*-- 
parerit     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful  reason    why  the  said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the  said—Lz^^^&td^J^^CZ^ is  a 

resident    of  suit/     county    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


^^au-t  7<°  ^^$w-; 

iM'TFItite'**   «f  >Vhtc-H»  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this       C&O    *~        day  or       <^£^^>  1SZ7 

5e/07V  uh&£^^  fl LTVlsCrp  j>^       ^/(,/Vi.  Qf  thi,  CircuU   CouH  of  the 

r  guardian     :    t/uit    lie  knows    no    lawful   reason    why    the   said   parties 
loald  not  marry,   and   that   the   said  ~-i^<r?-<*^&£>c^<^^-*-^ — ■  is  a 

■si, hut    of  said     Coin, lij    of     Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
nmcdialely  previous  to  this  dale. 



In    TVitiie**    oJE  >riiioii.  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  ^ '  day  of        ^^^<  is%y 


Before  nieU^i^-^^?  (^7 , .^'~ -5- /**!>■  r*f  ~~ r  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid. 

illy  came  the  undersigned,  wlw  being  by  me  duly  sworn. 

upon  Ins  „iith  saith,   that    he  is  a   resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid :.  that  he  is 
ae./iiainfed  with  //  Cty^/j It^ZZ^rjf  /~^_J.    Cj>^-  r  «       ^r^C&^-J 

:  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  <LtLc-^ZZZZ> 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 
should  not   marry,   and   thai   the   saidX^><^&-^- 
resideut    of  said    eoinity    of     Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one    mouth 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


lit   "Witness    oX   "tVHicIx,  J  liarejiereunto  set  my  hand, 
this         /u  18%  7 


2gft*  £>lnlz  zi  ga&iaaa,  ifaj*}]  %maig>  s*: 

Before  m&,  \£&{^ ? lS/  J£/'/a/£<?7  Clerk  oj  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
■County  aforesaid,  personally  cani^t/i-e  undersigned,  wJw  beiiig  by  me  duly  sworn, 
Mpan  his  oath   saith,  that 

acquainted  i. 

with     //£&S£jX^<   -fytT-zrz^^tz^*/      ^/    'JyZfo-rzZ^ 

tfluOsyU 'pZrz^lUM  J  ;  that   he  hath   reason  to,  ami  verily  doth   believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  tlbe  consent  of  (MZZ£Z^~ 
parent  or  guardian  ;  t/uit  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  nut  nutrry,  and  that  th-e  said  ~^&rz£-^/ZkJ&>  /jfr7Tz<r7^c^*/  is  a 
resident  uj  mer&~ County  "/in"  -  and  has  resided  therein  far  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

*■  "Witn**fi*^*»t  ^Tiiitii.  I  have   'Hereunto  set  my  huiid, 

this  "^V  day^rr--rL~/u-C^<y  1^>~1 

'^•f       Clerk. 

Before  me,         &&&*<?{ .7^^^\j/erk-  of  the  I  bruit  Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  eam-e  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saitlt,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid ;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  J^^^P^3^^^     J^^^^ ^0^  *S**rji4U 

;  that  he   hath    reason,  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

tlie  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  witiiout  the  consent  of..  -^"-'^V^— 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and  J  hat   thefaid  tf^sJ    -, — ??~-?-^_ *#-« 

resident  ^of  oahl — cmttttg  of — Posey,  and  hatfi^rsided.  therein  for  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


j£-  ^C  ^^c 

Trtitiie*-.    of   ytlxitih.*  I  luive  lieumntp  set  my  hand. 

this  /      "        (/rt'>*/_</^/  lsW/f 

gjfu  JotaU'sl  Qnbinxw,.  ;TJS5ey  Gianni  g,  -$$: 

£fi/ore  ,**,'   ^^T  X^^f^/_CU,i<  of  the.    Circuit    Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigiierL  who  being  biijnc  luly  sworn, 

— „  ,M        Tk^t?  A^~?.  :  t  ~77~  

^C^-zt*-^*^- —  -  ti/iit   he  hath   reason  to,  and  verily  doth   believe 

frrrrrm     ,,i    rrmmirmt     .    that    he  known    no    lawful   reason    why  the  said   /unties 

should  vol   marry,   „,jjj    ',',    i    ■■ *,/        '- /O^^-?  ^^ 

re8iilrntijt£     Coin////    of    fiu*uj     and    has    resided    therein  for   one    month 
iimucdiulehj  precious  to  this  dale. 

J&A.     * ^  ^ 


In   YrUiicw*    of   -\viiicu.  /  //(/i-t.  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  &&^<lay  of^t/^y?  1S7?Z 

JCh?  Hint*  xlT  ^yibizinsi,  Jg<:s*g  jSfouttiij;  ££i 

/,V/b/r  »ie,  G-'tsfr  //.  j/y*/' /frff^/f  clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  o)  the 
Counfi/  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,   that    he  is  a   resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 

acquainted  with 


'ZpjuryJ^     6??  ^<&t?s<:  s£*e  <?■£    t/        <^r£. 


</f£es -&*<■  :  that  he  hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

he.  said  parties  to  he  oj  lair/ul  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of f*  '■**• -*■ 

parent     or  guardian     .    that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    why  the  said  parties 

should   not   marry,   and   that   the   said V^^T^fe^ is   « 

resident  Jof  said    run  nil/    of    I'-ftsfy.^  and.    has    resiiud    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  dale. 
^t%*J~  Signed.  y?         ^C'       . 

In  "^Vititesw   of   IVhlchj   1  Juice  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /if*    "   day  of  ^^W^^^i&j/^ 

Be/ore  we,  d&%*^!j?fc&&**\cUirk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  cume  the  undersigned,  who  bein*  hu  vie  duly  sworn 
upon  his  oath   saith,  that  he  is  a    resident  of  -^W#- County,. ufuresuid ;  that  he  is 

:  that  Ic  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  l-xwful  age  t  >  rn'irrij.  without  the  consent  of  <£<-*£& ^ 
parent     or  guardian     :   that    he  knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the  said  ^T^-^-^'j  is  a 

resident    of  said     Count//    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  precious  to  this  dale. 

To   frttnomm   »f  TriH„h.  I  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 


/f^daurof        c^y^A  1Sfy 

Before  me,    {C^/^f/fZ  t^^/fy?*  f"-/\  clerk  of  the  <  in  ait  Court  of  the 
Counti/  aforesaid ,  personally  eume  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
that    he  is  a   resident  of  l'ospy  i 

upon  his  oath  saith,   that    he  isy.   resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
:  that  he   hath    reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe^ 

acquainted  xvitli 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of     J&<-  </&-*' 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful  reason    why   the  said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that  the   said L ^^^^^y' is  a 

resident    of  said     county    of     Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


In   TTitnesf*    of   TTHIclt*   1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  ^f  ^  deui  of       ^^f  ^-^  1Sfy 

Before  me.  £&U<rtn<L  7j&i&*e&faierk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  mine  tlaOiuidersigned,  who  being  bu  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oatli   smth.  that  he.  is  a    rcs/iient  of    Poseij    Countt/    aforesaid;  timt  he  is 

the  so i.l  parties  to  ho  vf  l-twfu.l  trje  to  ,H>,.rn/.- witti~m±l/ir.  cpmrnt  of    .    *&££■ 

aei/uaiufed  with_^L'       e 

timt   he  iiafii    reason  to.  and  verihi  doth   bcli 

should  not  marry,  and  that  the  said  C-C^C^ce.^c^x.    Sss-cnui  25^l, 

resident    of  said     Coin,/,/    of     Posey,     and     has     resided,    therein     for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  /his  dale. 

In    Tritiie**    of  -VThicU.  I  have   'hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  C?-^r~dayof     ^l^~         my 

i^ •ecf/'Zl  Clerk. 

Before  me,  €&&&^/A     ^^&0z^    rl,rl,  ofth,  Cirrlnt  CouH  oft,H 

Count n  aforesaid . 

lallii  crime  file  u udersioned .  who  being  In/  me  dull/  Si 

upon  his  oath  saitli,  timt    hc-is  a   resident  ofPosey  County,  aforesaid^-  that  J/ejx 
acquainted  with      ^J^C^S^   6^K— ^  f 

'^^^<y  ■  tjlu/  jle   ]ia/i,    reason,  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said,  parties  to  he  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of '__0^s!%^s^ 
parent     or  guardian     .   that  he   knows  no  lawful  reason    why  the  said  parties 

should  not   marry,  mid  that  tlif^cyd. . 

•sident    of  said    county    of    -Poiey.     and    lias    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  precious  to  this  date. 


zL  M.^4/^ 

;  Witness   of  IVliU-U,  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

this         /'^'Ja'Js'j  <>t'^  CZ^zr^^  l&yy7 

Before  me,  (^^  <~s^  t/Zy^^/^Sf^  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  .smth.  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with^^^Y/    ^-^-z^--<^^     ^z^  *^Z^^£-^-v-     <^ 

9)  —      ^ 

....&LS  C-*-^~-<S.-&c^< — •—  ;  that   he  hath   reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 

•:ut  of 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  liwfid  a'Je  to  marry,  without  th 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,  and  that  the  said  L-^C^-il^^^,  ^a^C/c^-^-^-doL-c^is  a 
resident  of  said  County  of  Posey,  and  has  resided  therein  for  one  month 
immediately  precious  to  this  date. 


//}}/  ($U^K£a;l 

J  Before  me,  (iJu^r^t  '/C^$/*sy  &<£?       ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  uersonally  came  the  undersigned ,  who  being  hy  me  duly  sworn,     * 
upon  his  oath  saith ,   that    lie  is  a   resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid :  that  he  is 
acquainted  with        S^ZZJ**,?***^.     C  Z-y^&O       J?J      /&UX-^<s  *#  &6u*jL. 
:  that  he   hath    reason  to.   and  eerily   doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  uiithtmfrthe  consent  of    /7l£*c-r-  

f        parents  or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    why   the   said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said. J^Zz^S  /ggV^r^^  /£  C ;s  a 

resident    of  wW    county    of  ■jfooujy,    and   has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  precious  to  this  date. 


^£k^  ^jL^L. 

In  TViiness*   *>f  "Which*  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this       y^-/   *  day  0/     C^^tt^-  is%~\ 

&gtX*~<sf^*^e<^~   aerie. 

Be/ore  me,  &-4**r^Z_  c/^<<y^/  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  />//  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  suith,  thai  he  is  a  resident  of  Foseir  County  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  ivith   ,  ^i/   .<^//o' 

;  that  he  hath  reason  to,  and  verilii  doth^beliere 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  liwful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  ^vv^S^J 
parent  or  guardian  :  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  whn  the  said  parties 
should   not   mam,,    and   that   the   said  ^£6&        &Sjt^-  is   a 

resident    of  !»M~  Conn/,/    t>£ — ft«w/,    and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  precious  to  lliis  dale. 

Iii    T*"  it  it  o.s*    of    triiich.   /   have  hereunto   set  my  hand, 


&7     ^laaof    S^S^r ^  z^ 

is  a   resident  of  Foseii  County,  aforei 


Before  me,  &/2f  /^  ^%&f*™.  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Countii  aforesaid ,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sicorn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Fosey  Countj/,  aforjsaid:  that  he  ii 
aei/aainted  with 

:  that  he   hath    reason  to.   and  verili/  doth  betie'Cf 

the  said  parties  to  be  o/  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of ^^^^H- 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    iduj   the  said   parties 

should  not   marry,   and   that   the   said <^ is   a 

resident    of  said     county    of     Fosey,     and    has     resided     therein,    for    one     month 
immediately  precious  to  this  ilate. 


y/ux.  A-^U^  <^Y  <U?-A-&^*<i^ 

In   ■VTitne*.'*    of   ->TUicJ»f   1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  ^^  r<#ay  of      (S-27^1^  lsf/* 


^c/ore ;»«,  fry^rA  cjy/t/fs^A  Cievk  of  the  rirvlnt  Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  hi,  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oatii  smth.  thud  he  is  a    resident  of  Posey    County    aforesaid;  that  hi-  is 
acquainted  with         /%> /^jS    C4\        ^P^^^//\         <^^fe- '-&. 
^gZj^.j^wJhr/b  ;  that   he  hath    reason  to,  and  verily  doth   believe 

t lie said  parties  to  be  of  1'iwful  age  t  >  m-i.rn/.  without  the  ons-en/  or'  ez-fsZCt-T^ 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said  CyCL^^^-^ia^^'  ^   a 

resident  of  said  Comity  of'  Posey,  and  lias  resided  therein  for  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  tliis  date. 



I*»    TrituCS"*    of    TTIiicli,   /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  &       "     day  of      S^**-*~J~^       IS^y^ 

Before  me,  (-Y/fs~/.    yY/^^ft^  \,  clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Counti/  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned.  wJio  being  hi/  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  Ms  oath  saitlt.  that  tie  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  /^/&SS//^  /f ,        -y'j^^-y 

;  that  lie   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe, 

the  said,  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.    ^  <    _/y^_,r' 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   lie   knows   no  lawful  reason   why   the  said  parties 

should  not   marry,    and   that   the   said —ZS--***-—^. is   a 

resident  of  said  county  of  Posey,  and  has  resided  therein  for  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

Signed,  . 

In  TFitnesn*   of   Wfdokj   1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

this         2-£      ;/     daj/  of  C^&-^-       ^lST^/*, 

Z6Zf<**r*      Clerk  of  the.  Circuit    Court  of  the 

'.t/uauvted  with 


:  that  he  hath   reuse 

d  verilv  doth  believe 


said  parties  to  be  of  I  cvfal  age  tn  marry,  a-itliout  fits  ,;>:i,sent  of      C^KSr^ 

parent     or  guardian     ;    Ilia/    he  knows    nu   lawful   reason    why    the  said   parties 
should  nut  marry,   and   that   the   said  y&^S^  ls  a 

side.n.t.    of  said     Com,/,/    uj      Posey,     and    has    res/,  led.    I  herein    f 
imcdiutely  previous  to  /his  dale, 

St  ■■tie,  I, 


:J»>  I  hare  hereunto  set  my  //and, 
^^  day  of      f<£^  yrfZ 

In    Witness    oF   "W^eti.  1  haw  hereunto  set  my  I, and, 

Before  me, Xj^Ut^/ /f  yfeuZf£<^'  ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Count/./  a  forest,  id '.,  personally  earn/  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
Upon  his  oath  saitli,  that, 
acquainted,  leitl 
y^/^^i^^t,        /i^O' >-'£---''     :  that  lie   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  beiiev, 
the  said,  purties  to  he  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  ivilhout  the  consent  of ..  C^^^-^^' 
pannl     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the  said   parties 

should  not   marry,   and   that   the  satd^^C^^^c^^.^  ^^ is   a 

resit/en/    of  said    county    of     Posey,     and    has    reside/,    therein    for    one    month 

imediately  previous  to  this  date. 


In  "Witness   of  WJxiefcj  1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this    fi-f~^      d«u  ofC^Ju^. —       is^y 

.Be/we  wte,  i^C-^^^y^ ^^/2^^       clerk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  tlu 

Count//  aforesaid,  persvnaili, 

fin-  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  dull. 

upon  his  oath  smth.  that  he  is  a   resident  of  Fosey   Count//   aforesaid:  that  he  it 

acquainted  with     ty^a-z-fr'cj  /% C</& c 


<^Oe^  -e-e__ —  ;  that  he  hath    reason  to.  and   verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of I'lwfal  age  t ,  m%rry.  without  the  consent  of  (S.^'ztcTi^' 
parent  or  guardian  :  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  mar///,   and  that  the  said   S%<Z*j/ (J?-    ^C  «^^^<Lfe_^  is   a 

resident  of  said  Count;/  of  Pose,/,  and  has  resided  therein  for  oi/e  month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 



/^  ^-^AUk 

In  Witness    of  ^Vhitji,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  ~^ J  da//  uf-A/<Z£^c^-*^y/      2S%^ 


> ,  <^c-^  *><&  t-yjzc- 

Before  1nft&C^^*><>^^  of  the 

Count//  aforesaid,  vcrsonai! y ,£anie"fhe  i/ndtls/gned.  -teho  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

---      -  *"~~ '  s>_   _.. 

upon  his  oath  suit)/,   tlmt    'hr  isjj^it^rrtruTTf.  /  ».<!//  •  .,,/i.uZa.^a /  m-esaid :  that 


{££&    0lXZZ<  ]j%(jjhat  he   hath  -reason  to.   and.  eerily  sloth  beUcve  - 
the  said  parlies  to  be  'of  lawful  t/ge'lu  marry,  without  the  consent  of.      W  /<2I>~%, 
rent     or  guardian,     f^fl/at   he  "cn-jus    no   la/vful   reason    why   the  said    ■■w'r'--/ 


shoiihLjiot_j)*ari!j,   and   that   the  said. 

esfdent;  of   spid     coaiitif-_j>f__Jiosefp--  and,    has     resided,    tjierei/i^j^or   *a'/e     n/ottth 
nmediaicl//  previous  to  this  date. 

Z^/b/r  ,„e@'&<rt,r  ^yf-A^^y^^/^  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  tin  undersigned,  who  being  In/  me  lull/  sworn, 
u//un  his  onth   saith,  tl/at  In   is  a    resident  of  Posey    Count//    aforesaid;  that  In-  is 

uct/uainted  with     „  *EL,  ?  <^<<  -rc^_  ^  /^  ■ 

:  t/iul  In-  hath  reason  to.  and  verily  doth  believe 
I  he  said  parties  to  he  of  1'iwfal.  age.  to  mnrry,  without  the  consent  of  £^ifc- 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
si, oul, I  not  marry,   and  that   the   said      !?C:t  -^o    X-e_-c___  1S  a 

resident    of  said     Count;,    of     Cose,,,     and    has     resided    therein     for    one    month 
immediately  previous  lu  I  his  dale. 


%  fde.&jLu/^ 

In    Witne**    of   WHicJx,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
£>  4/  *     day  of  J/<ZL~~ 

.*>^  day  of  ,^/c^^^-^^^       !S%<T 



3?:  he  ^)tate  of  ;13nMn?ia,  ^.uztx\  &XLunty,  .53: 

Before  me,  0^^^^^^^^^  ^^^ierk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count//  aforesaid,  versonally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid-  that  he  is 
uei/uu/ufed  with      OC^^-^^  d     <^cte^2  ■£_      c-£-^V     (,/  C  a^ttl — 

/rcJUU<^^*^  :  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  pa  /ties  to  tie  of  lawful  age  to  //tarry,  without  the  eo/tsent  of  ^C^fuZ<t^_ 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no   laicful   reason    why  the  said  parties 
should  not   marry,   and   that   the   so ; d ^^L^t^/z^CC^ci^-^eA? _ _  is   a 
resident    of  said    county    of    t'\w  ;n    unit  has    resided    therein    for    oi/e    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

Signed,  ^ 

In   WI*n.e5»s    of   WhleJt9  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 


|g&*  gut*  tl  gniuaaa,  ^i^cij  &amtg>  ss; 

Before  uief^^^<^^^^^-y^--t^ f^*^  ^CUrk  af  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  tmttwdersigned,  who  being  be,  me  duly  sworn, 

acquainted  with  CSZe^t~**'     (^  ^-g^^^-^^^c/ e    ^^S^f     S\s/£? 

->^7<^<^  ;  that  ills  hath   reason  to,  and  veriii,  doth  believe 

the  said  Parties  to  be  of  l-iwful  age  t:>  marry,  without  Cn*  uutment  or   &^2?jf^ 

parent     or  guardian     ;   that  she  knows    no    lawful   reason   why    the  said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and  that  the  said s&?Cz**^      X«*^3S^Ar  is  a 

fr~^~  c^<^^  f<i/i~*tJ  /&&?'  S 

resident    of  vmri     Count,,    of    *W^    and    has    resided   therein    fur   one    month 

immediately  precious  to  this  date. 

X»  TVlti»o«**t   «(  WhiclLf  J  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this         /4^*~        day  of       V^-^»*<^-^         1S%Y. 

(fe^U(^^S/  &r4~~Cl*i 

Before  me(£cU?&~^ ijTL^^h*^^. CrS Tiler k  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
C'ounti/  aforesaid,  personally  eume  the  undersigned,  who  being  bti  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  sait/i.  thqj,  lie  is  a  resident  of  J'osei 
acquainted  witli^Z^k^-yr^e^  «^\  C/^L 
^^^2^'!^^to/(^^^lud  he  hath  reason  to,  and  eerily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of..  «=^-* 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,  and  that  the  suidu&Z:.  €',<■- J <£_//£e  U^^?sAf„^is  a 
resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 

immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


h&>  Qdr.  fc^wSv 

Im   \fittt«08    «f   Wliiclif   /   iutve  hereunto  set  mil  hand. 

/< —        Jfy 

this  S  ^  day  of  ~s2^Cr>~*„**^y  i^, 

C^t-e~*^i,y/^-A '<*&&*  £**if^-~     Clerk- 

Before  me,  C^r^C^/^^T^^/—  Clerk  o/  thl,  Ciri.a[f  ^  w/  ^ 
Ory«7t^/  aforesaid,  personally  mine  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  dull/  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County  aforesaid.;  that  he  is 
aouuaiuted  with  ^K^^^y    (^/^st^^U^  <*^s       Wt4w 

//£->- ^*<?C£oy  :  that   he  hath   reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  /,  be  of  l-ia-fal  age  to  marry,  witk-mi  the  consent  of    TZ^Zt' 
pa/ruts  *    .      i  t     i.      ;    that    he  knows    no    lawful   reason    why   the   said   parties 
should  not  marry,  and  that  the  said    ~^7Z^~^<^-y    /j^x^^yS  is  a 

resilient    of  said     Count/,   of    Posey,     and.    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  precious  to  this  date.      &^S   M^^^    «r  ^  ^pA-^d^  ^ 

In   WitnogCK    ,,f   iriiicb,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  I?  day  of      ^iZk^C^  1S%?~~ 

Before,  me,  C&C&r^isy^fe^^ ?<r^Tcierk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Couufi/  aforesaid,  versoually  came  KM/'  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is*  resident  of  Posey  Count//,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  (^^f^rd  ^J<^Y  //(Jj^S^.  ^</  y0a^ 
j2^&<e>C€  771  :  that  he  hath  rea son  to.  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  ofJj&Z&e^; 
parent  or  guardian  :  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,  and  that  the,J%^Z2>y  jeS^^^T"" is  a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,    and    has    resiiled    therein    for    one    month 

immediately  precious  to  this  date. 

Signed,  stf'  ~^&^,  '       S? 

In  TVitneW^  of  IVUieli,  1  have  hereiffito  set  my  hand. 

fytfru^  %r  this      ^^ ^Jay  of  f^z^^  m  y 

|Ijii*$  f§ia£*  cf  JlaMatta,  ;£astij  ^-aunl^  S3i 

£e/bre  roe,      <£&/m  S,  .Ss'/J^'S./ein-k  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 
Count//  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigt^fLfiLcho  inJn^hi/  me  duly  sworn, 

upon  his  out/i   saith,  that  he  is  a    resident  of  Ptxvj^.  Cuiin/i/    " /'■  >;■■<, i  iJ  ■  tlmt  he  is 

acquainted  with      ^JjSr**-^      d/'e     ^y/Hr^S/(f~  AA-s^    /f^/^^ 


;  that   lie  hath   reason  to,  and.   verily  dotli  believe, 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  l-iwful  age  to  m%rry.  without  the  consent  of        £^vV>v 
parent     or  guardian     :   that    he  knows   no    lawful   reason    why    the  said  parties 

should   not  mam,,   and   that   the   said,.  e  :/Q&?-t6?~^  ^-J^-"^-* 

resident  eof  said     County    nf    iP ■■/,     and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 

immediately  previous  to  this  date. 



In   Witness    «•£   "Wli.icli,  /  havejwceunto  set  my  hand, 
this  ^  day  of  ^^^     _  ls/df 

(^///t     Vy^^y.^/~^  clerk. 

Before  me,  ^V'^  ^^^^~'<^rhvk  of  the  <  ireuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  mv  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.  tkat  hy{.i-rr-rr>!*itfy>rt--i>fm./'>>ser}r<  oiti/ti/.'Trr'rTfr^a-iiL^tltat  he  is 
acq uqiitfed.  with  /         ~*  ^"^     3-=ifs^^r3rrr 

C^TT^y'       jA,      0>^^-^.  that  he    hath    reason  to,   and  verily   doth  believe    . 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of-       ^f'/Z&'rr' 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful  reason    why   the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,   ami  1  TtXL    me   said _ cs   a     ■ 

jj/jjui'duititi;  )  Jl"  iuii:  to  tMe  tiuie. 

Signed,     ^P 

la  TF"i*n«s*   of  IVliijeH,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /^dayjt  ^^         \x&: 

/£f%PZ^    *<%      ^^^^^^rk 

X2     J^y^^P^i'' 

.Be/bir  »*,  ^5^  ?'  S% ..  ■/?&&?**?(  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  rami-  tin  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath   saith,  that  h,    is  a   resident  of  Posey    County    aforesaid;  that  he  is 

:  that  he  hat/i   reason  to,  and  verily  doth  beliei% 
lire  said  parties  to  be  oj  hi.'vfiU  age  I.,  m-orry.  irithout  tho  consent  of        t&'f&r' 
parent     or  guardian      ;    /hat    he  knows    no    lawful   reason    why    the   said   parties 
shoal, I    not   many,    ajrrt-ttl.ll    //,,    -^l  4e-*. 

riHikkld      ■•<       -'•''■'       r ' '    -    '■ —"•■■'       •■ni.l...l      ,!..,„..,,.        r  ,!■ 

,;„,,//„/,/,■,    ,„, ■rings-    In     I  his 


Q4&X  &&> 


In    of  >Viii,cU.  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /^    Tdai,  of^^  isff 

*f^^X  clerk* 


Before,  me,   ^^/^^^^/^t  of  the  Circuit  Court  oj  the 
County  aforesaid,  uersonally  came  the  undersized, j^iaiibeing  by  me  duly  sworn., 

ipon  his   oath  saith.    Ilia  I    Ij, 

cpaynled  with 

that  he  hath    reason  to,   and  verity  doth  believo 
nt  of.  ._  ^&?S&Zl 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  conse 

parent     or  guardian     .    that   he   knows  no  lawful   reason    why  the  said  part 

should,  not  marry,   (*td    '*» 
resirbm     «,    *rrrrt    I  I  XT.  TT,  "  . 

liiTn — ':■■',■':'  y:  ,-;,.,•-.-  t„  it,L*-i~i~~ 


^/iy^  /ZuAAsti^- 

In  >Vitii<s-«w    of   TVliivH,  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
"    dan  of^J^^A  l&ifif, 

*£,    &-y^ 


^  .re  me,  fr'Ut'T r<y/  ^Jf^^^t/~'terk  of  the    Circuit    Court  of 

County  aforesaid,  personally  came  tJ$/ undersigned,  who  being  by  me  dull/  sworn, 
upon  his  oath   saith,  that  he  is  a    resident  of  /V'N    Couutt/    <t/m  i.,\\i\i  :'that  he  is 

aTrrT***hU*4  with  ^^ O^j^y 

--■••  j?  ;  that  he  hath   reason  to,  and   verily  doth  believe 

"the  m*4  /nti><in*.to  be  of  I'cwful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of    <S^-«s^V 
parent     or  guardian     ;   tJtat    he  knows   no   lawful   reason    why    the  said%»Ht«» 
should   not  marry,    and   that   the  said       */S/sZ--*y-     -^ZP^-^C ^^r- ^c  is   a 

resident    of  said  .County    \C^Hu^*^  and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date.     <*~/  ti^/ ~J&    "~f5~~t    ^5^L 
ginned    -£y      ^/^^■^-^Ze-J-*^r~-  ,  /^, 

Itt   Witness    of   Which,   I  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  "24  day  of    ^/^^<^^  lS%-%^~ 

&Z^r^^  ~/z^^?^- 

Before  me,    &&*SZ  ^  ^^^a^\    ,   clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the     . 
Count//  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  saith,   that __  he  is  a   resident  of  I'osey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 

with  ^^^u^^5^^^v^  ^>*^*/ 

^^^-^-^>^/  :  that  he   hath    reason,  to.    and  verily  doth  fair ev, 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of. 62^^*/C^^-^ 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   lie   knows   no  lawful   reason    why   the  said   parties 
should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said, C^^<^^^^_ is   a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has     resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


In   1Viti»e«m   of  Which)   I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  <&  <&      "day  of         <70<^ey^         l&T^y 

_z>-,/br,  ,«*,  ^js^shz    y^^^\L!,,.k  „7  t/l„  CircuU  ,w  uf  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  nun,-  the  undersigned,  a-Lo  being  bit  >»•    HhisHcoriX  „* 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a   resident  of  MtHxvf-gounty   aforesaid;  that  he  is 
aa/uainted  with  L^^^<^^^--^^^^-^y^' 

:  that   he  hath   reason  to,  and   verilij  doth   beliem. 
the  said  part  hi!  lo  I,  •  uj  1-t.u-fid  age  to  nutrri/.  without  the  consent  of      &^2*~r' 
parent     or  <iuardian     .    thai   he  knows   no   lawful  reason   why   the  said  partly 
should   vol  marrm  and   fhret  tLc   said  ^xf^s-K' 

'7  IS   a 

led.    therein    for   oar    month 

In    Wittmrns   of  y'Mi^U.  1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
his         ^ff     day  of      ^^—^—ISZTJ: 


£  p\t±\t  tit  piriki&n&f  ^tiscoj  :§/.tU7il$>  ,5.21 

Before  me,  a^^^^Y^  c/7^£/£f>1e.<p=£  ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count.'/  aforesaid-,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
a pon  his  oath  saith,  that    he  is  a   resident  of  Be&ey-Lounty,  aforesaid:  that  lie  is 

acquainted  with  ^(^-/sc-      <-^^*z^~_j?y 

:  that  lie   hath    reason  to.    and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of_ 0^^^ 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   lie   knows   no  lawful   reason    why   the  said  phriinT 

should  vol   marry,  oMd-4fmi  the  said ^  ;a  «, 

,.^lj^4    ,,c  <„;,/    ty-of.    Eas£U     "i'rJ   7'"*    r^idf7    """""'"    /'■■■ — m»*44, 

rtZtlfprcVfOTTS    to  /hi*  <tali. 



In   "WittvBStft    of   TVUIcIij   J   hare  hereunto  set  'my  hand. 
this              *s        "      day  of  '<-^^W:W- 

jfe*  f§1ai*  tt  g&Jiiazta,.  iH*s*3  2/ru;it^,  5£t 

Before  me,  _  (U&**-e*  \sfi_  \S&j&£p0^/( Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  oame  the  undersigned,  who  being  In/  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  ssaith,  thai  he  is  a  resident  of  Fosey  County  aforesaid;  that  lie  is 
with  '< 

aa/uainted  with    ^f*^*^?^     yS%L   /»^>^'/^'</    <f      iS^/Z*/ 

:  that  fw  hath    reason  to,  ami   verilli  doth   believe 
tlie  said  parties  to  ve  of  lawful  age.  to  orirry.  without  the  nonsettt  of       ass/y^'d 
parent     or  guardian     ;    that    he  knows    no    lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 
slwuld  not  marry,   ami  that  the  stl/lt  w— «- 

rejddhiiit    <f  jiuid — Count'!    >.j — j'usru. — rrrni — mrs — re.nucd    UiTTrTn — 4 tun — m  >uth~ 

i*uqi£ilUticLy  /■ 

la  Witness   «»f  Trtslei*,  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  //    *         day  of     g^T^i^^  liif<£ 

Before  nu-,OCO^^iyy'c^/-  ~^^/^aZc'<*/'~7~(-'le> k  of  the  (  ircuit  Court  of  the 

Count  1/,  personally  came  tfff  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  sait/t,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Fosey  County,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with         Ck^Zc-     /<J^^Ci?£^^- -zfe£^2^5>-  ^ts 

(j^^^k  <5^//^:«  j£^l-^  r^thut  'he  hath  reason  to.  and  verily  dotli  Jjrlicve 
the  said  parties  to  be  if  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.  <t^t&Z^t 
parent  or  guardian  :  that  he  kitows  nolairful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should,  not  marry,  and  that  the  saik^^^^C-Z^^I^J^^^^C^^^^^is  a 
resident  of  said  county  of  Fosey.  and  has  resided  therein  for  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

Signed,  r-,   _ 


Witne«>»   of  "Wliieiu   1   iuive  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
day  of-  ^y^^  18%  ^r 

2^r-s^r     ^J^-^f.^^r^^-i  '~~cierk 

£</«»■«■  ine,^^^^^f^y^^J^yfZCLerk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personalia  none  the  under sinned,  who  being  by  />/,■  'lull/  sworn, 

upon  his  "a Hi  sail h.  thai  he  is  a   resident  uj    jS-~y-  County   ,rf K» .r;  thai  he  is 

acquainted  uiil^^^^^M^^.       ^^^C  _<^££^ 

Sitti-Y  ■'  thllt   he  h"th    reason  to,  and   rcrilu  doth   believe 

the.  said  jiariies  to  be  ■•:   I  in-fal  age  to  Marry.  wi/k*t*i  the  convent  of      **ts'  r-  *=• 

<3c«<r  t7ia-+~Sf<J    t*VW  .-.&.-    <,%   ;U?_   -\'-s'--i,   s~^SS^  JS<£>-^   *««?  >*<~-^     -<^- 

parents  or  guardian ^;    ///■«/    //e  knows    no    lawful   reason    why   the  said   parties' 
should,  not  murrij,   and   that   the  said  "O^Z^^^e-     /f^^-t^C  is   a 

resident     of  -m+U-    County  -af~=±aSB^     and     has     resided    therein     for    one    month 

dialcly  precious  to   /his  date. 

.../*_ ...__'_  tr.  ^Lct^a.^iA.^ 

In   TVitiie**   of  ->riiicii.  /  ft  owe  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
/^^C^^^^   */_  this  *ZV  day  of  csfa'  lS%<8r 

tfT2SU/«,<  <?£^^&^^  Cleric. 

i>/wr  we,      O&fe^Sf*    <7^<?sWj?<^?/\, Clerk  or  the  tirruit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid .  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  bdrtjh£il  lne  duly  sworn,, 

upon,  his  oath  sa/fh.   that    he  is  a    resident  of  Bo&sit.  County ,  aft 
acquainted  with  ^^^-       /Uc^ 

;  thai  lie   hath   reason  to.    and  verily  elofli  believe 

the  said,  parlies  to  he  if  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  bf^ ^^f%^_ 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    why   the  said   parties 

r,  tmh  irt — ,-)y"  slltit — ,,.ll,,,:i    -7 — J^H+t-fr. — and    has     77x777777     tin  rein    77 
imnt  iduMy  1 'mi.'    hi  i'/i  '.1  m'id't. 

-<j  r  ^_^»/?UA^^>i 

In  "Witness    of  lVj»i<-H*  1  have  hcrotinto  set  my  hand. 
this  /-      *       day  of        ^V^ZZ     18?/^ 

^^rgZI clerk. 

Before  me£.  ££<--^  _^^-^^y£^^>^^yf'>k  oj  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  rain?  thr undersigned,  who  being  bu  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Poser?  Count//  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  ic/th  ^^^         C^-^V  _      '     '!g-^<'-i<^^'-J^?' 

^&%&pr   <hh^<ejg^£7^~~~~    :  that   he  hath    reason  to.  and   verify  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  uf  hue  fill  age  to  mirry.  tcitkmti  the  consent  of    c<y 
parent     or  guardian      ;    that    he  knoies    no    lawful   reason    why    the   said,    parties 
should   not  marry,   and   that   the   sai :dr^^ ^^p^J^i>^ *z^f^^~rr'  js   a 

resident    of  said     County    of    Posey,    and    has    resided   therein    for   one    month 

immediately  previous  to   fids  date. 

Sz^M^t  2^^&* 

.   "Witness   «*f   "Which.  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this        /T&  day  of<^5^-y^  1SS9- 

&&*  fj$®tt  &%  -JhiMatta,  Jl^Sig  &innUoj>  sz 

Before  mi 




irk'  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Count//  a foresaiil.  personally  came  the  undersigned? who  being  I"/  me  duly  s/v, 
upon  irr*  oath  saith,   tlud  She  is  a   resilient  of  **■*»  County, y^fm 

■  than/, 
acquainted  with       lye^r^6't-c*-^<-i 

/f*fii>r-C^€f'  :  thatSlie   hath    reasoi, 

the  said,  partiesjo  be  of  lawful  use  to  many,  withmt*  tlie  consent  of 
parents  -■■  gmwdiuM     :   that^he  Unows   no  la/cful  rcrison    why   the  said  partit 

should  not  marry,   and   that  the  suidSQ^£<<- 

dent    of  wi.  county  «^"4*»w-r    and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 

uson  to,   ana  reriiy  aor/t  oeueve 
<mt>  the  em/sent  of       ^^-X" 
hy   th 


lined  lately  previous  to  this  date. 


Ola i/tiUL   finJt'G^L  i  \A 

Is   TTitnei»«    of   TYhicH*   1   hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /^        .....    day  of  ^^7^ '  ^— '--yr        1S%<? 

^^^^^S>-.-^-/,         clerk. 

£e/07*  vi&%c^^Z?7*V%2'^Z^i    Clerk  of  the   'Omasa  Cinurttofi  the. 

County  aforesaid,  personally  route  the  undersigned,  who  being  Or/  nu-  ,luiy  sworn, 
upon  his  ocdh  saith,  thud  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County  tifoaeswi  d ;  tiud  he  is 
act/uainted  with  =_  -  J^^~^&  _i^Lz!<^j--»  *%^  s*^^fFfLrA^z^~x^* 
:  that  in-  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  l.-iu-fid  age  to  ni'irry.  with.9ni.ths  consent  of  /Z^  >c 
parents  or  guardian  :  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  vol  marry,  ami  that  the  said  SS/sS Sti  f  \X^ <=  ~  -*  t ^  «  <~^  js  w 
resident  of  said  County  of  Posey,  and  has  resided  fin-rein  far  ojte  in, , nth 
immediately  precious  to   Has  ,!„!,■       ^*V>  '^  ^     t&*^&*  '>1*~~~- 

J&rirca,^  y)    (S<?i<</?/4i^C£^L 

ln  "Witno!**   of  ^viiicb,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 



day  of-.- -*&*<-*     .  1&%^ 

Before  me,    ^^W     OrT^/sr&tz *~K ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 


County  aforesaid ,  personally  eanie  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  ru.e  duly  sivorn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  in  W  &  I  ,d  'ei,t  of  J'mvi  r.IU'.',,,  ,,;  ,  i..  p-l;  that  lie  is 
ur,p, ainted  with     Vk^^<^>;    /Xc><!zesz^y  >£<*.     f-yc^^^^ 

i*£^<£~<p-~^/  :  that  he  hath   reason  to.  and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of. e^'S^ 

parent  or  guardian  .  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should   not    marry,    and-  /'tat    tl mid in    ,.». 

t-fy    of     1'fiAiy.     ami.    has     tesided.    Il 

iiiHticdidluhj  in'ci'hms  to  tins  drr+e. 

In   Witness    or   >Vl>icHi   1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  f  "       defy  of.^        dZ&X&/  2S3jf 

■&L*r^y  A  -/r^^^Z^^-~-<f^-—? 

HP**  f§$&&  oi  |lttj_.is___,>  jS&st.g  ipBuni^  55: 

2fc/V«  we,  ^C^^>%  W^Bfn.Clcvk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  tun,  bein&bume  duly  sworn, 
upon  h&iiHiih   stuth,  thu^/ie  isu    resutent  of   >>•'>>-    t  ii.umu-/    irfu  i  urn  id  ^Ahatjlie  is 

act/uainted  with     '^y^i^'S-      ^y^~^^<^  -y* 

;  thatttftte  hath    reason  to.  and   verlli/  doth   believe, 
the  said  purti^to  be  of  l-twfid  age  to  marry.  without  the  eoiweitt  of       £*fi^Zy 
parent     or  guardian     ;    that^he  knows   no    lawful   reason    why    the  said   partte/ 

ti,   ,„v  m 

7/tf.  I ita     .L  dju  Am 


"YTitit-vast   of  "»vu »«.■!».  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  G^*      day,  of       ^k^  l^f 

&£  //  ^^---X Clerk. 

Ttfiz  jfgtett  ct  '^r^iunix^  J|a.i*3  -$.ounty>  $$$ 

Count;/  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned \  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his   oath  saiih,    that    he  is  a    resident  of   ».w *f  County,  afjii*rSu~ld  ;  that  he  is 

acquainted  with 

:  that  he   Iiutli    reason  to.  'and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said,  parties  to  be  oj  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of. ^f-^j^Jt' 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   lie   knows   no  lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 
should  not   marry,   ami   Cull    TJu    mid ig   ,t — 



-resided     tin  ;,i/(    /or    ZTu 

°Um  e  4/^ ,  _ 

In   \Titj-«i«_;   of   IVIiich*  1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand 


Lay  of 



,    ^  Merk. 


.Ee/b?-e  7/ie,      <L-&"  £/^   <&^&&<Z<rJ\cieek  of  the  Circuit   Court  of 

County  aforesaid,  perxoiudly  came,  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

upon  Ids  oath   mitit,  t/ait  In-  is  a    resident  of  /'•>«,  >  County    aforesaid;  that  lie  is 


acfiuaiuted  with         ^^^z^-c    <C  •.-^-e-e-^--  /     <^y^/^     //a»y^y 
;  /W   /^  <WA    reason  to,  and   rerilu  doth   beliei 
the  said  parties  to  In-  of  Liu-fid  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of    JZS&> 
parent     or  guardian     ;    that    he  knows   no   lawful   reason    why    the  said   jiartu 
should,   not 

■isidjqt     ,,f   sai,l_CmuiJ_n_..j       /_W^ mrd—frm     /vv/,/,7/     therein     ;,„■    ,.,,,'.      TiWntft 

m^linlrlu   prerinos   l„    /.',.,-   .L-L-  ~     '       ■ 


1«   TTitn«>««   of  ^ViiiioH.  /  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
/(?    r      day  of        ^€p*^(_         1&&? 


Before  me,  <J^±~  re  ,    ^o^X^^^r^—         ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count//  aforesaid,  personally  fame  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

aemiainted  with  * \^y^/7^-     lgh&t.<£/^<*:       w^v;    <^C^cM^/li     flex**' 

/ r^tUsfLZ^..  ,  ;  thai  he   hath   reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  sard  1  n,  1  ii'n  .:  to  be  0/  lairful  age  to  marry,  with&ml  the  consent  of.     /u-'i~— 
parent     or  guardian/  ;  that  he   knows  no  lawful  reason   why  the  said  parties 
should  not   marry,   and   tlurf   the   said.  Cs^&J \X^40~ ' /z2*^/fo^/pj_ fs   „ 
resident    of   sua!     m  u  Jy    »}'     i'nsUf.     ana'    has     resided     therein    for    one     mouth 
immediately  previous  to  this  dale. 

Signed,  I       ,  y~. 

In  "Wit-iKs**   of  >Vl»ich*   I   have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

this  S^  day  of    <^f?~>^  18$> 


&  day  of    C^h-^^  1S%C" 

H&e  J>taU  cf  pjlr.inana,  l|as*$  &nuniy+  %zi 

Before  me,    (&//»'/   S7.      /7^/^-,Vl      Clerk  of  tlie  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  tiring  In/  me  dub)  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  saitli,  that  he  is  a   /evident  of  J-^w-h    County    aforesaid;  that lie 


>^  7^/<<zs  ■< 

with  jfyzeat*.  /%%.  &ss/A   X   ^ff''r     ^ 

:  that  he  hath   reason  to,  and  verily  doth  be 

the  said  parties  to  he  of  liu-ful  age  t  >  twirrt/,  without  the  consent  or  <fe  ss/s:i^~ 

parent     or  guardian     ;   tliat    he  knows    no   lawful   reason    why    the  said  parties 
should  not  main/,   and  that   the  said     „  rsO  *&-/■  S>S-<S  is  a 

resident    of  said     Count'/    of    lU±<rjj.     aud//ui4Pfesided    tin  ran    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

Signed,  .  _ 

In  Witness   of   iviijeu,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /&       "day  of       S1  <«•  ltsT/? 

Tghz  %i%it  id  MftMsraa,,  W-Htt-v  AS* 

ii^ttii.    *S 


'7  --/-•: 

B«/07«  /,/<•.  6'ju^r  yf  -Tyz/^yy^/       hrrk  of  thS  (  frcad    Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  yersoually  came  tin    undersigned,  who  being  by  me    tali/  sworn, 

H'iru'unu/i  d  foil,'.       ^£"  <->-"<  .J     *f/     (f/^s^^tjs   ^^'^/^>ce  A  <-CiJ--ri~     /a-*— 

L^/^  7&j&£fcfafu,  UatU  reason  to.  and  verili,  dot!  belie,. 

the-snul  ^'■■'■'■-   /..  !,;■  tjj  l-fcfn.l  ii'jc  tu  iii'ii-rii    irilkonr  Hie  consent  ti/^^t y^*-i^/j\ 

purekU th    .i.iih/i'ihi       •    flint    lit  knows    no    lawful    reason    why    tin-    said    parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that  the   said    -//^~     ~/'S&  A-  '  fr 

resident    uf  said     County    of   -ftZZZfr    and    has    resided   tin  rein    fur   one    month 

immediately,  this, U,le.        -<^"y    S&T/£~.~*-~G    *tf_    /^ 

^f^r^   7^j^/t^d^uc^A^^^  ^A  {£*  — '-~^— ^  ^-<<  ^ 

In    TVitnowM    of  Tri«iclt>  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of  187 


Before  me>  <£%»/  sK  ^^f^/y  cierk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count//  aforesaid ,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  vphp  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
Upon  his  oath  saitlt,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  I'jutu  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 
acquainted  yith  ^??z<**^     O^S^C^j' 

}7!fr\\\i     '<)"   _.<m,il,li'     :   Hint   lie   knotrs   no  lawful   reason    why   the  said,  partitjf 

should  not    marry,   and   that   t^smd^^ _J?*±^i _ZZ is   a 

resident    of  seiti — county    of     p"  ■?'','.'      and    has    resifled    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  precious  to  this  date. 


In   TVitJie»i«    of   ">VliicH»  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  *^  "'rfflf/  (//    ^y  -18fdi 

Before  me,  _^C^Z  j/l^^X  clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu  me  duly  sworn 
upon  his  oath  smth.  tlmLhe  is  a  resident  of  >£»*!   Count/,  if.  : ' I  he  is 

acquainted  with        tx>^:^r^    <~Srl^l  *r€-S-  <^  t£>^       '^'^ 
^sUHSn^Ca,     <5?<s*tf<^  ;  that  he  hath    reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  cmseiU  of  ^V^W- 
parent  or  guardian  :  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should   not  marry,   and   that   the   said    i^~t:^^xx^^<         <-S^^._^'  is   a 

/}  7U&T  «I  X^fccr  <rs  ££&,.  ~^* 

resident  of  surd  County  of  £*m*,  and  has  1'esided  therein  for  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  Jliut-,lnte.      c   /Af     „ X  Y-^f t^*-"        _f    /  f 

^P.'i/J   l -J  L^iCCi-^z 

In   yyiinofis.   of  Wixicto,  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of.         J*^/£^^        !&»& 

C^k^f^r^^^  Clerk. 

Before  me,  (yCt'C^^'LS/  &&%&-£**&-?&- ^T'/erk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count//  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  beinr<  bi/  me  duly  sworn 
upon  his  oath  saith ,  th/it  he  /s  a  reside///  of  V'u..i  y  f.V-r ■:';,■.-  i/u  ■  rx  -d :  H...1  lie  is 
acquainted  with  s^4^lJT~  C/Lo-l^zSZ        q^^/<?C  <?^ 

^TL^^.G^e^f ■'  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of,    &£*^£e^>~ 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason   why   the  said  parties 

should  not   marry,   and   that  the  said   <^=^  ^^_/y^^c^£*^-*rzr-__ _is  a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has    reside/1    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  dale.    &*■*-*-*  <r  / 

fi  r 

'  Signed, 

I In . YTiines*  .of-  Tflxlcft,   1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this        .  *2-  V  day  of    <^^-^^  i^to 

£e/or«  iitt.^^^^'c./i^^^Z/^^  CLerk  of  t/ie   Circuit    Court  of  the 

S&Z&^y     L  Ic^c^^^y         ■  f,W    fa,  /,„//,    r,.aAW/  /„,  a„rf   rerHj,  ,[oth   believe 
the  sail/  parties  to  be  of  l.-iu-fid  age  in  marry,  without  fit?  consent  of    £t<^X*- 

parent  or  guardian  .  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  many,  and  that  the  said  ■^^i:i^p^^/t^^^^c^^^^^  ,s  u 
resilient  of  said  County  of  Posey,  and  has  resided  therein  for  one  month 
immediately  previous  to   this  dale. 

Si  sued,  . 

In    Witn,-**    of   Whicn.  1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this       /&  day  of   ^^<^<1^  mpO 

|p$}:«  pi  nit  uf  *5?ibia»a,  '-&XL5f$  ^nuni^,  55; 

Before  me,  ^W*^' ^/  J7V5<^a^7'  VcW,-  of  the  Cirntit  Court  of  the 
Countii  aforesaid ' ,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
tqiou  his  oath  saith,   that    he  is  a   resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid :  that  he  is 

aa,uaintedwith  ~cJ &>c^^i^     X_  <Ct-^-«^e-e_      > (ZxU+^C' 

•^%Z^£-r'cx~<^lC  ■  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  o/_  £^*£&0*~ 
parent     or  guardia.n     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    why  the  said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that  the  said ^-^<i^^^^^z^^^^^'     is  a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one     month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 



1  "Witness    of  ITliich.  1  huvejiereunto  set  my  hand, 


As/ore  me^^<^  ^.ftC'/j£^y^r-  ^  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personal,,  came  the  undersigned,  who.being  bU  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  smth.  t/iathpis  a  resident  of  Posey  Count,,  aforesaid ;  that  he  is 
acquainted  witli  _  c-*K2r>«c^<*-  _/ ,  '/farf  7e*t//<; 
/y/t7ps<<^c*  /'Zg&cu'inr;  that  he  hath  reason  to.  ami  verily  doth  believe 
tite  said  parties  to  be  of  l-twfid  age  t ,  m>,rr:/.  without  the  consent  of  (u^^^ 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,   and   that   the  said  S&Zy/S;  ~Zs*       /t^£<zulo  is   a 

resident    of  said     County   of    Posey,    ami    has    resided   therein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  tins  date. 


"Witjie****    «£   lVHicli.  /  have  I 

2|&t  H'iSi*  if  ^7ita:na,  p2ist;y  igattijtfrfr  5$ 

Before  me,  €yCC^^t^^/^z/^^tf^e^fcierk  o,  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  cume  the  undersigned,  u-'no  being  by  me  duly  sworn,. 

upon  his  oath  saith,  thai    lie  is  a   resident  of  ^i.n  »  County    :',    '    that  he  is 

acquainted  with    ^^^ss^^^^^-^^^^s^t^^      P*—      ^i^^z^S 
-   ^C&^^  .-;  that  lie   hath    reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.    <Ss^S^ 
parent     or  guardian     :   that  lie  knows   no  lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 

should,  not  marry,   and   that   the   said ^^T^y  (^<^S£c^l- {s  a 

resident    of   xrmf county  -^ — ru,ii«...     and    lias     resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date.        ^k^^tt^^~^jCu-^il4^>^'  <^*-^i>  ^*-, 

Xm  TTitnee*".    *f  VTh-£«;l«^  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

this  iScf^        day  o) ^/^^/^  l&O 

C^Z^£>h^^ C^ 'T^^^^^^-      Clerk: 

&/wr  /«f.^^/^^V^/^/~,  ,,,/,  „/#«,   ,7rrw,7    tlmart  <if  rthe 
County  aforesaid,  permit  ally  came  tlu  uiuhn^igned,  who  beirtj  hv  me  d,uly  sworn, 
{I/mi/  his  oath   saith,  that  he  is  u    resident  <>j    *><  '    County  *j'vn  hi  u  ;  thai  he  is 
aa/uainted  wither/ .     (sLc. <.<^*^£t£    yfzz^&y ,        ct^J^   (S^>^c^_^ 
/^J/a-j^y  .  that   lie  luith   reason  to,  and  verilu  doth   believe 

the  auid  patties  to  be  of  Ixwful  age  to  uuirry,  without  the  consent  of  Ca^JtUx^^ 
parent     or  guardian     :    that    he  knows   no   laivful   reason   why    the  said   parties 

should  not  marry,  and  that  tin    saidSj^&&**zc*^    l~&&z 

resit/rut    of  tsmr    County  .*£lL  i  iy.    and    has    resided    therein    for   one    m&ntlt 

0f    C^^t 

Before  rne,( 

"y^t^^C^^.  '.   Clerk  o;  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count-it  ii foresaid,  persona/li/  crime  the  aiidersionet/.  who  being  hi/  me  dn/i/  sworn. 

^\h^t^^^<^'    ^7i~  ^iy^>-t-£^<~  f 

that  he   hath    reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 


the  said  parties  to  be  iff  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of_  JC?C&ca^u 

parent     or  guardian  ,  :   that   he   knows  no  lawful   reason    why  the  said  parti 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said. 

resident    of  Haiti    county    of"  "PCS  y,     and    has    resitted    therein    for    one     month 

immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


Is  "Witjio.x*.-   of  >Vhich,  I  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

this  •         y  day  of     J^W^~  1E0  0 

1ZUa&4sUU-  i^*^  Clerk. 

Before  me,C  ^^t^L^fj^^a  :y  -/  '.  Clerk  of  the   Circuit    Court  of  the 

Count//  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  beind  bu  me  duly  .sworn 

upon  lax  oath  saith,  that  luais  <,   resident  of  /'".jr  County    -y. .,■,.<■.'.,,/,  ■  that  lie  is 

acquainted  with  --"C~2?V^^ ~&^  s'/'T  ^  /tie/  C*-*^  J   _ 

.y/OUU^y     /7/&  KfZfa^c/.  that   he  hath    rmsou  to,  and   verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  l-iwful  age  t  ,  marry,  without  the  cmseid  of       <4-^£^~ 

parent     or  guardian     ,    that    he  knows   no  laic  fid  reason    why    the  said   parties 

/P.  ^'//      /  /* 

should  not  many,   and.  that  the  -jaid^^'^-C/^ocy      S*<tZdt4:aju-C-^'    is  a 

to   this  date 

au»«i,  .<rp      .-&*■  sx 

In   1>'it»i«v*«   of   Which,  1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /    '  day  of    fC^ly^Z^i^-     xsffd 

^/^^^(^/^^i^^^i-^^""  Clerk. 

Before  meC^/^r^ty/,.^J--i^/^^r^\  ,   Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid ,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  JtlBESS. Could y,  orn  i  icndr:  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  C^ty^e^^  &^<l  f  (A  <nr~^ 

Q^Xr-rf-tr&X--^'  ;  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  verily   doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to^be  of  lawful  age  to  mom/,  without  the  consent  ,,f  C^^^^T^- 

3&*    S* *'W  i     ,V^         '      '  i  '         "  <  ■" *        -       '         ■    * f 

parent     or  guardian.  *;   that   lie   knows   no  lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 

should  not   marry,    and   that   the   said, ^-c-^ex> ^/-<r~cnzr\        7;8   a 

mil    lias    resided    therein    for    one    mouth 

resident    of    **M/{  C 
immediately  pre  riot 

s   to  till 

s-  date. 

la  **Vit*»ew**  «»*  >VUi«rl»,  1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  S  <3  day  of   (S^^S-y^'S^y      139  O 

^ZZ^r^-y-  O/f  &&e&rv£it''',  'cTeTrk. 

Before  me,  &4&*rf&Z02&?se*f^aei-k  of  the  Circuit   Court  of  the 
Coimty  aforesuid,  personally  came  the  uiidej-sigfied,  it-ho  bein<j  by  mr,duiy  sworn, 

upuu  kin  unt-li   saith,  that  tie  is  a    r 

ne  sum  ponies  mnej>[  rrr/ui  ,,-je  tn  ui-irry.  a; flout  tin;  cjusen.t  of  C$^ &-*-*>> 
parent     or  guardian^ .    that    he  knows   no   lawful   reason   why    the  said   parties 
shouM  not  marry,  and  that  the  said  c^<^>^?**---^^^?~~*=r^>^  is  a 

flits  /J  1X70 


f  day  of/  <^M^^^  l&t 

/^Z^-^tTI^5^^^^^,^^^  'le  r 

JCh?  ^>intz  af  *£7ihizMZj.  gSJaitij  !&£»«%>  5.$;. 

Before  me,  C^t/Z>t4s7  *&7&&V''*^''~,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  cavie  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  u  resilient  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 
aeuuuinfed  with     ^^O^d^^Lr      (/      *\£''*~-)*-0~*-^ 

(^L^ce^^a^  C/Le^z^*-*. Tfhut  he   hath    reason  to,   and  verily   doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  with  east  the  consent  of. ._        

should,  not   marry,   and   that  the  sa id°*— c-^-g^-^^K, S^-^  *=JC-i»--"cr-e_^  is   a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one     month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

In   Witae****   of  >VUicHj  J  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

this 2-*/-  day  0f  &&/—?4y?*  _ 

3pf&JP&&  tit  ^•niinaa^  -Pasta;  jSpafcira^  g$$ 

£e/ora  m^iC^^y/  Ld&Z&fCfJyZ Clerk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  oame  the  undersigned,  who  beino'  hi/  me  duly  sworn 

upon  las  oath   saith,  tluil  he  is  a    resident  of  7%*^-  n- *■;   ;<f-rrYiud  ■  f'trrt  he  is 

acquainted  with        QS/A-o^^.  ^j-     /.        y/^tu^U.  <^<_^         <?!L**!pCT, 
L^a<s^c<-/,     <£4r^/o^^   .  that   he  hatu    rcason  to.  and   verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  I  iwfal  age  to  mtrry.  without  the  consent  of     <5-  £ Sft +_ 
parent     or  guardian     :   that    he  knows    no   lawful   reason    why    the  sail/   parties 
should  not  mum/,   and   that   the   said    C' -\/<r-t  <-  <r  *.<■<.■  -*£    -  v£  ^  /?/z^c    is  a 

resident  rof  *mmk    ft» ,.n    1/     ^^.    and    has    reside,!   therein    for  one    month 

immediately  precious  to  this  date. 

Signal,  CP]    '/ 

la  VitM<»««  <>f  TThiei,   J  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

c:  S . 

this  £.  «-/  aay  0f     .^CJ-e^. — -  Ibf  CJ 

{yCe^^^^Y ^^^-^^^/  Clerk. 


Before  me,  t/^^^^yy  PS  SlY^xyz^'ff' Clerk  of  the  (  irruit  Court  of  the 
Counti/  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  ivho  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  £**&&■  County.  a^Wikniuf"  that  he  is 
acquainted  with       (^yv  *x.^-y  -  z.<s-zr-zr-#£j  /y^CZL/        <^-^ 

^JTZJ^cCy       /L^ex  C<_<li        :  that  he   hath    reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

/  ^    l^ 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  rouse// 1  of  Ka  ^^rzzzz^r 
parent  or  guardian  :  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  suiil  parties 
should  not  marry,  and  tlurt  the  said^—J^Z^^^J^^^  /L^gdjCzUtLis  a 
resident  of  said  county  of  Ptwoy.  and  has  resided  therein  for  one  month 
immediately  precious  to  this  date. 


hich,  1  have  In 
day  of     *<J--£. 
&j£l "^^<rf*  -T^ly  tXJLifUt?..  yjlerk. 

la  Triin«H*«   <**  "Which,  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  Z   Y        day  of      <<y^£_^         .    _lSff  O 

23e/OT*  im«,  C-  U*2'*''  77?£y£^/~   Clerk  of  the  Circuit   Court  of  the 

Cuiudy  aforesaid,  personally  mine  the  lupUrsi'liud.  who  being  bu  mr  dull/  sivorn. 
.upon  his  oath  saith,  that  lie  in  a  insistent  o;  Ussssi  >•■•■■■<■  ~:  ■■■  ,  ■  >;>■■_,>  he  is 
aeiniainted  ivith  UZ&*n?^^C\f\' *U£-/lI?  Oc^e^J  S'&^&J^cL&^f' 
:  that  he  hath  reason  to.  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  lie,  of  live  fill  age  to  imurrij,  withmSt.  the  consent  of  £/^Q*C 
parents  or  guardian  ,  that  he  knows  no  law/at  reason  whj/  the  said  /unties 
should  not  marry,   and  Hud  the   sajd         > '^^^V    /' C<3~y  js  a 

resident    of  said     County    of     /'lun-vr    and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  dijLe.    PL^,^  /&  ^^U^c^-V  ^^ 

In    Witii*-****    of   TriiloU,   1    it 


<&/?  day  of    -CJ- 

of  the 



-is   a 

non  tli 

In   "Witness**    of   IVlvicH,   7   //art'  ha-eunto  set  my  hand, 
this       ^J*  d°y  °f     ^J2^——         1&2 

C<Z^=4--^^^r^^^^'  £-^~*Clerk. 

£4fb»  i«*  C/^r^/--^y2^Y^r/-~   clerk  of  the  Circuit   Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  mine  tin   uudjgrsigiietl,  who  being  by  mr  dull/  sworn, 

acf/uuinted  with    (j2^^yv~r7rt~k/Y/L££j^       C^c^J {*/%&£&*_'  /&Z  <y 
;  thai  lie  hath   reason  to,  and  verihi  dojtli  believe 

the  said  /Kirtics  to  be  of  l.xwfitl  age  to  marry,  witkaS  the  consent  of  ^^n&CK. 
parents  <>r  <  .  that  tic  knows  no  lawful  reason  lelu/  the  said  parties 
should   not   morn,,    and    tlud    the   sojd  /^U^/y    /[&-*/  is   a 

resident    of  said     County    of     I 'v.v  tff    and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 

immediately  previous  to  this  d,^.    $%~*s&   #&  ^^L*Jr-^  ^  /r*n&^ 


/<■<.<.-  ^ 


^^^  fd^iy£^__ 

In   Wit  no  its   af  Wiiien,  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this         <&^  day  of    kJ  ~&— «£_ l^d 

ore  me/yU^rtY y/yP^^^£^^~  ,   Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
ti/  aforesaid,  personalia  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bit  me  duly  sworn, 

.cyuain  ted  with    (jL^U"-<*->^---  U^U^Cf      ^cj     y-^t^C^y  /f^y  ^ 
_,  ^      ,  •  that  he   hath    reason  to.    and  verily   doth  hdieve      n 

the  said  /wiW  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  with—*  the  consent  of  _  .©*^fc^r' /«<* 
parentS  or  guardian     :  that  he  knows  no  lawful-reason    why  the  said  parties 
should  not   marry,   and   then ' i^^-^^A^^W^^. w   a 

immediately  previous  to  this  da.te.j     - 

In  Witness    of   WHioh,  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

this         >  £^  day  of      ^Z~<2-C___  itt) 

4— ^^/f^4^^^  *^r*Clerk 

Before  me,  _  O-^^^Z  ^%^fZ^/\  _  clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  .nine  the  undersigned,  who  being  bi,  me  duly  .sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  thai  lie  is  a  resident  of  Posey  Count,,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with    _  _^^^^Z&  ^/^^^^r^^t^^'^ 

_  ;  that  he  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  liivful  age  to  mtrnj.  without  the  consent  of  J/>^r£ 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,   and  that   the  said  LfZus*r-^>  is  a 

resident    of  said     Count,/    of    Pose,,,    and    has    resided    there,,,    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to   this  date. 


la.   TVitn«-Sf(   « 
this  S2 

f  Which.  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

"■         day  of      y^zz^^y  l$&  ,/ 

^&r*^-jtf    -5^^&5-/\  Clerk. 

3|to  $.i&it  xrf  3fn^i3'tta> 

Count,!  aforesaid ,  versonrdly  came  the  undersigned .  who  being  by  ?ue  duly 

chctfifihinted  wi 

a   resident  of  IX'sey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he 

that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  withmtUJhe  consent  of  .O/Zz- 

./  H+tttlti    ii    .  \         :   that   lie   knows   no  lau-ful   rcasoij—Ji'hy   the  said,  parti, 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said ^^C^^^t^y SZ ' ^/a-c^zn^tji, 

resident    of  said    county    of     Posey 
immediately  previous  to  this  dale. 

■sided    therein    for    one     month  ^ 

J  /***: 


Xa  TTitn««<*   •*"  >T hich.   1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this        / ^  day  ofz^^-^^yf  18&/ 

&'/'"'-  ^e.^^Ky/^^i^^^-  aerk  of  the  Circuit  (hurt  of  the 
Count,,  aforesaid,  personally  came  the.  undersigned,  who  being  bi,  me  dull,  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  thafjw  is  a  resident  of  Posey  Count,,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
aci/uainted  with  C<Z&U~^>^     SP-^cZk-*^!^    ^V  &C<z2. 

^^yv~ff^     -  .  thtll  hl,  hatjl  rcason  f0i  and  verii(/  lloth  ieneve 

l he  said  parties  to  be  of  liivfal  age  t<,  marry.  witkoul  the  consent  of     $UJ£ZZ^ 
parent     or  guardian     ;    that    he  knows    no Jawful   reason    why    the  said   varties 

shout,!   not   marry,    ,,,,,/    /hat    the   said 

resident    of  said     Count,,    of     Cose,,,     and     has     resided    therein 

immediately  precious  to  this  dale. 

* '•  A§.    &.^~ 

- &~    ~L  _  -^€**^2^^__ 

In    'Witness    <>F   iriiich.,   /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  -£--/  day  of  Z^^*2^a-^_       281 


it  I, 


Before  me^€^rZ^OYZ^<^^^^ Cleric  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Coin, in  ,1  foresaid,  unsound,,  eame  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  ,„, tl,  sait/i,   that   he  is  a   resident  of  Posey  Count,/,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 
acquainted  with       (pZU^^^L^    i/Zyf^ ,       ^vC^^lC^Lt^w^- 
:  that  he   hath    reason  to.    and  verily  doth  believ/ 

the  said  /unties  to  he  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of. 

parent     or  guardian     :  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason    why  the  said,  parties 
should  not   muriij.   and   that   the  said. 

resident    of  soul    county    of    Posey,     and    has    reside, I    therein    for    one     month 
immediately  precious  to  this  dale. 


In   IVitiieff*    of   Which,   1   hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /  day  of   <Zr^<*-*?^S$P?/  3s?r_ 

Before  me,  $£SS77c"t  j/lt-ftSffOr  flerk  of  the   Circuit  Court  of  the. 

County  aforesaid,  personally  tame  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu-nie  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  ANA.V*  County  !~l  m-w^-  "■■■'  lie  is 
acquainted  with       Ot&rA^^fr?*^ .         M        c^g^f. ■"  ^W^r     .' 

;  that  he  hath   reason  to,  and   verilu  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lunful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of     <£^56-*> 
parent     or  guardian     ;   that    he  knows   no   lawful   reason   why    tlie  said  parties 
should  not  mam/,    and   that   the   said  ^T~zf/a^     /&U^rr-*u/  ls   u 

resident  of  gpaBT  County  rrf — frnrmr.  ami  has  resided  therein  for  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

Signed,  -if  y    •    -— v 

In  Witi»«*«*«*   «>/  >riiich.  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  y^/J  \lay  of     >^4 

tr     ^i 


County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  beingby  me  duly  sworn, ,, 
wpow  /u'a-  oreM  saith, Jhat   he.  is  a  resident  of   £wrn£< County,  aforesaid;  that  he  u 
acquainted  with 

;  that  he   hath    reason  to.    and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of    c^^^^ 
parent     or  guardian    a  that   he   knows   no   ia.ivful   reason    why   (lie  said   parties^ \ 

should  not  mam*  and  that  the  suid-Z^Lgtyr.  /Y*z^.c>OS&L is  a      X 

resident    of   said     county    of    iH-rfc     and    has     resided     therein    for    one     mouth         s^^ 
immediate!!/  previous  to  this  date, V^^^*frV/^E^    ty'/^LW      ' 

«f   Whicli,   1   have  hereu. 
day  oj  C^^/t-^ 
6^^iA^^>^^  Clerk. 

fa   >V  it>»^«.»    •*   WhieJi,   1   luive  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  &>  day  of  C^^f^^-       ISf/ 

Jg3i£  H'Ui*  5i  >J"n~Oianu,  ^P xi s e oj  jaunty,  $js* 

A/«ra  me.C^^y  */£&Z&f'&i/~~cl,  rk  oj  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 
Gituity  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me   lull/  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  tlitd  In  is  u   resident  of  Posey   Count  1/   11  foresaid;  that  he  is 
aaiiuuntvpwitlt  ^t^^^^c^    J^/^^^~~-        Y      O^l^^a^u^ 
^/Q/yt^^z^-* —  .  that  he  hath   reason  to,  and  veriln  doth  believe 

/he.  said  parties  to  be  of  l-ucful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of     S<^ZZZ~ 
parent     or  guardian     :   that    he  knows   nojtrrtfful  reason   ivhi/Jftc  said  parties 

resident    of  said     Coantij    of    iTSS*^  and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  precious  to  litis  dale. 

ist   of  TTiiicii,  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

Us  fr> 

day  of 


^^  ^o^-^    Clerk. 

Before  me,  ^U^/^C  ^/^^^ 
Coanti/  aforesaid,  personally  crime  thejtpd 
upon  his  oath  sad//,   that    he  is 

'lerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

S'ned,  who  being  hi/  me  duh/  sworn, 
lent  of  flasgft  County,  ttfejxztu£i  that  he  is 
act/uainpid  with  (  /^^^^cj^      u/.     (?C<x~&^s7    /     /^^^ 

(y<?~£a^c £C_^                     :  that  lie  luitii   reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  in  a- fid  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of .._. 
parent     or  guardian     .    that   lie   knows   no  lawful   reusoi/jrliy  the  said  parties 
should   not    murn/'and    that    the   said.    &f&-£fy _    CS^Cc^a*. -is    a 


In   "SVxtntxstt*    of   IVUch,   1   liar 


unto  set  nn/  hand. 

j£  gta-te.  tt  '^.rijxinnn,  ^ustg  ^traui^  £$$ 

^£'Zy?i?cr'/\  Clerk  uf  the.  Cirr.uit  Court  of  th, 
aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  beingjujjne  did,/  sworn 
is-  oath  with,  that  he  is  a   resident  of  Jij.»  ?   Count;/    ---n  r,iii\l '  thai  he  is 

.  that  he.  luitli   reason  to,  and  eerily  doth  believe*? 
the  said  pwrtimt  to  be  of  Ivwful  age  to  r/i'trry,  without  the  aonsetU  of        <£>*-/%^ 
parent     or  guardian     ;   thut    he  knows    no   Lawful   reason    why    the  said  parti 
should  not  marry,  uTid  fiiii'  .■,'>,    .*tmr  '  if'Qiir  i'C~ 

7   of  ZatTi     Co, 
immediafeiff  pn  "inn.' 


WUa*-»s  «£  WlUie-JBt,  I  haue^liereuiito  set  my  hand, 

Ms  '   ^^  day  of      .  .       «-^^V        IS&% 

^yZ ^5^2V^y       clerk. 

County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned    ivho  being  hu  rue  duly  sworn, 

upon  faBfoatli  saith,  thatjlie  is  a  resident  of  J* »  County.  ajwehiiUl".  tliafyhe  is 

rirr.rrrtrr'rri'rri'  •■■rY'i        £<L&  /0&z*^->   ^jzlcx^z-    ""J^  c^??  ^  ^  /^r-^- 
r^^o^n-  ^7V  *Ju    ;  that  lu!  hidh    mk.h.ii)  t\..   mil   -  i  i\h)   rrvftl  beii, 

<^   ??, 

Hi  o*„<,  id  pt**4i 

mm-Hf,  .'  itiwttt  tin 

no    Imrfu.l    r.-,,,.„     „•■'  -.    l\  ,     ,  , ;  I 


- ALa*.  £cl*£~ 

T^itn«e—-    «f  "VV'hlfk.   1  ftave  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  ^    *"*      day  of        ^>i^Wiv~  lS'p / 

77-Z-Cy  cr^\  aerk 


Before  me,&M^ ^ ^P^^sK  c/t,rk.  o/  thg   CirmU    ,  w  ^  ^ 

the  undersigned    mlio  being  by  me   lull/ 

County  aforesaid,  personally 
upon  his  oath  sa.ith,  that  he 

^_ ^ 


g|,tt«  J|tau  tf  '^nbinnvi.,  ]&t%t%  §^uni^i  sa;: 

Before,  me,  /e^Y/fr  /f.  <?V%&f^/\cUrk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Counto  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  snith,  tliut^  he  is  a   resident  of  FosexUCounty,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 

,„,l„„^„;,„         't%Z£afjgL 

:  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  rerih/  doth  believe 

nirties  to  be,  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of. <^<^^L 

parent     or  guardian     :  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason    why  the  said  parties 

should   not   marry,    and   that   the   said O^g-g-  ^^J> is   ffl 

resident    of  said    county   of  Posey,     and.    has    resided    therein    for    one    mouth 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

!   1        .        -        ■ 

Signed,       J.    ,.  ' 

In   "Witness   of   "Which,   1   hare  hereunto  set  mi/  hand 

?  ^-^p^Xaerh, 

Before  me,  &#<*-,  sK  /^/^C^A  CLerk  fJ/  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  ids  oath  suith,  thatjie  is  a  resident  of  fasey  Count,/  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  wit li  r^/Tss S&'c      Lst/s?  /^      /      Psf  4^      X^v  ^r^ 

;  that  he  hath  reason  to,  and  verilu  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  luvfid  age  to  mxrry.  without  the  consent  of  <1  '//Z, 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should   not   marry,    and   that   the   said  ^fP ^zs/se-s  is   a 

resident    of  said     Count//    of    Pose,/,     and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


Jp^t^^L  J*  QAA  fJ/C 

if  "M'hlcU.  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

Before  me,  .^^-^-/^^yy^y //^^hJ      ,   Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Counti/  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersign <jl .  who  beuig  bu  me  duly  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  saith,  that    he  is  a   resilient  of  jJum^f.  I'oautii,  aioresuid:  that  he  is 
acquainted  with      ^^4*3<^c/v^7^^e.       7*    <jZL#^^'e-    S^Ar?**^^/^ 

;  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  witiiout  the  consent  of_    ^y^y 
parent     or  guardian     ;   that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the   said  parties 
should  not  mumj,   and   find  the  sai,d^ ^^L^Z^SYS-^S  __-**-  il/Zj^/' 

residentjof  said    county    of     l*~*-nf    mid    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


Ik   tVjU*n»w«*    •*   W'ixicJb,  1   luive  hereunto  set  mi/  liand. 


day  o, 


f     S%*-rCL         isf/t 


£e/07-c  me,  cX-Z^pJ-  Jg?  #£t&f?i/_  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count,,  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersignerL  who  being  hi,  me  lulu  sworn, 
upon  his  oath   sultli.  that  he  is  u    resident  of  Um-uy    County    .</M*v.»r  ■■' :  that  he  is 

act/uuinted  with  ^/' U' i^ijf^t^      i^S s^yZ*-*J  gz-u*— e?CX 

////^t-1  ■//.  -zl^t/Zt>t  is<L/  .  ///„/  /„-  /iaM  ,•,.««»/  to,  a7id  ;t;-////  ioM  believe 
the  said  parties  to  he  oj  LtwfiU  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  ^CZ^JtC-^y 
parent  or  guardian.  ,  that  hr  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  vol  marry,   aW   //,,■/   tin  4s   ,,_ 

-rrxhh-nf-nf  tttrM     Co (<,    uf     I'u,„:u — cuul~-ktn    msrrtcTt   Ih.nin    fu,    vt„     >,mi+h 

1  >  /  have  hereunto 
/    *     day  of  /<^~z?-^ 

iii    Yt'ituo**    of   Which,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
yy    *     day  of  lsf/f 


PJI*  .State  $f  ^r^Mana,  *&tst%  i&3LU7ii-g>  5$l 

Before  me,  Ct&0-<^£  </&>,   '("'  cJ-J-o^J   r  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count//  aforesaid-,  in  rsonu/li/  came  the  undersigned .  who  being  hu  me  duh/  sworn, 

tainted  with  ^'f  ai^^^^ 

:  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and-  vcrilii  doth  hel/fiie 
the  sunt  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.       <£-^-^32»o 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    why   the   said  parties 

should  not   marry,   and   that   the   said °&*^J  TZI      is   a 

resident    of  said     county    of     Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one     month 
immediately  precious   to  this  date. 


&  j5  .e^z^^ 

li»,cJftt  1  have  hereunto  s> 
day  of         S^r-r^~ 

In.  Witness   of  Wlii,cJt?  1  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  ^^  *     day  of        S*^*^  isf/, 


5eyW  wie,  ^^^7^7/  ^<^/  .  C&rA:  o/  *Ae  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Countt/  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  jfho  being  butiui  dub,  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  i'vuvy  County  aforyjakl-;  that  h&  is 
acquainted  with  ^^/^ZZ^/x^o— -C^%       'tZ^T~V-£^    7*~      /s%Z-&?/$£ks    C_^ 

;  tiiat  he  hath  reason  to,  and  verilt/  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  I  xwful  age  to  mnrry,  without  the  consent  of  C^^Cls 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  mairiuanfothat  the  soul -„  Cy^^^<^<i'  -rs-7r- 

resident  Vaf  said     County    of    iW'yy,    and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  precious  to   this  dale. 

In   Witness   of   TTliU-h,  I  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  ^^GP         day  of  y/Z^-^'  1$7^/, 

Before  me,  ^7^ ^^f/  /> /*i<^0'  ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Counhi  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned ,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  hefstt  resident  of  1'osey  Count//,  aforesaid ;  that  he,  is 
acquainted  with  *&&/  S^z?_^z/  tA-~7fcst^>z^&£~  y^a^,/^^^C_- 
:  that  he  hath  reason  to.  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of\.  €z£^Q&-r- 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful  reason   why  the  said  parties 

should  not   marry]   and   that   the   said *_^*Z^z-^-Z£*& is   a 

resident    of  said,    county    of    Posey,     and    has     resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date, 

Signet  I, 

CJ^SM^L,      ^>4fa; 

In   Witness   of  TFiuicn*  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /J?      »      day  0fJez^<-a*y       _18j?%r 

Before, in,   Jt^<yC   /fcc  ?M  U^^  Clerk  of  the   Circuit    Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn. 

ll/io)/  his   oath    saith,  tlutt-  he 

oath  saith,  that- Me  is  a   resident  of  Fosep^Couutu   aforesaid;  that  he  is 

uci/uuiu/ed  with 


that  lie  hath   reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
■  t„  marry,  without  tht 

_  filw  77 
th^n  id  parties  tube  of  kiw) 

parent     or  guardian     :    that  he  knows   uq   lawful   reason    why    the  said   part, 

should  not  marry,   and   that  the  sunt     ,   '   ^i^vi- — e.       {j?  CL^X^S               is 

resident    of  said     County    of  Posey,     and    has    resided    /herein    for   one    mon 


diately  previous  to  this 

/d^U  ^(/jZ^mJ/^l, 

lit    TVitiio*«   at  ^riiicJi,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this          y^^        day  of   -    S^.^l-y  r  1S&  2. 

^*-^-e^o~i-<y-    Jfc'<     /h+.£.2-*>-i> >  Clerk. 

Before  me,     &~*f*^*^S?6&4? /  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Count//  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
his   oath  saith,   thutJ/C  is  a    resident  of  I'oseu  Count]/,  ufoecsyid-i  that  h, 

/uainted idth 

j         .,;  :  that/ha* hath  reason  tp.   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  sold  parties  to  he  <■/'  luirful  *g^*>'  iinnr*/.-mHt*r&u.t~iJ*iLJUM&i4  of  ..  ^  t-*:*' 
parent     or  guardian     ;   that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    why 'the  said  purtli 

should  not  nmrru,   and  . thai   the  said ^y^^t^,  ^_ 

resident    0/ 

immediately  previous  to  I  his  date. 

llllf    hus     resided    tlicreiip-  for    one     mouth 



"Witness    of  "IVtOk'H,  1   hauiUicreuntoJiet  my  hand, 
this  f ,  day  of      /V^^w— "  18f2^- 

Jfe/bre  me,  /•''■;'.•  ..  7r  -  /  >  x  '7-<i":  Clerk  of  the  Circuit,  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a    resident  of  Posey    County    aforesaid;  that  he  is 

acquainted  with       ,.   .     <  ■ ,-'  '._-_..._    -    -..    ''''•■  '''/.    '.'''/    tlzl-L*  '  _/.  .  5__„ 

/  i-Ct  uW.  ;  that  he  hath    reason  to,  and   verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  he  of  lnvful  rcge  to  marry,  without  the  onseut  or'        '  - 1  A  ■-  c 
parent     or  guardian     ;    that    he  knows   no   lawful   reason   whij    the  said   parties 
should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said  /'  -^^L<-^—>  to   a 

residents  of  said     County    of     Posey,     and    itavK  r, -sided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

Signal , 

/M  ()/>  ?nJ^Li 

Jta   WWacHJ*    ft   >V!>icl«.   I  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this         I    '2-    t'T~       day  of         ^7/d^L        xsfr g- 
CA^^      J{,       >hiJe*~yS       Clerk.   9 

Before  me,     /^l^-VC       y/lfcr    Z^^^?^,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
c^-^zL  *Gm*t*tv^a foresaid,  personally  came  the  undersign ed.^who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that    he  is  a.   resident  of  f&j^w  Cou nty ,tpfaesxmd :  that  lie  is 
acquainted  with    tQ>  .<*-  i  ■*■  *■■(       Q      ^^v.   <-vA-^~       V      '  £    /  i-^-' 

J/'C.  «^i  {<  VA  •'  that  he    hath    reason  to.   and  refill/   doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  witltout  the  consent  of...      s^CL±:~ 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   lie   knows   no   lawful   reason,   why   the  said  parties 

should  not  marry',   and   tliat  the   said. _„/::;_s,  v^t^fcg r*s=rF- 

residents  of  said    county    of    Pesry.     and    hut^resided    therein    /or    one     month 
immediately  previous  to  tin's  date. 



Xjj  "W  itne>-i    **t   lyhjchi  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /  >    *51      day  of     f^?<3^JL  1S^^__ 

"/^t^-j  ^    /tcr     /^^fcz-^O         Clerk 

Before  me,  7 '>:-"■*.■■  /(.  -  //  f  (-',-,,  ■  clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Cum,/!/  afarexuid.  ptrxoitally  came  the  undersigned,  u-ho  being  hi,  me  dull/  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  with,  thai  he  m  a   resident  of  I'osey   County   aforesaid;  that  he  is 

aci/uaiuted  icith  C    >    [  . ,  //,.,,   „,,_  %_ '_ 

..  \)  .^j.  -  /l.        (<  ^  I ,  >.  ,       .  t/iat  hl,  h(lth  reason  t0i  (nul  rerihl  doth  helieve 

flie  mud  partioq  In  he  uj  I  ,•,;,,!  „,jc  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of     ■  <~?f     i 
parent     or  guardian     ;    that    he  knows   no   lawful   reason    whu   the  said  parti**-  v, 
should  not  morn,,    ami   that   the   said  &  .O   -~  <  A,  «..«.^  ^   i^-a.    a^^ 

resident^ of  said     Count//    „/'     Cose,/,     and    tuts    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  precious  to  this  Wale. 


TM 6-,,/:^^ 

In.   Tl'ituo««i    of   -Which,  1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this         /-/       •■        day  of        /7'^^-Sl'  18f^, 

%—  ft       M:       ?hU^~s    clerk. 


Before  me,    /'^-Vc       /(c  '  ft  tf  J  l-^     ,   Clerk  of  the  fin-ait  Court  of  the 
Counti/  aforesaid,  personally  mine  /he  undersigned,  u-ho  being  hi,  me  data  sworn, 

upon  his  oatli  sail//,    that    lie  is  a    resident  of  ttxi^Couut//.  .t/l -rtrh :  /hat  he  is 

acquainted  with    A    c.<  S.>^^  ^.^SZt/^y     S     -..--.',    M  >  ,  ,'c  { 

:  that  he   hat//    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.    ^e^TTu  ■  ~ 

parent     or  guardian     ;   that   lie    knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the  said   parties 

.1             ,     '  C^J! 

should  not   mam,,   and   that   the   said ^PjZ^LZau jy-re- 

residents  of    said    fount//    of     P#z*y.     and    has     resided    therein    for    one     month 

immediately  previous  to  this  /late. 

/  -~  Signed,  ^  £w»    /0 

+t*  iMiUr,  Z^/^/^ri  u  A-  CI,  Ml.:.  <±j*JjL. 

\y  In   "Witne**.    of   ">YKicK»   1  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

This        £&.....  .m...       day  of.         ■  ■'<'''  ■^jz&L.  ...18/"  2- . 

'U^.C  6//t  4^vZ   .  clerk. 

§!&*  gist*  sf  g^iia^a,  3?asey  g.tiitti^  lit 

-Be/w*  »*«»  ^  '"  c  v<-  "Mf«  ~^2X***rrsJ€ievk  of  itie  (  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bit  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath   suith,  that  he  is  a    resident  of  Posey    Count//    otfoitesaid;  that  he  is 

acquainted  with  A      -  /  £j  w.        /Y.    '-'iO-''.      '"'/..       /i<cf<_l_ 

—£-&■    ''*-/-'  /-L^x-  ■  that   he  hath    reason  to,  and   eerily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  liiofal  age  to  marry,  without  fJti  consent  of       '  '  w    '   s^ 
parent     or  guardian     :    that    he  knows    no    lawful   reason   why    the  said  parties 
should   not  marry,   and   that   the  said  J^U%   /,  <  ^ 

resident    of  said     County    of     Posey,     and    ha\    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to   this  date. 

Signed,  , 

X»   TTitin'****   «>£   "Which,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  %.0~ti:        day  of  ^Jl^tA     _.     ispU 

~/<-C^jJ-        su    '    S?    U^^~^_       Clerk. 

IgSb  |§i&i£  tt  ^'ttiaafta,  IfustJ)  &auaty>  S3; 

Before  mefC'^^y  <-  <</•  /?. '  u  t -'■«-*-:  .  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  <Sk  ^  ■  si.  ^//'  jfcc~±jL„.G,  {7—  ' '^.  £Z».t* i. -£ 
.._Q6...fe.^2a^Ki  c(xi\S  :  that  he  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.  .__£-!- c7-~i- 
parent  or  guardian  :  t/tat  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,   and   that   the  said : — m^  t~Tj-  .-,_  / -ia-y 

ident    of  said    county   of    Posey,    and   half  Presided    therein    for    out 

immediately  previous  to  this  date. 



la  "\YitmtstiM    «»f   *WUi«-h«   /  have  hereunto,  set  my  hand, 
this  ^"^         day  of  A-\W*V  iS^^_, 

<£j*z*A      2L    Jk:L^,7        Clerk. 

ik/W  7«e,  -  ""  /■'    ■  v  ,.  ,_       {£>,    A   •  i  ,r  rdcierk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 
' Comity  aforesuid,  pcrJo/taLly  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bi,  mr   July  sworn, 

jfJt_  ~n^y_ 

J«i   "Witjuesss    at  "triiicli,  1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this          Jb    (-'■ 

day  of 






Jfhe  ||tat2  af  ^nbiarta,  ";2?ass;y  g/.iuntTj,  ssl 

Before  me,    ^^vVy/'^^^u^y;     p  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Courdi/  aforesaid,  personally  euuie  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  h&fouth  sa.ith,  thutqhe  is  a  resident  of  Fosmy.  County,  aforesaid;  that  hi  is 
tvuftminh.d  with        /*/     ^A     (o     jz-s^^-  S&     ^r^      cyf   A^pr*~--J&    </- 
/■"  P7a   Ip^T^rrs^^'  /sr/y  .-  tin**  he   hath    mison  to.    und  iviiiu   doffl  tetters 

tln\  nni'1  /mn'i'i  .'  ti    <<     "/  ''miyiif  <<•_"  ' — marry,,  without  the  cons*    ■  ■_,  nf^^cc'-- 

:    tirC    h,    l.-iiwn-    no    lawful    i     ujjn    u.'.j    f/a 


■  the   mid. 

si/ouUt—rivt    ininrij,   and' 

rc.ddmt    Of  st, id    •niui/it   of    l\,.j<*h — und   litis    codded    ti 

iinvdiuli  hj  it, 


In   *^Vitiie««    oT   ITK^oJij  1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

this  &      ,,      day  of  *s&4^>  *~~<*-  1S&  J- 

Je^rf  ^/r/^cZ^—-^.^  clerk. 

.should  not  marry,   and   that  the   .said  i$  a 

resident    of  said     Count,/    of    Posey,     and    in/s    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


Xix  Witness   ,»f,  -Which,  /  have  hereunto  .set  my  hand. 

this  day  of __^_     1S7 


C  v   ■'   - 

Before  me,   -    f.-*  '      J  '      -     <£•--    /  £■<■  '  *  <-■;  Clerk  of  the  <  ireuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu  me  duly  sworn, 

'(      ,    .    .-'-      -  r  h^\- 

upon  his  oath  saith,   that    he  is  a   resident  of  I^nm^.Cou7it//.  a$$\$ih}d- :  that  he  is 


acquainted  with  ^    -      q    v<  .  ...> '  _-^£  {—^-^  -c<f_„  - 

:  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

1  ' 

the  said  parttes,to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of     -">  J 

■>.,-     ;^:,/i 

should  not  marry,   and   that  the  said /  f  <\^X--f-  .- /x?.^<^6^_-t^(_X        j$   u 

resident    of  Tttt*d    rounty    of  T!5s^7£.    and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


Ao/pf  1/     teee£ 

In   WitneiSst    <*f   Whiehj   1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 
this  I  C^<r    day  of _       <JL  _rt^{-^.-  1Sy   % 


lit  Court,  of  the 
me  duly  sworn, 
I;  thai  he  is 

for   one    month 

GUlov  di(Zc^ 

In.   Witness    of  WhicA.  1  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

%-^-c-     .,'£.      fr>J->hr-r>_  Cterk. 

JCh?  ptaU  if  Juliana.,  ^n&tq  jaunty,  %%% 

Before  me,  .  ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  name  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.   that    he  is  a   resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 

act/uainted  with  

;  that  he  hath    reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  sail/  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    why  the  said  parties 

should  not    marry,   and   that   the   said is   a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


In   Witness   of   W.UAel**  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of—  —187 


Before  an 


'?-  •'-—>-  Clerk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  ftersonulb/  cume  the  undersr'iti*d.  uho  b<in<i  bu  me  dull/  sworn, 

In         Lc     '  -•*     I    : 
upon  his  oath  smth.  tluit  lie  is  a   resufettt  of  jhs««#   Count}/   uforvsaid;  that  he  it 

acquainted  with  /■■>  -*  >■  *  /*■&■;  ■•■-■^J 's^-c.  Ct  A.  <-<, 

;  that  he  hath   reason  to.  and   verilu  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  tu  be  of  lawful  'rje  t ,  mirnj.  without  Hip  consent  of       !~^~Z^u\  r 
parent     or  guardian     .    that    he  knows   no   lawful  reason   why   the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,    and   that   the   said  r/?cZ-:~L^^  ~i$— «_ 

resident  «*/  -ymJ-d.    Couutu    of     Tn^-i/.    unit    iafi    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  prev 

to  this  date. 


aj&a-^t  .  ^-l 


TTitn«»sjS    o(   »  hich,  /  hare  hereunto  set  7Mj  hand, 
/J      .  day  of 

.  r    ^E±^UL   isf  2- , 

-TftZt  l^r-i  L  Clerk. 

JB&*  ffytt&t  art  |fA^iaB%^5*£.3  S;aoirt%  a 


Before  me, 
Counti/  a foresaiil.  ) 
upon  his  oath  salt! 
acquainted,  with 

j.rt  of  the 
'y  sworn, 
■hat  lie  is 

tlie  said  parties  to 
parent  or  guardii 
should  not  marry, 
resident  of  said  < 
immediately  previa 




/—-  / 

I  c^t/2    '_■    ■      rrsis^0(_ 
J    -  /- 

th  believe 

I  parties 

is  a 

8    month 


"-■ jj-,~"rai 

^■UsCAs?  v&L.      W    Up^-fr   jic.t,'6i<l  U~rt.  cfy 
CJ^^U^tXU  Vr^lC   Ucrt  ZM.  CL^JtZU,  "J  hand. 

_  1.   '  • '  *        ' 


Before  me,    ljkihy<LA  C     / r/C^4r%Z_  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Couuhj  aforesaid,  yrsonully  vume  the  undersigned,  who  beino'  by  me  dull/  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saithjjhat  he  is  a  resident  of  ^,\  County  irftesn^  that  he  is 
acquainted  with      ..      '  r  ■.■  «^r      J-\         V]-    l^tJUjLq tf        ^-J-      /7,/^v 

T      ^  a 

pf  "1"""--  •'  tn,lt   I"'  hath    rcasoitrto,  and  verily  doth  believe 

tin-  suuPparties  in  he  of  kuifid  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  ._v//j./ 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  Lawful  re,, sou  why  the  said  parties 
should   not   marry,    an, I   that    the   sal, I  LPa~£^J  ^^ 

residents  of  s*$L  Count,,  t^Ptfm^  and  huk^-rsided  therein  for  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  this  dale. 



In   TFitnesEK   of   Which,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  J    2    ^f    day  of      Tf[    ^wi^     180  J' 

&  0k~i~r  -4.  -S 

or  &< 

Jgfr?  ,£5  tat*  vf  "^nhmnu,  ^-asfg  &nuntxi>  ssi 

Before  me,  »^^^/^^^X  r/t>,t  of  the  <  trcuit  Court  of  the 
Count,/  aforesaid,  nersnnal) '//  came  the.  undersigned  who  being  tin  m^  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  suit//,  that  he  is  u  resident  of  >W-*r  Count,,,  a j  in  e.^u lit ;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with >.    J^/^-c/*     //^Cf  rf~     /:  £w      ^a>7^3 

:  that  lie  hath   reason  to,  and  verily  dofJl  believe 
the  said  partP&to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.    &£/&' 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    why   the  said,  parties 

should  not   marry ^uunlgfh, it   the   said y&2^&?_ ^s-n- 

4ti_     rcsident^of  mid  xw^/    >f.     Sassy,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one     month 
immediately  p 


fTich»   1   liava,  hereunto  set  my  hand. 
'   &      day  °f  ^y^**—*^ 

£e/or«  «*«,     t^<^  c  /V^ /7U-<i-^c*~y  Clerk  of  the  Circuit   Court  «/'  tfte 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  I" 

■■>rsi-Jii<iL.   win,  heiui:  on  me  Mia 

upon  iiis  oath   saith.  tlutt  he  is  a    resident  uj    i'vot'M    Coiuily    uforesutd ;  tliat  lie  is 
aa/uaiuted  with    _     ^Z^^^ryc/    y/{T^?C    <7~ 

-  that  he  hath   reason  to,  and   veriln  doth   believe 

tiie  said  parties  to  be  of  I  t.wfu.1  age  to  ni'xrry,  without  the  consent  of      &*SA'*r 
parent     or  guardian     ;   tliat    he  knows    no    lawful   reason    why    the  said   parties 
should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said.  . 
resident^of  said     County    of     Pmrr/,     and     has     resided    therein     far    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


!  ^  <£^ 

In  TTiti»*-ftS   <>f   ^Vliicli.  /  harerhereiuito  set  my  hand, 
this  H      '      day  Of    /y^L^J^  lSf^, 


Before  me,  ^l^^^c  <M>>  yhJfrTi^JL-  ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  vefsonally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Vosey  County,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with         VJ.  k  ^  U-=/  Jf*»**^ .-X-<~w^      C^V        Cc^^r^fs,. 

(/S^^^^^-tr^/  ;  that  lie   hath   reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of—  A^tZh^/ 
parent     or  guardian     :  that  lie  knows  no  lawful  reason   why  the  said  parties 

should  not  many,   mid   that   the   said. 

residents  y~*±   county    4     Boubj.     and    ha*    resided    therein    for    one 

A  A 

immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

Sl*ned-  ,\  I  >T\ 

cH»  1  have  hereunto  set  m 
%iCbL-      day  of  59^-cS,  lSf2- 

jm  "Wiin.e*»«   ot  WliicH*  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand 

I  V~°^      day  of    ..     /U*-cy< 

/  the.   Circuit    Court  of  the 

g  in/  in  c  duly  sworn, 

nty    aforesaid;  that  he  is 

1  •  &*/    £^&<^^ 

r'f  *-.  /       //^^y^^J "  /"-  an(l  verily  doth  belieiu 

the  consent  of 

In.   Witno**   <>e  Wlticjb.,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of   .  187 


3?The  ^>tntt  ni  Jri'tiatta,  '^nstv,  Jaunty,  5$: 

10  > 

County  aforesaid,  jM-sona/ly  came  the  unchirsigiied.,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  Itis  oath  saith,  /ha/she  is  a  resident  of  -psaey  County,  afe^mtdd;  thaUhe  is 
acquainted  with, 

;  tlQblic  In 

lath    reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 
the,  said  parth4t  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of      zc^L^r 
pa  rent     or  guardian     .    t  hats  he  knows  no  lawful  reason    why  the  said  parties* 

sfwuld  not   many,   and   that   the   said .J^2r± f^^~^i<-^_ js   a 

resident    of  said    county   off^Posey,    audJhus    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  precious   to  this  date. 


^^^^  oignea,  a 

/Pi       i/7'w  -Icu&r-.tsJL  ...        A       r  CS>.A^T^r^L_ 

»"*,     ^-v     '         I  In   IVitiiess    of   IVHtcK*   1   have  hereunto  set  mil  hand, 

this         X  0    ^      day  of..  p        f^bf*  18fJ 

4e-^ Jhi  ShckLzzSL  aerk. 

Before  me,       t*r*^-*S     YJJ?.  rS^tk^cT^L.  Clerk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 


County  aforesaid ,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath   saith,  that  he  is  a\  resident  of  Posey    Count//    aforesaid;  that  he  is 

acquainted  with  _  . — \_ U^-r—      ?-  <-'-  --    t2*?^2i 

;  thai  lie  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parthk  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  ni'i.rry.  without  the  consent  of  r<-'  &&\S... 
parent     or  guardian      ;    that    he  knows  vto    lawful   reason    why    the   said   parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that  the  said       WLuWr*^        Jh^  is  a 

resident    of  said     Count;/    of     Pose//,     and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  precious  to  this  date. 


In.   Witness   of  "^riiicii,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of—  -    1S7 


Hit,  lw_.  jKx$?.L?yz/  7-  ,i,3.-. 


'Ct^j  a/   M '  yW^W  ^f  ,&£*  ^4  •  W  °f  the 

\J                                         Y  „-w    jc^o     /iu^tAry  T^pt-J^L  idy  sworn, 

>£Ur^C#rU         <          ^                  £             ]  ^    \               that  he,, 

J                                        ,         r,  loth  believe 

\    Wsq                                      'I  id  parties 

jH  ffitnesA   «f  ITliicH,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  LZ^k.      day  of  C2%y         ISfS, 

_ Clerk. 

Couuty  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  b»  me  dull/  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  smith,  tltut  he  is  a   resident  of   /"piw^  County  lfw\.'jm*L;  that  he  is 

uu/uuiuted  with  A/*Z£ucu*S        L/l_  {J*  »-■  ''     .. . 

;  that  lie  liath   reason  to,  and  verilu  doth  believe 
the.  said  parties  to  be  of'  /■■t'cfat  age  to  marry,  without,  the  consent  of       J^CLe^' 

parent     or  guardian     .    Unit    he  knows   no   lawful   reason    why    the  said   parties- 

should,  vol  marry,   and   that  the   said        %S~Ls(^» -"       clf!(%^^  is  a 

resident    of  sold     County    of     /"W^r.     and    lull     resided    therein     for    one    month 

immediately  precious  to  this  date.. 

Signed , 


In.   YTJUnow*   of   -»riiicJi,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

■  Clerk. 

3   (    <*£  day  of  ^W  18f>J 

Before  me,  h^^y?&-/^//?z£z<y>^J  ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Coauti,  aforesaid,  vcrsonally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that    lie  is  coresident  of  1'osey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he 

acquainted  with     vthls     &  '/V^^> ■££*  £       /- 

•7Zc<j2^  :  that  he   hath    reason  to,    and  verily  dothjtelieve. 

said ,y^^  ' 

the  said  parlies  to  be  of  lawful,  age  to  many,  without  the  consent  of.  {^C^i  ._ . 

parent     or  guardian     :   thai   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the   said   partic 
should  not  many,  and  that  tlu 
resident    of  said    county    of    lUn*t-y,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one     mouth 
immediately  precious  to  this  date. 

Signed,  fj,    /O* 

Ijx   "W~iti»e/«s.    of  TVHicHy   I   hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
**  ^fluy  of   c/^t^-  18^*% 

Before  we,'  '  *^it-'  <-'6-  ~/'Y  <-£iir*^Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  peAaAially  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath   saith,  thai  he  is  a    resident  of  Fvs&i    Cfitrtft;    (tfurctmid ;  that  he  is 

acij uaiuted  with  J^f"'  ^^y  /  '  ^-^-^a      . 

.•  that  he  hath  reason  to,  and  verilii  doth  believe 
the  said  partbek  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the-  consent  of  ^^^t+-  y 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not   marry,   and   that   the   said        --/'^  '^V         ""/^/S-t— -?  is   a 

resident    of  said     County    of    j'w.  //,     and    has    resided    tin  rein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


m%t  -jfrtnit  af  ■3'nViz'nn,  |p£*2j  &ZLunf$>  *$; 

Before  me,  Xfe~v9  *.  '  ftO-.  V>^— ^ ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Pn^y  County  ■'(foresaid ;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  '  J\   r-l^i:         /  6?  , lxj  ,  ,  -v-^,    ■^^--         X]c..<ftr«r1*s--< 

Q-j    aJ^F^-^  ;  that  he   hath    reason  to.   and,  verily   doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.  ^L        "' 

parent     or  guardian     :  that  he  knows   no  lawful  reason   why  the  said  parties 
should  not   marry,   and   that   the   said- 

said     county    of     P-esryy    add    has     reside'/ 

resident Sof  said    county   of    P&iryr    ui(d.    has    resided,    therein    for    one    month 

immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

Signed,  dr'  ,)         ,        , .-. 

/£(       f^/ll^Ul 

fa   Witness*    of   'Which,    1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  ^  6'^  day  of  ^     Q^Fr^  ^  ^ ' 

"%*=*=*^^     ^C\yr-^^^       Clerk. 



.  ...   ^  , 

Before  me J-2*ry$-<L         X:  ■      /T.%^r^Z  CLerk  of  the  Circuit   Court  of  the 


County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  nn'  duly  sworn, 

/r.  Uii  -      h  m  . 
«/>»///  A/.s-  <»<///   sart/t,  that  he  is  a   resident  of  Peaty    CountiJ  ufoituaiu  :  that  he  is 

acquainted  icith         J    ^'      <t    l.    jLjtcJL^      V-      ,,^^:     UlZ-i 

/  * 

.   (Q.u^ro  /  ,•  that  he  hath   reason-Jo,  and  verilu  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  l-ttrfut  a<Je  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of         .lZT~{ t^S~ 

parent     <»■  guardian     ,    that   he  knows   no   lawful  reason   why   the  said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said    s  .    <yJ~fss  _^  a  re 

residents  of  said     Count ij    of    >{'o>wyr    aiidj  has     resided    therein    for   one    month 

€  r,  4, 

inutaliulclu  previous  to   this  date.  fiC?    /'      ,    Jfi/ y£4Z-&  g^si- 


In   Witness   «e  WJiieh>  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  if  1  ^   day  of  .  jL^f  18fSr 

-  V^x/' \A0-'M9^^^rClerk. 

Z  ■  %<& 

Count  1/ 

s  we,  -  ~zf^e«r~jr-  <S     /(o  ^J^-.T^-C^y.  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

foresaid,  versmially  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 


/uarntea,  ivun  *<e-  <~>wy 

upon  his  oath  saith,   that    he  is  a   resident  of 'F~osey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 

an/^aiuted  with  U  c7.,^        ?r>^.   ^1  ^-^^   _.  ^  ^e-7 — r^s^S.. 

that  he  -tiath   reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  he  of  lawful  age  to  ninny,  without  tiie  consent  of X-^^^t-^- 

parent     or  guardian     .    that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason    why  the  said,  parties 

should  not   marry,   and   that   the   said -^stx-^-Cj^L TSs   a*€- 

resident    of  said    county    of     Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

Signed,  , 


In   "Witness   <*f  "WJiicfcj  1   hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  3^       dayjf      ^     ^-y ...      lSf3t 

^Ijl+^aS    Jul   •    ^=d?&&?~^ Clerk. 

^     *Z?^^/£^S/s^^y   CLerk  ofthe  arcuit  Courtof 

Before  me,        ^"-sy^S^  S#^*»+y      Clerk  f)/  tht,   Cln.,dt   Cmlrf  of  fhe 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  hi  me  duly  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  saith,  that. he  ■■»  « stt — r-  ,,    /',,,,  y   /',,,,  ,/,,     l} ;lim  ,/,at  he  is 

acquainted  with      ^-^^^■f-y   - -yp*?**7^far  s^s"     <7^  #<J<-ts*-&s~^ 

-^<^S<r?<<y^-/\^  .  thui  he  hath   reason  to   and  ,.eriI    doth  beifeve 

the  said  parties  to  he  of  kiwfal  age  t,  nvirry.  without  the  consent  of  &^J%r/ 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  many,    ami  _  iwn.  u)f  .  .lT»t  -  -w— a^_ 

resident    ,.f.  wwnj  ■  tW;      , M,',)i,rlW,rji,HV.wwl    .'/mm,     fm     UTTB    Tmmtb- 

irpjumiittMp  /ir    "iijiu    -■     - .1-1  -'.i;. 


<Pbu.iizif  .  cA^±[j_ 

TTItji^SS   **t  yfirich,  I  //are  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /^       day  of         ^f^  IsfJ 


£e/or<?  we,  S^+yfjL  SlC  r—./~_  /  tUw,  CZe/'/fc  o/  tae  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count//  aforesaid .  personally  came  tl/e  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oat/i  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  i*\my  Count//,  ttyomtiwid;  that  lie  is 
acquainted  with  LA.  oi  C^/  \/..^  v. 

..;  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  partial  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of. f^^t^TiS 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   lie   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties — ^7 

should  not  marry,  anil  that  the  said LJ^^l^C !?Tj  ..-*^~^k>  js  a 

resident    of  said    county    of  Sosey,     on/a    has    resided,    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  tl/is  date. 


mJL  %,tu 

Witne*»*   ot  lviilelt?  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  A  j?     "     day  of  ^4^6^..     lSVj 

^c .    ^r-r-^t^^  Clerk 


4C  a^/^,    f  ^ 


>^  jy^?Y^2M^  it    Court  of  (he 

nc  dull/  sworn, 
- ;aid;  that  he  is 

:YjJU<n  ■■■-  

-*/  doth  believe 
a  tU^f    Mr^Jfi^  ke  said  narHes 

jLfk  XL  -  '  i  : 

for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


VTHixt'H**    of  "M"liicH,  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of  1S7 


Before  nCfcs^fjS.      7<Q<    J^M*^  Clerk 


of  the  Circuit  Court- of  the 

Couutii  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly 

^ — .  fu. 

i.  i/'iin  M,id:  the 


;  that  he  hath   reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parthff  to  be  of  lau-fid  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of. -^-^-4^" 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no   Lawful   reason    why   the  said  purrhfi 
should  not    marry,   and   that   the   sajd    /l  Q-t^u-v  .<//? 


resident    of  said    county    of    I>ooi"i/,    'and    has    resided    therein    for    erne    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date, 

„    _„        // .    . 

In   'Witness    of   "WlvicK,  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

a  0 '[       day  of  J^MTT,     isy^S , 

J).  &■ 

Before  me,  /.C^ts.X  ,/C7-  /  f.tb-m 'Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  pe/sonally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oatli  suith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Mosey  Count//  - >/.. ■>,',,,< id :  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  Z~A23**>v^  iO.  '  .  f  [ <3,J-/?-'r-  I 

;  that   he  hath    reason  to,  and   verily  doth   believe 
the  said  partbeAto  be  of  l%wfid  age  to  mnrry.  without  the  consent  of         ,£ZZ£*nJ 
parent     or  guardian     ;    that    he  knows   no   lawful   reason    ivhy    the  said  parties-  "V 
should  not   marry,   mid   that   the   said     tJ~ <^~~~e/  (j ,      /f  ~<-ff~(        is   a 

resident    of  said     Count;/    of  rPesry,    and    hub    res/tied    therein    /'«/   one    month 
immediately  precious  to  litis  date. 

Signed,  /^/ly/-/y 

In   "Witnessi*   of   IVhicl*.  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  //  ^      day  of _  V'.^o^         isf  3, 

Before  me,  \^k^y<yc  ^/V/?Z£^ts^^y  _  clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Counti/  aforesaid ,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  In/  me  duly  sicorn, 
upon  his  oath  saitli.  that  lie  is,a  resident jif  Posey  (jaunty,  aforesaid :  that  he  it 
acquainted  with 

thaihu/huth    reason  to,   and-  verih/   doth  belie 

e  consent  of       <£W^> 


the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  (S^-Zyis^ 
parent  or  duardiau  :  that  he  knows  no  lawful  rpusun  irhy  the  said  partiei 
should  not  marry,   and  thujjhe   said  ^         C^q^^Ci^^ 

of  said     county    of    Posry.     aiM    has     resided 

therein    for    one     month 
immediately  precious  to  this  date. 


1b  "Witness   <*t  "f^liieh,  1  have-hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  %0LdaVtf.'^h*&r.  isf4 

Before  me,  U+H4J/  .  (£?..'  /kUcnnh/.  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Cindy  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  uudersigiied,  irho  being  by  mc  dub,  sworn, 
ia/jo«  A/*  ooM  saith,  that  ha  is  u  resident  of  V+»+*t  County  (tforoti&U;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  ^s^rr^J  r-  i>Jxrja^^Z.  

;  that   tie  hath    reason  to,  and  verily  doth   believe 

the  soul  partif  to  be  of  Uwfid  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of     j^tL^f  . 

parent     or  guardian     ;   that   he  knows   no   lawful  reason   why   the  said  partes- 

/        / 
should,  not  marry,   and  that  the  said  c    ^jZf  is  a 

.,     4        .        .,     _  lt/w     J-        i^Us,    I 

resident    of    said     County    o/    -&n*~/,    and    has    resided,    therein    for   one    month 

immediately  ph  vious  to  tins  date. 

Signed,  (~ 

&£^aA^cC^l_ i^y^i2^<2^_ 

In   TTi tit <«**.   at  iriiioh.  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  %    f    "        day  of  ^^c^7  isfj 

*^«jer        /if)  ,         /iCJ^o^y     Clerk. 

Before  me,  ^-ar^y  ^y^f^r^^g>-<^y .  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,   that    lie  is  a   resident  of  Fomy  County,  afomniftH :  that  lie  is 

^^^  ^S^C£^. 

acquainted  with. 

:  that  he   hath    reason,  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 
tlie  said  partiiyto  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.    <^=-*3<-^ 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the   said   parti** 

should  not    marry,   and   that   the   said V^r^^^S is   a 

resident    of  said    county    of     Bmm/,     and    lias    resided    therein    for    one    mouth 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


i  "Witnes*    of  Vrttjith.?  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

^y   *      day  of^^e^-^pf  18& -^ 

■  Clerk. 


Before  me,  \£* &-/*  f  ■? jV,  '  '/*<?  *~~<-/  Clerk  of  tlie  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  nunc  the  undersigned,  who  bein<s  bit  me  dull/  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  lie  is  a  resilient  of  Hatsy^Jounty  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with         —^^»CP1.    <~S       /C^*^'a> ?f  /\ 

;  that  he  hath    reason  to,  and   verily  doth   believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  fa  marry,  without  the  consent  of        G~^S%*^ 
parent     or  guardian     ;   that    he  knows   no   lawful   reason    why    the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,   and   that   fj/e  said  /'^'*?:^^',     ,  is  a 

resident    of  said     County    >,/     l',„ .,■,    and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 

immediately  previous  to  this  date. 



Xxt  Witnp'.s    of   TTliich.  I  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  S*^     *  day  of^^^^^^-^y^       l^F  *T 

^f^Tz^^-^  Clerk. 

Before  me,  ^>-/y  /TV /^ 4^r».  ■  f  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Counti/  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  rrho  Iteing  tin  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  t'rw  y  r<,uuti/.  ai'oevxotd  :  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  ^^S^SS^^^^&^A^s*/     P      e-^sS:, 


:  that  he  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.  c^<^<^~' 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   kn-nvs   no   lawful  reason   why  the  said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said Z^z^^SlS^^L *&^r/ 

resideutj'of  said    county    of    Rtxxrff.     and   has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


,<~<^l> — - 

I  yTitn*i*i<*    of   IThUh.    /   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  ^y      ?    day  of ^^^^<^^y^  lSf^ 


.Be/o/e  me.y&T^yry*  ^v^^^rr*/      .  a,.,*  0/  m,<   o^a   (7owrj;  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  person  ally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu  me  dull/  sworn, 

^Jaunty     ./up  LAN,,, .-  that  he  is 

Ilia  until   saith,  tlmt  he  is  a    resident  of 
■tinted  with     ^\^*r&*i       s?Zr^<jg-^ 

that  he  hath   reason  to,  and  verilii  doth  beliei 
isent  of      t^^^ 

the.  sunt  parties  to  he  of  Itwful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  or 

parent     or  guardian     :    that    he  knows   no    lawful   reason    ir/ti/   the   said  parti 

mould  not  marry,   and   that   the   said 


immediately  p 

to   this  date. 




In   TTitnoss:   <>l  ">VMcH,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

lay  of     //?<! 


JK-he  ^t&iz  xii  JttMaiia,  ^t%t^  E/SinUaj,  55: 


,       hc^yfJU  X      V^> 

rr>/     .  ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Count//  aforesaid,  m  ■rsonn/li/  eanie  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu  me  dull/  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,   that    he.  is  u   resident  of  -J-Ww/  County,  q  foresaid:  that  he  is 

acquainted  with  i^sjJiZ..     /."  t  -.-~iry\ 

:  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and-  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  partrim  to  be  of  lairful  age  to  marry,  witlwut  the  consent  of ?.Z*4i+x/ 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   lie   knows   no  lairful  reason    why  J  he  said  parties 



should  not   marry,   and   that   the   said- '',-; 

resident    of  imitl'  county    of  -F~avmii,    and    Iras    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date.  iV     f[l^  ^L^*~^ 

Signed , 

In  "Witness    of  Which*  J  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  J  X>~        day  of  ^^U  187  ?, 

J2Z&*!±AA.L—  -<d*i fr-tA~*~rx  y Clerk. 

4«v  ^.Z~~D.6 

£        \  f     -fa    "■ 

Before  me.  J£d^e/L*ML_  />,/o.«m^  ft/i,  of  tl)(,  Cireuit  Court  of  the 
Countu  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  hi/  me  duty  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  tsasr  County  uj^/,Lid ;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with v^-^-^^         >}'-•<  -7   &.7~ 

/  v 

;  Hint  he  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  part jjs  to  be  of  kuvful  age  to  mnrry.  without  the  consent  of  0^4*7/. 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  partis- 
should  not  marry,   and  that  the  said.  J^^o.Ji-'  V/^^,/!^  is  a 



resident    of  said    County   of  -&*=»/ A  auW  has  'resided  therein    for  one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


&L^J-   (%C&t?faUU~tZ 

la  iritn«-s»  «f  ^Vhicii,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand 



t     '^  day  of  Q-— -       isfi ■ 

Before  vie,  J^"-'''  f\C  \  -^//  (J  ar^ry^f  Clerk  of  the  Cireuit  Court  of  the 
Countii  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that    lie  is^a  resident  0/   £&tey  County,  -afvresmd:  that  he  is 

acquainted  with  iD..^tc(J..        l\JL*4. 

•  that  he  hath    reason  to,  und  verity  doth  believe 

the  said  partiei-to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of— _J!<t£^L*3S 

parent     or  guardian     ;   that  lie  knows   no  lawful  reason   why   the  said  partieL 

should  not  marry,  and  that  the,  said i_^7  yLA^k'~/ /  j   _£-<4 is  a 

resident    of  soul    county    of    Barfly-,    and.    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 



I«  "wri*n««*»   of  Vliich.,  1  Jiave  hereunto  set  my  hand. 
this  $".         day  of  ^^l lSf^. 

/&&  c^"-</u2^r    /■     /^U 

Before  vie,    ^^2-^ryyr^^-/ /r^^^s  Clrrk.  o/  f//r  Circuit   Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  mr  -lulu  sworr 
upon  ins  oath   saith,  that  In-  is  a   resident  of  >Wi«.  County  .a  fwaaa  idi  that  lie  i 
inteil  ivith^^^^^fjZC^ 

:  thai   lie  hath   reason  to,  and   verily  doth   believe 

a  a/  it  a 

the  saiii  parties  1,,  be  of  I  -infill  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  ot 
parent     or  guardian     ;    that    he.  knows   no    tan-fid   reason    why   the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,   and  that  the  said  ~p^x^^<z^  ^*_<_fe-—      ^-^ 

resident -Jbf  sa.i if  County    of    I'um,,.     and    luOfrresided   therein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  dole. 

gfV^£~   ^^&Z»^J>0&4kf^ 

In.   •Witn.ogiS   oX  •V^hieli,  /  have  hereunto  set  ma  hand, 
this        >Z      '*  day  of        6=^ 

Before  ni,^^^^^<?JV/7?^^~^'  ,  Clerk-  of  the  Cirruit  Court  of  the 

Couutt/  aforesaid,  personalia  eume  the  undersigned,  irho  being  hjume  dull/  sworn 
upon,  his   oath  saith,    that    he  is  a    reside)//  of  P+rrtv/   County,  nj,„<i.i,tid :  that  he  is 

uei/uainted  with      '  ^^  r^^^^ ^<fff>r.      l^r^r^^n^    r^     ^^  ^ 

^  /  £Z^?'^~t:~-<P  :  that  he  hath   reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe^ 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lair  fid  age  to  marry,  u-ithout  the  consent  o/__<^24>3fey- 
parenf     or  guardian     :   thai   he   knows  no   lawful   reason    why   the   said  parties 

should   not    mum/,    and    that    the   saicl_ ^g^~^^^^>      ^Zjr^'     _^_p, 

residentOof  said    rountu    of    Postif,    and.    lia&Zvcshlcil    therein    for    one    mouth 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


In  "Witness   of  WH^eSt*  1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 
this        ^2^ day  of        ^y^ -         18f/^ 


Before  me,     f^^-f  I''  47.'.     f.fcj?!?*..    Clerk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  <■„,„<■  the  underlined,  who  hcint  hi/  me  dull/  sworn 
upon  his  oath  smth.  that  he  in  a  resident  of  Poserr-County  ^  that 'tie  is 
acquainted  wit] h  —*Ji..c<nJtZ:.  //?  -t/i<3 

;  that  tie  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  par/rX  to  be  of  liwfid  age  t  >  mirrtj,  without  the  consent  of  JiZMytyi/ 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  win/  the  said  parti** 
should  not  marry,   and   that/he   said  ~~Xj  t^Ju^  /fr  i^te    is  a 

resident    of  said     County    oj     J'us, ■+ ,     and    has    resided    therein    /f,r    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

Signed,  ^ 

iMj^T'.    ^jf    01,'rY-riec^L  hrynf,       SA  X^f  LuV >yq/ 

In.  Witness   «»f  THUdi,  l  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
l/"  day  of  .jUhjtl    .  lsf^/. 

<C^*~^f^£/r        *>fl   '    F    dCi-4>~-r-dete~rk. 


5e/ore  we,  ./<-^r   £  L   /  Cf  ,./  L-^( s^r^f CI erk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  yerspiially  came  the  undersigned .  who  being  int  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saxthfthat    he^-is  a.  resident  of  i'oscy  County,  aforciaid:  that  he  is 


that  he   hath    reason  to.   and  verily   doth  believe 

acquainted  with  -  %. M^r^»^ . ■'ft/  .''..-* -?t 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.^^<Zi~?~T:£^^~ 

parent     or  guardian     :   that  he   knows   no   lawful  reason    why   the   said  parties 

/        5  . 
should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said /J2-2c *^o ^/— ->rk^ ?u+- ■-■>-.  *.*(.  -is-  a  r^y 

resident-Sof  saiil    county   of — Posey,    and   hc&ilrZresided    therein    for    one    month 

immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


(hah  M  dl 

1  Witness  of  WHichj  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  t^t.     day  ol.     f  ^Q_<^L  -Vf^/. 

j    I  /      OS    V      \ 

'  1     ,  XJ,  <b, 

Before  me,       (JL^t-#JL       -  _  L  .    L  J L*d&?2l_  Clerk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  ic/io  being  /,,/  me  duly  sivorn, 

ie  .said  parties  to  be  of  l-iwfid  a<Je  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of       ci^jyil/' 


parent     or  guardian     :    that    he  knows   no   lawful   reason    why    the  said   parties 
should  not  marry,   and   that  the  said  ,  j£r  ^<-^<lo       &^l£/^   -»-«--_ 

residnatSof  said     County    of    Pose,/,    and    haWresided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  pinions  to  litis  date. 

In.   TVitno**    *>t  "M'lildi,  I  hare  hereunto  set  my  .hand, 
this         I7\p         day  of.  ®^}  ISff, 

y^c^-y^    ""/'tp,   /^VC^s-u!    Clerk. 

Before  me.  fj  -*- <  » r  fV  >  / K  ^>-^r^  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Ccmrt  of  the 
Count  1 1  aforesaid ,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.  that  he  is  a  resident  of  ■ta.^y  Cnnty.  afJWai.1 :  that  he  is 
acquainted  with       fa  <r({  4/     Cf*/  >WV V^/     \d,       /letYi'-C/ 

A     I 

UJ  A*chtxy\  trr\/  :  that  he   hath    reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lair  fid  age  to  man//,  without  the  consent  of—       J*?---^£jl^- 
parcnt     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    uiiy   the  said,  parties 


should  not   marry,   and   that   the   said sDa 

residentS"/'  said    county    of    ¥&sey,     and    Iial  'resided    therein    for    one     month 

i mediately  precious  to  this  dale. 

Lt£<?     &/<Q^ 

In,  "Witness    oX  Which;  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

*    *»jl     it  i".*.^**,    ±    utiie  ft  ci  tutiiu   &ei   intf   nana, 

Z^  day  of  77^.  if?- 



^^    ^d^—A^ 

m&*  ^t&u 

$f  Haitian  a^ 




©Irani }} ,  s.St 

Before  me,'-jS^k^J.    /-U   ' 



Clerk  or  the 


Court  of  the 

Count ij  aforesaid 

personally  cu 
ith.   that  he  is 

»ie  */« 



ed,  who  beb 

ig  hi/  ))i 

•  <luli/  sworn. 

upon  his  oatlt   sa 

of';Pp#e&  County 

id.;  that  he  is 

acquainted  with 

_ Git, & 



4.  n~A 

hath    ) 

eason  to,  at 

(1  verily  doth  belierc 

the  said  parties  to  he  of  liwfid  age  to  m%rrij.  without  the  consent  of  ^t^A'  ^ 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,   and  thai  the  said  ,  r<^r%>-^^~  js   u 

resident  bo/  said  Count;,  of  gassy,  and  has  resided  therein  for  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


la   Witness   of  Which,  I  have  hcretihto  set  my  hand, 
this  L$S"       day  of _ .^£/.4.cSJ_  _  is4? M 

7  0. 

fgftt  ||iat£  af  ^'-nJuinia,  Hfr&t^  g$ani%>  2$;  l 

if  *    /  *,,        ,    O 

Before  we,(^*-^*Z^"  /  ^  •  /  f  *-/o A^*/ ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Countii  aforesaid .  personally  came  the  uuder.youed .  who  beuiii  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saitli,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  i'\\u#i  County,  .1/  m  ■  ■  ' :  that  he/is 
acquainted  with      fhk^/<^^ry^.         TT\        f^  C/    /faswf. -hr:.      ~^<1 

JLoJtm.  t£.  os       '  y  rP'f- 


that  he  hath  reason  to.  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.  Jt<X/jhJ-?y^ 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    why  the  said  parties 

s/rould  not   marry,   and   that   the   said 

resident    of    said    county    of     gaswft — and    has    resided    therein    fair    one    mouth 

A  -$= 

immediately  precious  to  this  date 



In  Witness*    <»f  Which*   1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

/tf"  day  of  c^J.^-c^.        18 f  ^ 

i  i3  *V      1     '//  '  ' ' 

-X^fc^'l'    /lO----r-ZL^^rr^     clerk. 


C  '/in       r  p 

Before  me./,-  !.<•££  /  C<  /  1  '-  ^K'_CU,k  of  the.  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Counti)  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  uiulersionjd,  u-lto  beingjjy  me  dull/  sworn, 
upon  his  oath   smth.  that  he  is  a   resident  of  J'<„«  j    County    trforesa^l ;  that  lie  is 

aeauaiuted  with  „,-;/_  _ '' _  ,  "c     r~r'  S        ~'  1  •  tC^??7a.  w 

r\  .    :-t  r.  iv  ■:*.(_    '  ;  that  he  hath   reason  to,  and   verily  doth   believe 

the  said  parties  id  he  of  Itwful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  ,£C£  /0-t/ 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  tie  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should,   not  marry,   and   that  the  said  ^y^CPxi  iTtC^o  4&-u~>*- 

resident y,f  said  County  of  -^£00*+,  and  has  i4sided  thereiii  for  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  this  dale. 

Signed,  ; 

In   "Witiioww   of  >Vliicli.  1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  J      •■       day  of       _.     —  —  -  IS 7^  J 

^t*^^      /(J  ,   ST-  -M^-rvrClerk. 

Vfr/iw  we,  ^^-^7  „  yfT  / S^C*<7*ix^  .  r/fj*  0/  M«  Cwvw7  Coz«-/  of  the 
County  aforesaid ,  versonally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  sait/i.   thai    he  is  a   resident  of  jfn.n  m  Y',.  ',,,  hh",mhW :  that  he  is 

cquainted  with 

.  mui  ne  iiutii  reason  to.  ana  verily  itotli  belie, 
the  said  parties  to  he  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.  ^^"^Ql 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows  no  lawful   reason    why  the  said  parties 

should  not   marry,   and   that   the,  y aid- ^i^e^Z^  ig  ffl 

resident^of   fjJd     rmnrfij    ,,f — Eas&f,     and    has     resided    therein    for    one     month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 



"*Vit:ne*M   of  \YJki«;fc<i  have  hereunto  set  mi/  hand, 
^      >£        day  of^r^^^e^p^        WF% 


*^  ^^   ^  l  7 

Je/ows  ?«.<?,    /^k#^c   /]/2.    /  /^cl^tr-n^      Clerk  of  the  Circuit   Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  {jjrsonalhj  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bn  me  rhdy  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a   resilient  of  4ios<>i+   County   ufuresuid;  that  7ie  is 

acquainted  with  _  VTfJi^J^t  ^    V^  ^        W^yUs'     ^<6^       */%t^v 

AD.<a<zU<^  ■  that   he  hath    reason  to.  and   verily  doth   believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  liwful  age  to  m/rru.  without  the.  consent  of    JU-'&^is- 

parent     or  guardian      ;    that    he  knows    no    lawful   reason    why    the   said   parties 

should  not  marry,   and. that  the  said       .fT&s^Lsy       *^&-?~;-C-    ^^ ^^/.    -js-a  K- 

resideutSof  said    -Coa&ty    ■  ?--  Po^a.    and    hatrtresidid    therein    for   one    month 

immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

Signed,  .  /> 

Xa  TVitKC-*^  of   ^riiioli,  /  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  U?/,,!      day  of       ^^^^^^t^yz.^'isy^ 


Ay   U^^^^v-^.     X>^»-w—    ^X-/j^ 

Before  me,    Oe<*  '^    '& ■     f  f<J  i-^-*/      _  clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Counti/  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned .  who  being  In/  me  dull/  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  sa.ith.   that    lie  is  a   resident  0/   -Bamitf  County,  aj\tf:  that  lie  is 

acquainted  with        \JP   *&.  r.  ~JJ<  <*^~  ft  ^>^x^>  jl^^ 

....;  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  verity  doth  believe 

the  said  partied-io  be  of  I  air  fid  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of-   M^CiC^d^^ 

parent     or  guardian.     :   that  he  knows   no  lawful   reason,   why   tlie  said  pur  tic*  ■ 

should  not   marry,   and   that   the  said- ^fZch^-^L, is   a 

resident    of  :>atd    county    »f  -&»#er/,/  and.    has     resided    therein    for    one    mouth 

A  ''V 

immediately  precious  to  this  date. 

Signal . 

JJC-,J  .(LiZXL   C"V  -s 

ich,  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
%;^dayot  &&IS,  18tf<S7~ 

Im   TVHh«*«    of   "Which,   1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand 


Before  me,  ^  ^s  f^  /Cf/A'J^^^ — ^Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  uho  being  by  mr  duly  sworn, 
upon  JiM-oath  saith,  flail  /.■,  ,■■■  u  i  ,■;./,  It{  „f  y. . .— ._. ,.  runu''y  J-i  thaUhe  is 
acquainted  icith^p^^^^^ /^^-S&l^  C^.tfrJ  ^^^f^f//\ 
;  thatQhe  hath  reason  to,  and  veriiu  dotli  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  1. tic fill  age  to  marry,  without,  the-  consent  of  <^^^- 
parcnt     or  guardian     ;    thutA  he  knows   no   lawful   reason    why    tin-   said,    parties 

S-Z^f'        TS-tt- 
diulely  previous  to  tins  date. 

Signed,  N 

should    not   mam/,    and    that   the   said     _ 

resident*£bf  said     CmuUtf — f~    /' t.    and    has    resided   /herein    ft 

5 _^_._        . 

In   Witness*   of  •yVJUehj  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
r     day  of     <^ya^j/*  1S^^ 

^—^  Clerk. 

a^^rz>-^>  ^^Y'S' 

Before  me,  <^-z^y<?'&^S/SZ&s'0™-'.  ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count//  aforesaid,  personally  came  tlie  undersigned,  u-lio  being  bit  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,   that    I~-i 


mleht  uj   rosey  County,  aforesuTTt:  that  he 

that  he  hath   reason,  to,   u'rul  verily  doth  believe 

acquainted  with        V^^*r 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  tlie  consent  of, 

parent     or  guardian     :   that  lie   knows   no  lawful   reason    why   the   said  parties 

should,  not   mam,,   and  that   the  said. 

■sident    of  said    coulity    of  Tose'y,    and   ha 
UTiiedifCtely  pre?iuiis"it\r"rii!is  d-rite. 


rem    for    one    mouth 



In  "Witness   of  IVJiic'h,  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  >'7jf   day  of  ;^^y      _jj^r 

—  Clerk. 

J^J-^ys'^^J*  *■''■ 

Before  me,     *&***,  r  .*■*-■  ^4^/      OerA:  0/  the    Circuit    Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu  me  duly  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  south.  ih..>  1..,  ,.    ,,    ,  ,,,,-     ,,-    ,/,-     ;V    ,;  rr-,,,'.,    [l}  ,, ,,- ,  that  he  is 

acquainted  with 

:  that  fie  hath  reason  to,  and.  verily  dotii  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of'  l-iwful  age  t ,  mtrry.  without  the  consent  of  <^ZS%C- 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  suhh- parties 
should  not  marry,    uir4.   Ihui   hi  1     rrtttl  fe   „  • 

rmdart   of  v*ui-~&rmthf-rr) — rrrmr,    wrrrt.   mr-mmtt  ■  !'  !!,,  n,,,    /or  one   Month" 

imm, ;/;,,/,./,,  y, ,■,■.•;.  ,■  ■  '  I      ■ 


r\\r  f    -\  1  r  -// 

In   Wit»vt»«.*i   *.«   "Vpxleiki  I  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

&      *^      day  of        Ss^z^  lSJ/*^^ 

^S^??Z>^~*-S       Clerk. 

Before  me, '  x^  <■  ■/' C  SL  '  J  /  .  < -  t  <?Z7y  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  ?ne  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,   that    he  is  a   resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 

acquainted  with  }  T]   cX  r  a  \ .  ^-^. :  __     _)CjC\    <     AJ?  <■' < 

:  that  he  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  .  L^nJa^ 
}mrent     or  guardian     ;   that   he   knows   no  lawful  reason,   why   the  said  parties 

should  not  marry,  and  that  the  said     ^WAi/^w      />??  .    &  cv~fi is  a 

resident    of  fmi*i     comity    *f — /'■om-y.     and    has     resided     therein    for    one     month 
immediately  precious  to  this  date. 



In   TSVii-He.**    «»f   YVlvich.    /   havfViereunto  set  my  hand. 
day  off      j/J   _>  '  >»i'J  lSy  6 

"^^-        Clerk. 

°  M      La/v^I    •  iyvd~  \  1         t 

r„///////  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  u.-ho  being  bit  me  dull/  sworn, 

upon  his  oath   saith,  t.liut  he  is-u.  resident  of  M'ouotf  Count y    ttforejw ret ;  'that  lie  is 

acyuain/ed  with 

~*4*        /Ki-  ■    /  /    C  (^tns^Clerk  of  the   fir-nut    Court  of  tl 
ersottally  came  the  undersigned,  it: 
.  that  he  Ls-u.  resident  of   *'■.»., * ' 

^£.-.  _,   &*  fc 


1  -.  :-e '.\ 

:  thrj-J+u 




>  7 



'6     c 










isssL,.'  ^  ts  \irfu-,,  ?^e—  <?■  /& 

resident    of  said     County    of    iu„ /,    and    has    resided    thereifi    for   one    month 

A lately  precious  to  tins  dale. 

In    TTitiio .<*.**    of   t1  liicli,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  0    -'■<        day  of      (_^_    k^^-^f 

/&^?     ^C/i  t{    jLur-Cr  A 

-^/"  4/    1/y '/ 

5e/ore  ww/_^  «.  r  "?je  ^  /(Qi.  /  f  .<J -^~>^  Clerk  of  the  Cirenit  Court  of  the 
Count)/  aforesaid,  iirrsinadhi  came  the  undersigned ,  jrho  being  bit  lue  duhj  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  thai  he  is  a  resident  of \2*mt fount]/ \^ov^Kdd .< -that  he  is 
acquainted  with  ~^ij?  a^a   >„jl/~       JiS>  c^o    f  ■  t^^/T~... 

:  that  he  hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  /turtles  to  be  of  I  air}  ul  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of-   J2-*ZszL^, 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the  said  part'eesf 

should  not   marry,   and   that   the  suid_ . iW^y  j.s   a 

resident    of  said    county   of   i'oeey,  •>  and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 


immediately  previous  to  this  ilate. 


Xn  Witness    of  "WHicl*,   /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 
day  of      ,  ^  18f?6  , 

■£—**  ;&.  ?££* 

^3      C7 

^  £/       -iU 

Before  vie,     (A*y%£/_    c   C-     LL^^^L- Clerk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  /Jersonully  came  the  undersigned,^ 

Shu*/'  1^-4Jt.rp 

tin'  undersigm//.,  irho  tiring  tin  mr  dull/  sworn, 

upon  trrn-  oath   saith,  thatShe  is  a    resident  of 

^—     ~  +  L  ^J^   -t/JaS..:-    7-,:    J^dj, 

''un/iKiintiitl  ivith 

*  L^J  J?LJ*°  £/&*&& 

nii:smi    >i, i i  ./-...ivV,'/  doth    U;lu. 

marrnt        r.     ■,,, 

iril  in  n 


,  ■ 

ml     hti;,     i 

Txidnt   tun 

am    to 

rcniilot+t — of  m 

id.    Cniui 



rtiilldy  fjI'Vtimni  to    thin  d,*lv. 




.  ^>7  ?tas  J^cJlc 

r:*mv&s   ol  ">VlticJi,  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

ty  oO^AA>u4^^cj  &yt,u 


^/^dJuCl  u- 

it  pMU  *i  'gnbimv?.  W^n  §*»**&  *« 


/       //7 



7      /     //      '  ■  y  .  - 

^V     ^ 

^<-<^c^_     /  C- 

ol~£  ?U-i^i^i 

&-<X_        ^  ^^ 


jy~J~  A-<-*        ^X      <£    ^-£        ^K^l  ^       ^^rl     /1<^( 

s?       i  ,-  ,,,  ,  •  iff 

1  !    Court  of  the 

I  'iiiiii 

/     /      , 


sirorn , 

"I""'  \id;  that  he  is 



(ZoM   belieri 

Varcul  \said  ljarties 

s ho, i hi  \  ig    a 

resident    of  snid     Count;/    -«/'     I'osey,    ami     Ims    ,,*/,,,,.    ,,terein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  dole. 


In    Wiiaos.x   of   ^Viiich,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of  IS  7 


■J^ryV-tel-k  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

upon  his  oath  smth.  /frrrfl/j.r  is  a  resident  uf  Poser/ /■County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 

'/  ~-\    /I     J  "  /      /        ' 

acquainted  with  Kr   I .  At  «*<?..  \~L*<L  .Ap<-?*?_  l^-e^J  £t_<^-*-t— - 

:  that  he   hath    reason  to.    and  verity  doth  believe 

the  said,  parties  to  be  of  I  air  fill  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of-—  C-^XjA^.  -<_ 

parent     or  guardian     .    flint   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 

Should   not    marry,    and    that    the    said    '  l.*-~*t^^(?_. ■■jLa^^  sV^/c*^,;  ^    a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one     mouth 

immediately  precious  to  this  dale. 


In   ^Tit-iie*!*    of  "\VlLioH?   1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of  187 


Before  me,  k6g  <~S -fl  yi^y^C^  sr^  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  person  alb)  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  hi,  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  ttuit  lie  is  a  resident  of'-Uezeg^-County  af»****id;  that  lie  is 
acquainted  with  ^C  './.<-    /Ct^er-*' *-<£.--    ~~s 

;  that   lie  hath    reason  to,  and  renin  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of 1'iwful  age  to  inirry,  without  the  consent 

should  not  marry,  icud  tl 

mtideut     q£   said      CnnjjJ- 

immediately  jaedum  '■■  Uth  ■<■•>■■■- 

&■  6 .  ^^UA 

Xsi   TVitM«*su*   of   WUich,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand 
this        J^<?'     '     day  of  -  ^€^~^  1S^ 


U&*  ^ttitf  lit  '^.ntLiz'nz,  ^zzty  :§jmni$f  Mi 

I?      / 

Before  me,  (w^^>y-//p^'''' ^«^ /  ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit.  Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid ',  personally  came  the  undersigned .lvpoheing,hy  nit  duly  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  saith,   that    lie  is  a   resident  of   Peeey/poiinty,  aforesaid:  that  he  u 

acquainte^with         / /7-^£^ >..     ^C^^^K 

^O^^  y^^^^l  :  that  he  hath  reason  to/ and  verily  dothbeliev, 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.  (f^-^f^^ 
parent  or  guardian  :  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not   marry,   uTfti^l'utt  th*+-**>nt~.      * 

resi4e-t*i — if    srr/d     fiiiitltl,    "f — l'<n<<'?t.  ■ 

imrnertfiifti'ij  pit  vi»„.  <   to  i'/h'.i  m'm/h, 


di'it     Unrein    for    uTiT — 77777 

?/  (P  <AU$ 

Is  "Witi»*«*>*,  <*F  'W^hiolt,   I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
JZL^^I^^—  Clerk. 

£e/07'c  we,  /^         ^S     ftYJZ  flourt  °f  the 


County  afore*  •     V      ^       fj^  duly  sw, 

i  V     tkX 

„ ^C:;:; 

aaiuainted  i-  ^ 

r  ■  '  7?/  cZo//i  believe 

parent     or  '  '  ' ,  "t"*-v     &t~e    ,/  ^  /u'  said  parties 

»k-«um  no,  ">'  %  *?*« . .  y^T_ '  y  /*  » 

resilient    .  /  <J  .  <fj.c^  ^      '  ^07-   o»e    month 

I  "  -. 


unto  set  my  hand, 

Jp'lu  ptaU  nf  -Sum  «***•,  r>.  j>  .^s; 

Before  vw.J-/^^Jy  /W  <  '  IM<&*™^  ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count, i  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  In,  me  duly  sworn, 
ipon  his  oath  saith,  that   he  Is  (  of  4'om  y^ounty'^lxjvrvmtd :  that  hi  is 

that  he  hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  yartitf  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of tZoZ&i*-^. 

parent     or  guardian     :   >h.ut   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    why  the  said  partidsf 

should  not   marry,   and   that   the  said sJ-^&^hm^A^ ZLi Tpz^a^g-^z^^is   a 

resident    of  said    county    of    .fefr;/,     anil/  has    resided  I  therein    for    one    month 

icdiutclij  previous  to  this  date. 

Signed,  ^-,  / 

>.oi&4_  (jL/sx/yrFd 

In   "Witness    of   VUch}   1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  ZsfJ?        day  of         ^>T  ^ ■  18  f^ 

Sjl-c*-^?^     r-W.    SSi^**^  aerk 

Before  me,  ^'-'^s^/V-S/Sf'-is'+y/  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of' the 
Count;/  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  La  me  didii  sworn, 
upon  his  oath,  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  Count//  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with      s^:<sr<^V>        <~t^/*/k  /-<z-r-r-yS 

;  that   he  hath    reason,  to,  and   eerily  doth   believe 
the  sui<l  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of       &<r /Ap- 
parent    or  guardian     ;    that    lie  knows   no   lawful   reason   why    the   said-  parties 
should  not  marry,    an-l   tlntt    rl <.~  — is  a. 

resist  mi  t      n,f    Said      Cooof->     ■  -■        -^-     /      '■    ■  ■■      ■■  I      I     '-'■■-■  ■'■''■       Wfmth 

rmmnlrilte/ii   yrer/oas  to    this  liate. 

tvitjwffwi   <>f   "»Vl\ioli,  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this         vl  0r&?  day  of      ^^^l_     lsf>  <£ 

-^ZeC-*^^  a,  sC^//-/  ^£5-  ^t^^      Clerk. 

Before  me,  ^^-^^/f,  f  /^^Sr^f^Clerh  of  the  <  ir,  ait  Court  of  the 
Countu  aforesaid,  ife/sonallii  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that    he  is  a  resident  of 

acquainted  with 

:  that  lie  hath    reason  to,   and-  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  purtiM  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of 
parent     or  guardian     :   tha.t  lie   knows   no  lawful   reason    why   the  said  part' 
should  not  marry,   and   that-   the  said-J^L/Z^y^L^ 
resident    of  said    county   of    Peeetfr  and    has    resided    therein    for    o/ie 

.  A 

immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


*^f  tVC^^-^^'tf 

Kb  WSta»«SS»  •'  "WUWB**  /  huve  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
ifjy.     day  of  £&*'-■-  ™?6. 


J-.  &.*>. 

£gfc*  gist*  $f  JJuMaasij.  ;f'53cy  ©av-ntaj,  £.s 

Before  me,  ^^^^^SsF'^f^^is  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  tin 
County  aforesaid,  personally  ,„,,,,■  II,,-  undersigned,  who  being  In/  me  duly  .sworn, 
upon  his  ,1,1//,   suit/,.  /JuU-4u'  is,,,    resident  of  Poser/    County    aforesaid:  that  he  is 

acquainted  with    kT's^'Z^S, ^C^X^e^^^^  ^Z-     ^^^^r-'/^C 

.^Q2^:7^>  :  that   he  hath    reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  1-twfiU  age  to  nvirry.  without  ths  consent  of  ^?.Z^C- 
parent     ,,r  guardian     :   that    he  lawns   no   lawful  reason   why   the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,   ami   that   the   said  \     ,s  a 

resident    nf  sal, I     Con,,/,,    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  dale. 


y%^  sks*. 


Jh    Wit 

this  /^^^'^     ,/„,/  or 

*    of-   ">Vli>cli,   /   have  hereunto  set  mi/  hand, 
Oz^zy-     day  - 


PJ&e  ^i&Xpp&i  ^-n^iana>  p^aseoj  &nv,n\-£,  3$ 

Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Countti  aforesaid,  vcrsanally  ewme  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  sa.ith,   thai    he  is  u    resident  ,,f  J'twoy  County,  af»» titt:  that  he  is 

acquainted  with  '  (P^^.s^?^*^.     Z2/  ^W^^t^ 

:  that  lie   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  paeliif  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of. ^  ">n-trt— 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   nojaieftd   reason    why   the  said,  partitft 

diould  not   marry,   and   that   th 


"Wi*.  ct* 


^  c^^. 

Jfs   a 

resident    of  said    county    of    "ESsZy,    and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 

diatehj  pr< 

to  this  date. 



In   trrt-nesw    of   "»VhUh,   1   hare  hereunto  set'my  hand, 
this  J     s7    day  of  L^fo^'  18ff6>{ 


<-■£,**        Lsfa^stf    I 

■*,  2—2) 

IP*  gun  $f  gu^a-an,  gw*3  ^im?n^  tn 

Before  me?Z^  :--^  <s  /  W:  SS>-  4^  .  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of-  the 
County  afore.ta.ifl,  fa-son  ally,  cam*  the  undersigned, ,  wlw  being hi, n^du-ly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  suibk,  t.iuU  he  is  u.   resident,  of  -U*Ztr  Cou7tij  '  f^tuiLti/i-'.  thai  he  is 

fc  A/ '        >r  A       /  'v 

acquainted  with  (O  yr/^c  -<l  ■■     Co.  re?      -/le-?-^— — 

;  that  he  hath  reason  to,  and  verilu  doth  believe 
t/te  said  parU&  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  m%rri/.  without  the  consent  or'  .  ~'<^^^^ 
parent     or  guardian     ;   that   he  knows   no   lawful   reason   why    the  sunt  partite 

should   not   marry,    and   that   the    said,         G?/T^V        /(%e^.<z-/l  c^~i? is   a 

resident    of   said     County    of   (1tW*rr    and    has    resided   therein    for   one    month 
immediately  precious  to  this  date. 


X»   >Vitw«-**   *»£   AVhith,  l  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /  *"  day  of  ,       C^/sis ,  igtf  (p 

,JL^  (S./to'f    f  ^^£*K  Cleric. 

-3    >  * 

Before  me,  /X^t-  iJ  1/  /(O  ■  /  /  Up^r?^,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Counti/  aforesaid, personally  came  the  undersigned,  who. being  biLine  duly 

upon  his  oath,  saitlt,   that   he  is  a   resident  of 


acquainted  with 

7\uf.^  y(o^'^^ 

...;  that  he  hath  reason  to.  and  verily  doth  belien 
the  said  partita  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of-  ^*-?  '  r'  ?- 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason,  why  the  said  parti 
should  not   marry,   and   that   the   said ^1 

■i^O-      P&cr-£/L^C 


resident    of  said    county    of    Poocih     and    has    resided    therein    for    one    mouth 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


Ok  Ml  ]Un**m/  iv . 

Is  Trvit»«*«*   **t  iruivh,  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

this  S.3.1        day  of  ^^-. ■■  Wf  £> 

■4k±~f-<~S6.     "S^^yierk. 

.Be/W  i>uYA^-^--/Uy/.J^^r-yt^,rk  of  the   Circuit    Court  of  the 
Cmi/////  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  whifibeiivJ  hi/  me  'lulu  sworn 

upon  his  oath  suit!/,  tluit  It 
acquainted  with 

dent  0/ 

OiJUc^'  t?\  ,         Lsaisi^, 

that  he  is 

;  tluit   lie  haf/i    reason  to,  and   reril//  doth   believe 
the  said  part  iff  I"  be-  of  l-twfiti.  age  to  marry.  withoiU  ft/?,  consent  of     jzJz>%*^ 

ful   reason    whq   the  said   partigsf 

'  .  vr   s?l..'j    .7 

parent     or  guardian     ;   that    he  knows  no   lawful  reason  why   the  said  parti 

should  not  marry,  and  that  the  suid/Cf<^-c^s      "/], 

on,/,,   a        '        .    am     n, is    ief(ed   there, 

for   01/e    month 

dialely  previous  to  this  dole. 


0  0/   sf/z 

Before  m/f,:.^  *?.  C  *  U  >  ?  /  '/; ■  ~^i<-rti>rk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Counti/  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  irlio  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath h,   that    he  is  a   resident  of  Pour t)  County,  a/'>jev„v«t,i>.that  he  is 

.-  that  he  hath  reason  to.  and  verily  doth  believe 
I  he  said  partite  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of-  j-^-^hj^- 
parenl     or  guardian     :  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason    why  the  said-  parties 

'•quainted  with 

■should  not   marry,   and   that   the   said- 



reside/it    of  said    county    <>/'  -I'oseui,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 

immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


(ajjla<o  /^L^^a^t/*" 

In  **rii«e*« 

this  **■■ 

WKicItj  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
»J}    day  nf 

day  of 

-  — -  Ctcrk. 



Before  me,    U  -*v^-^-  ^^fO^  ?"        Clerk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  saith,  t.l~.i  lie  i\  t<    cc-rd-tit  ■■/'    /'■■■vy    ''rut,t-<     tfuiraaid  ■  ";af  he  is 

;  //////  fee  WA  reason  to.  and  verilu  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,   and   that   the  said  —  is  a 

reiMmt    fffsunl     County    b/      TbSn,,     and    has    rTxMea    TTti  rem  -frrr-  one    month 
immediately  precious  to  tins  dote. 


)amdtAj    rhJh- 

In   "Witness   «f   -»V!iicJ».  I  //are  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /£^Cday  of^S-^2^-  1S^£, 

&  /S  /s€£^r^-r/_     Clerk. 

^yy^-^-^-^y  f  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Before  me,    wiis=^>^ -; 

County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  icho  being  by  me  duly  sworn 
upon  his  oath  saith,   "rttt    ur   '      I      i     'Jei/t     r    /'■■  ■,'/,-  QmUiiu    "f,,  v  m  '  '     W  if   '  i    i 

that  he    hath    reason  to.    and  verilu   doth  believe  ) 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of. 

parent     or  guardian     :   that,  lie   knows   no   tbswful  reason   why   the  said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said ^      is  a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has     resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


_ ZJyx^cc    JJsl.'l£~ 

la  Witne**   «»f  lTbich,   /  have  tiereunto  set  my  hand, 

"  „       day  of 


£e/bre  im,.  _.-<-  -Z^C.  ,  £?.  //^  :  ?:-T^-Ci<rk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  tike 
Coiiut//  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  l,„  me  dull/  sworn, 
upon  his  oath   smth.  that  he.  is  a    resident  of  Posey    County    aforesaid;  that  he  is 

acquainted  with  /  /  /.  -<.,   '/.  -^ jL..L^li^^j^^i . 

;  tlmt  he  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  partite  to  be  u/  liwful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  *?Js£fru>-<- 
parewt  or  guardian  :  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should   not  marry,    ami   that   the   said     S  '7 [^-VT^  /^l  S^^>i—  is   a 

resident    of  said     County    of    Posey,    and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to   this  date. 

this  ss  y  ,iay  of  J^t->^c-  lStfCj-. 

ZLfV-^a-L-    /&;       rV jZ°-crH_^  Clerk. 

Before  me,  _._ ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court,  of  the 

Counti/  aforesaid,  personally  came  tin-  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saitli.   that    he  is  a   resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 

acquainted  with  _ _ 

:  that  he   hath    reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 
the  saal,  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of., 
parent     or  guardian     .    that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why  the  said,  parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said is   a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,    and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


In   Witness   of  IVliach^   /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  day  of  187 


ggto  H    Delmonico  QirjjG  Mall, 

OTTO  BK.IiosKT.    I'llol'lEIKTOIl. 

Before  r,       _ 

Regular  meals  Everything                     > ssssssssssasso 

County  afoi       25  Cents.  Strictly  First-class.       126  Main 

Also  Meals  on  No   Bar  in                       *  Street. 

upon  his  on       Th)e   European  Plan.  Correction.                   V  ses&ssfiss&aass 

acquainted  Henderson,  Ky.,     .  c^L^&y  £      189  b 

Before  me,  /  ^c^-*f*-  pUP  ■  /  fl^uftn^f  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Countii  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  dulu  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  vf  l'om*f-Couutij,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  yJ/^z-zW-^-f''    <_X.  <-/   <=<sy^<i^u&^- 

;  tfia*  At-  fcatf;  reasow  fo,  arecZ  i-«-%  doth  believe 
the  said  partih  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.  jz^bt>r\t-^- 
parent     or  guardian     :   that  he   knows   no  lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 

should,  not   marry,    and   that   the   said ^f^T^q^s^C  ^fe^_ 

aid    has    resided    fhrrei 

resident    of  said    county   of     f  one  it.     and    has    resided    flier-em    for    one    mouth 
immediately  precious  to  this  date. 

i  i^z^    m 

•  no  hki:osi:t,  im5oim{ii:tok. 

Regular  Meals  Everything  issssssssssMss 

>5  Cents.  Strictly  First-class.  '    126  Main 

\lso  Meals  on  No  Bar  in  7  Street, 

rh>e  European  Plan.        Connection.  V ssvsssssssssss 


Henderson,  Kv.,  l$i) 




I  lb  MAI.y  SIRhET. 

HENDERSON,  KY.,  .'        V   ~  IfW    U? 




ATCHMAhER  AHDJE ___^.  O.    V.    R.  R. 

IJ6   M-4/.\  SIKEEr 


HEHDERSOIS,  K  Y. ,    \&%&  ■"/     X  ~  18V  & 

''tCLQ.     ?>1suy      C*#~t*.  GL4s**s€/       /€$     [/O 

.Be/b/^  we,  Z^-f.-C,  /(?  '  /T  l/^ryiirCTerk  of  the  Circuit  '^ourt  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  jjersmudlij  e.ume  the  undersized,  who  being  by  me  dull /  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.  that  ha  is  a^-KL-sideut  oj  -l'os<,y'r\uitli,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with 

;  tha(  ij  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of 1-iwfiU  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  a-^fchc^u 
parent  or  guardian  :  that  he  knows  no  Ipuvful  reason  irhj^  the  said  partiM 
should  not  marry,  and  that  the,  said  L  >*£fry  L7t-cfe^cX-^  is  a 
resident    oj    said     Comity    oj    -  liixa/.     and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 

immediately  ]), 

to   Hi  is  date. 

•>p$f£  X-* .K^wti^U— 

In   "Witne?*.**    <>l  ">Vl«icii,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  6?    '  day  of        .V  ^^J^  ISf?  C? 

Wn*  gmu  a? 

xnl%>  ,35: 

Before  me,  _     -  -  ■<.  _  «  of  the  Cirruit  Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon,  his  oath  saith,   that    he  is  a   resident  of  l'osey  County,  aforesaid :  that  he  is 

acquainted  with  

;  that  he   hath    reason  to.    and  verily   doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lau-ful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of. 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    w'ny   tiie  said  parties 

should  not   marry,   and   that   the   said is   a 

resident    of  said    county    of    l'osey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one    montli 
immediately  previous  to  this  ila.te. 

Signed,         I 

In  "tVitiic***    of  WKioIlj  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of.  ^187 


5?iu  glal^ef  IJ-aMaiaa,  '^safu  ^uuTit^  $$£ 



,  / \-i~r^    ;  ^'     '   f^Ja^-l^:CLerk  of  the  Circuit   Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  /lis  oath  smith,  that  htyis  a  resident  of  1'vae'j  County  uforeimid  ;  that  lie  is 
acquainted  with  t/~U<?-  i~^i  ?<■■       /$■       rf^'n^fe- 

;  that  he  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  partittyto  be  of  iiwful  age  to  nvirry,  without  the  consent  of  ^^zJCl-*— 
parent  or  guardian  :  tliat  he  knows  no  Itpirfal  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  many,  and  that  the  said     /)  <z^r*~^.       </£■    <? / '  A<7Z     is  a 

resident    of  said     County    of     ^--(j-.     and  V/r/N    resided    therein    for   one    month 

^  ( 

immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

Xa   TViti»«.'H..»    of   TTliicli,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  lu 

^2y       <Z2^u^. 

%s~J  day  of 

"Vl^f^  ?(fP.  (/T/'^^-^ 


°2).  & 

mht  ^Mit  af  p-n'U&nnj  ^%M$  t&mnify  &*: 


upon  , 

the  sa. 

-~  "  uit  Court  of  the 

<ie  duly  sworn, 
aid:  that  he  is 

ly  doth  believe 

3   saul   parties 

.    ,  •    ....,;, u. 

'/,'-''.  tZ-/'  •':    -'  -X       o^- ',/     *—  <-    /  2-  '-J  -'       r   one    month 




n)  '      - 


^l~  set  my  hand. 


—  Clerk. 

JgJtt  gtai*  n  Qnbianap,  i^asiy  ©nuntxj,  $£? 


Before  i, ,7y^iLi//i,     / iP  -    / 1  t//S   w/   Clerk  of  th, 
i  r/t 

if  the.  Cirn, it  Court  of  tit,; 
Coitnti/  aforesaid,  personally  came,  the  undersigned.  by  m>  lul/i  sworn 
upon  Jus  oath  sait/i.  tJiaUJntis  a  resident  of  I '•  mt  -  Count//  -tfcr:v:::d:  tlmt  lie  is 
acauaiuted  with 


:  that  lie  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
th,-  said  yarti&jtu  be  of  Hwf/d  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  J?-*stfzj^i^- 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  lie  knows  no  lawful  reason  wJiy  the  said  /n/rtiey 
should  not  marry,   and   that   the  said     ,  /£>  &si  / V  is  a 

resident    of  sunt     County    of     l'„ ,y,     and    has    resided    /herein     for    one    month 

immediately  previous  to  this  dale. 

In    TVitno««    of   IVIiich,   /  have  hereunto   set  my  hand, 
this  /      S    day  of  £Z*^r.        lsff & 

Before  nie./yt^'^-    ' 
Count//  aforesaid,  personally  eunie  the  unders 

upon  his  oath  saith.   that    he_isA,   resit 
aei/uainted  with  /  </     /  k-vt. 

o-'-rCteek  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  tin 

the  said  pat 

:  that  he   hath    reason  to.    and  verily   doth  believe 

•-a.  /? 

Hlt&fto  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.  .£.  t  '-  ^^_ 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  i/o  lawful  reason  /vluj  the  said  part  it* 
should  not  marry,  and  that  the  saM^/t2.<>?^^<<l_  ~/2l~  /&Qcd^Lis  a 
resident  of  said  county  of  -Poseu  ..and  has  resitfhl  therein  /W««c>,(»«/// 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

_^c//^£^^ _ 

In   ">Vitnc!«K   of  "Which*   1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  /O"         day  of  d^C^t^p,  .  ISld (=> 

/^^<^Y^-   s'0?,        //^^k^^ri Clerk. 

^y    6u^ 


/4^*r^    /?  <jb 


Before  me,  "^^^;  /£7,  ff/^V^vCrk  oj  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  tkal  lie  is  a  resident  of  *Liun:n  County .»/...,  \„,J  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  /{  J^-ust^-       -~\l3^t'~^tr~v~ 

:  that  he  hath  reason  to,  and  rent//  doth  believe 
the  said  partitj  to  be  of  l-iwful  age  to  mirry.  without  the  01, sent  of  j^rJi^C- 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not   marry,   and   that   the   said    •  r[^^yc<_       ^p \^r~{ry- :.  ^   u 

resident    of  said     County    of    Uttttey,     and    has    resided  'therein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to   this  date. 

Jia,  Wiifeifc&SjS   «/   Which,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  &  /  "     day  of  (^Do<~*-4 ,         ISTy 'Z 

"^  /<<VX^  -4-r       rU,  1    '<fiS**r±eierk. 

/fit-!     Ck-t<l  rf^^M**""     A     «^^~~^ 

1  2)^  ^ 

Before  me,  / ^A-iifi--  f*T . '  r  /  ^^&zr?^Ciel-k  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid ,  personally  came  the  undersized ,  who  being  In/  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  thaj  he  is  a  resident  0/  .I'.nu&mCoiinty,  '!■  11111  1 11  _  that  he  is 
acquainted  with       /  uXi^  V~e^if        s/\  /PtsTsTZ^t^-  ^  iC* — 

•J,        /J  sin^-V  hs~  :  that  he   hath    reason  to,    and  verily   doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  W of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of..  .  ^S-^c^A-c^--     or  guardian     ;   that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the   said   parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said J5 <>i*^./£^-C^s> : .is  -a  Y '■ 

resident  S'f  saiil    county    of    4\wlj,',     and   ha&c_r.esided    therein  f for    one    mouth 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


I«  "Wi&aeiifc   of  "WbJLe'h.g  I   luive  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

this  ZsJ>   ''         day  of 

<4^^&-  7kJL^_  cL 

Before  me,  ^^^a^y^^^  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu  mc  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County  aforesaid;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  ^yC^a'^^^r^^         O^.        -0^2<^-<:-*z-<-=-^^'    _ 

:  that  lu-  hath   reason  to,  and  verity  dotliJjeliev£ 
the  said,  parties  to  be  of  l-twfid  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of      <&/&- 
parent     or  guardian     ;    that    lie  knows   no    lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 
s/wuU  not  marry,  and  tlnvl  the  i,dttl     •  -&-& 

rj'ridrnt    ofsnid.    County   u) — riTsTJjr^m^    /, ,,    ,.,,,„/,,./   therein    fcr~tnW~mohl7i 

immediately  /irn  <■,„,„  ,,■  Iv    ,,'/f.i  ,/,,/,.— 

In   Witness   of  frivtcJx*  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  ^f  <T   day  of       ^^C^^        isfd 

|Ipu  pfxi>  ni  53-nhia^a,  W.uBty  &-av 

Be)  ore 

lourt  of  the 

Gounti,  a) 

upon  his 

uly  sworn, 
that  he  is 


the-  said  p, 
parent     <>i 

'otli  believe 
id  parties 

should  no 

'■'  —   \     -"'    ^      fTfy-li'. 

is   a 

resident    <> 

•le    mouth 

ny  hand, 

-  Clerk. 


re  »te  ^«^<f  ^^A^*^       Cterk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 


Count'/  aforesaid,  personally  cum*-  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  dull/  sworn, 
upon  his  oath   saitk.  that  he  is  a    resident  of-&mm.    Count//    a/'ainuidi  that  he  is 

acquainted  with 



that  lie  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe, 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  liwful  age  to  ni'irnj,  without  the  consent  of  ^^^^v 
narent  or  ouardian  ;  that  lie  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,   and  that  the  said  y^i^-^y  is  a 

resident    of  said     Count,,    of     Pose,/,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 




''^■Xa.   "Witit&SB    of   "WUllfh.,   I  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

^7^  day  of 

lvf  ■ 

Before  me,  W^^l^a^/P,    /      U^te-P^tfark  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  per&iully  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

his  oath  saith,   that    he  is  a  resident  of  i^ County   afJ* 


acquainted  with 

that  lie   hath    reason  to.   and  verily   doth  believt 
•  sent  of  jg^L-£-^- 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  eons 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the   said   partie, 

should  not  marry,   and   that  the   Mid—J^&£^-J£~*^ «   ° 

resident    of  said     county    of^f^and^'s     resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 




»****   4>f  ^-.»U<-JkM  1  have  hefTtcnto  set  my  hand. 
/0"(j     dayot  /A^>  lStfU, 

<*£**+     ^,T|V— ^-       Clerk. 


County  aforesaid,  l/brsouulhj  tame  the  undersigned,  alio  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  iiis  oath  saith.  tha/She  is  a  resident  of  1'vnvrj  Countu  -tfui  I'suntT  thutehe  is 
aoiiuaiidud  witft        /  \ 

;—  <h-t 

thatilie  hath   reason  to,  and   reri/i,  doth   believe 
the  mdd  p,+rti**4~-L>  oj  I  iwful.  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of     /^^H-^r- 

parent     or  guardian     ;    thatihe  knows    no    lawful   reason    why    tin    tmid 

should  not   mam/,   ami   that 

immedialcf.y  previous  to  this  dale. 



-& ,J~T^-4sM-\_ . 

Iii    "Witi»o*«*    of   ">Vl»ic-li.  /  havejiereuii/o  set  my  //and, 

this  ^  If        day  °f        t&^-C^t  w*f6, 

-^^c-^f^    %,    T^kl^t**-^        Clerk. 

J7.he  j&i%X±j&  ,3]nb;an^  ^5*3)  jaunty,  35 

Before  me,  Ij^^^c  . 'e-/.  /  /^a-*^^-—  ,  Clerk  of  the-  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count//  aforesaid! ji/isonalhi  came  the.  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that^ke,  is  a  resilient  of  PMttey  County,  aforesaid.:  that  lie  is 
aeintainted  with  -if.  *f.4sf~//f  •  .    </.. ^^Ui^ 

:  that  lie   hath    reason  to,    and  verily   doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.  J^r^A^gr- 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    ivhy^the   said  parties 

should  not   marry,   and   that   the   said    ^-r^ /??,      ^J.-/%£^^^I±is   a 

resilient    of  said    enmity    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one     mouth 
immediately  precious  to  this  date. 


Jn   *f>"itj» ess    of   ">Vl»icH*   1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

Before  ?ne,%*&*zf^  A/1  ,/f  flJ^r^y^ \  clerk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 

*"&,       day  of         ^^SclcZ,         isf^ 
*-7*~~*  ^-/G>-    tfezLtrri^--     _  aerk 

h^L^  4.  &-- 

ggffe  gtai*  tf-|fr&i»*a>-  H***$:  &a4i*ti#>  5S 

Before  me, 



Cletk  of  the  Circuit   Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the,  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon.  h*H  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a    resident  of  Esffi^ounty    ,^axxsBtST:Jhat  he  is 
acquainted  with        C  ^ -^^7     f(p^^t^    "V     £§£i-=_ 
/S'i-^vv^/^'i/  -  //,„/  /4e  /,f,///   reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  liwfid  age  to  m'trry,  without  the  consent  or     ^^PTUrv- 
parent     or  guardian     ;    thatShe  knows    no   lawful   reason    why    the  said   parties 

h       -/-  ' 
should  not  marry,   and   that   the,  said    _  _         f^*W  *-**>  is  a 

resident    of  said     County    of  ;^ ,     and"' 'has     resided    /herein     for    one     month 

immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


_  c7/n.cV^LCf,^l^^ 

Xn  W!t*»-of  ">VTiiel»,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  .     day  of     ■    -  187^ 

""/  i^ns*i  c     l(Vp,         t-      ■  sv  art.  *V5lerk. 

Before  rrurf^^?^  ™>  '  l/tMn^Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,   that   he  is  a   resident  of  Fosey  County,  aforesaid;  that  he  us 

.  .  .   ...     */!  Jc-t  /K^eJL^^.    ^C^  s?^^ 

acquamtedwith  /    I  j 

(_y  y-£^i_  ~LnA^  :  that  he  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  ^^— 
parent  or  guardian  :  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  partus 
should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said 

1^ulfn7f~o~'f  iVid  ^oiSi^of  TosefrTPiid    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 

immediately  /> 

to  this  date. 


liLw/  (tU$r*l 

la  SMin*,**    *»t  IThielt,   1   haveju-rcunto  set  my  hand, 

0     .  '^   r. 

■^       ,    m  /1^'f     y^ 

Before  me,  /f  U  i  </ c  /  V  /  I .  tsi&^rt/Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  beimj  by  7>ie  dull/  sworn, 
upon  his  oath   snitit.  that, he  is  a    resident  of  Pent**- County    <*ferem  ./:  that  he  is 

act/uainted  with     .   /'f~}  stsuJ.*^-        y.^-y^ 

thnt   lie  hath   reason  to,  and  verily  doth  betievi 

the  said  partite 'to  be  of  li.wfid  age  to  ni-irri/.  without  Hip  con-sent  of  j^zZZC^-— 
parent     or  guardian     ;    that    he  knows    no    lawful   reason    why    the  said   parties 

-^  *     *yt/ 

should  not  marry,  and.  that  the  said  y^.^-^^^  e^.--^*->~^~-o  js  a 
resident  of  said  County  of  Posey,  and  lias  resided  therein  for  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  tins  dale. 



In   Tritiie-ftH   of  -triiieli.  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  /  */J      day  of     i )    ^n^i^yn         lSfr"~ 

•%— ^^   ?M^?>U^r^eierk. 


p>t.f(  ,  '  Court  of  the 

County  tz*U*- J/yft*n*-&-*>-  ^  *  duly  sworn, 

upon  hi  M^  '   ^-f  /.  d:  that  he  is 

ai"'1"""    .       A-*,  s*~J^JJr^*I^ 

0  /  *  doth  believe 

<^^2W£  i  'aid  parties 

should  i  _  — "  a 

resident  (jU^         .//XW^fc 

yZyr-  F*  fi**^'" 

one    month 

In   TFitiic**    of  WHie&j  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 
this  day  of  187 


«s/ore  me/jtr&^j.^  JWi  /  &&*nv<  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count//  aforesaid.  /itrsonully  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  In/  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  suith,  that  he  is  a   resident  of  -i*VM'tr  County    *-/utZ<aul;  that  he  is 

acquainted  with  y.sp*?£^*t  *-*»^      C-(s ',       /  //^t^t^-i^       

;  that  he-  hath  reason  to.  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  lie  of  Lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  a^z>£^- — 
parent  or  guardian  :  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  partite 
should  not  marry,  and  that  the  said  CCt^-*Z~^~*^  Ct^.  //y£a^£~i,  is  a 
resident  of  said  County  of  /'.».■,-*,  and  has  resided/ therein  for  one  month 
immediately  precious  tu  this  date. 

Signed,  ^~""/ 

,.y_  04n?J J*****- 

In.   "tVitiKvsss   of  lVliich,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  ^7J^     ,I("J  °f       '  y^'^P^'  ;     1S7f  7' 

-^Zfje^-^Cf^--     /LP,        / jC^^^rrkr 

Before  me,  .£+■<-  t  <<  / L  .  /  /..  '  '  :'^n',  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  persol/a/ly  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,   that    he  is  a   resident  <y    Posey  •County,  ajoee/utul :  that  he  is 

acquainted  with  L....L*C?l*s.      /jQ- .   ..    c'    /°  °^r^*- '— — ; 

;  that  lie   hath   reason  to.   and,  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of    _*—>^>l^-'-~— — 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason,    why   the  said  partie%f 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said Li  6~L2r:^fL_lJ-^-±±-p  r-  ^  ^^ts  a 

resident    of~^#Hid-  county    of     Uuscy,     and    has     resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  ilute. 

In  "»Vit««**»fc   of  VliicUj  1  luive  hereunto  set  my  hand 

this         ^kjO  "  day  ot       (drr^- 

^C2*-t^-^>i//;&.    L.    L^r-o^ 


^Sl^j^-^-/,  *y^~^jtx^ 

Clerk  of  the  Circuit   tlourt  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  u-Jio  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

anon  his  oath    smth.  ttrrH-i, n.iduituf    / V^f-LU^nfj^u/or^a^i  ,  that  he  is 

acquainted  with   c^^xv^V^   C>^Y^  <vf    /  d^^^v^y-^*  j 

■  -  .'  that  he  hath    reason  to,  and  veiillf  doth,  beliejie 

the  mid  parties  to  be  of  huvfiU  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  o 

resident     oh   su_hL-£U 

iniiticdia/e/if  pi;  ■■/(.•!< 

hj — pi, sen.     dint    has— resided    therein 



!»»  /  have  lie 
y  ofg^V* 

in    Witness   of  ^riiicli.  /  have  hereunto  set  mi/  hand, 




Before  me,  P^^h^f  *  /^//^<^~->    .   Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Count 7/  aforesaid 
>un  his  oat/i  i 
u,iniiittrd  teitj 

nalhi  came  the  undersigned.  u;ho  being  bi/jnc^duhi  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  sai/h,  4hrri<Shj^  is  a   resident  of   1'osey  Count//,  afore&uiifc  trn+t<rhr  is 

;  4iut.t -hf-frntJi     rrarw   to.     .nul  .T-i-Vy^r,  '^-irrtfrrr 

the  hi  id  i  in  r  i' '   i  'i    '  i         '  '      i   i' 

•/iriTf '    -fn;       .in1    i  rf — 

i,/:ii    he    ,^/rjas    mj    la/cjuF 
-j:,,,;    ;/,,    s,iid 

■  r  ■:/    The    sari     paJtKS- 


in^uiedialdu  !' 

and    has—resided     therein  -fr. 


X^yui^ut^cc  -^  ^cz^J 

In   "Witness    ol   TfhlcJtj  1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

us  ^T^  day 

Before  me,  <*^^^^/ ??.' S^-^S/^s?^  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  pento-nally  cume  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  rnuth,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  fiufi — Ctuuty — uf arena  id:  that  hs-is 
acquainted  with  * — '2^^Lx^^^-  Syf      /    06?y _Orf-J'~c/  /Y^-*!.  Writ*—. 

_;  thut  he  hath   reason  to,  and  verily  dotlijjelieve    -7 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  liwful  wje  to  mnrry.  without  the  consent  of        <£<r,sy*z  y\ 
parent     or  guardian     ;   that    he  knows   no   lawful   reason   why    the  said   parties 
should  not  marry,   i^Ahnt^ihe  fsitid  <^?<^^s  ^g^,  ^t^ 

immediately  previous  to   this  date. 


Ij»   TTUhpsb    of   TTU-ioli.   /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

-s      P^^T^day  of^-y^^  18^7, 

^^^^■s^^y^^--'^^^^       Clerk. 

the  Cur  nil  Court  of  the 

/    .    !.     g  f  f~.'--  'el"g  by  me  duly  sworn, 

^y  ~  ^  ty.  aforesaid:  that  he  is 

and,  verily  doth  believe 







,i  i-  -  '„• 

— - 

'  c' " 

LC.  ".  /-- 






.  /   ; 


- :  f- : 

-  ■    _^ s 







...'              ; 

#  ■< 

- ' 

is  a 

.    1 


.:_    -  / 


■-  1 :. 





sLl  L 


/  / 


Sic     -? 





•  hereu 

ito  ■ 

et  m 

u  hand. 

1  ■ 


**"  W*  7>  ~f  ^    r^—^  of  the  Circuit   Court  of  the 
Count,,  aforesaid,  pers Uy  , fhe  undersig^^ina_b^w  ,M//  ^ 

"<""<  "•  «**  naUk,  that  he  is  Resident  of  ^  County  ^J,,;,,  that  ke  is 
acquainted  with  -^Qr6** -***-*       &lr>  *>£*.  '^2f? 

(J  :  that  he  hath  reason  to.  and  renin  doth  believe 
U,e  said  partly  to, moj  LwfiU  age  to  ,n,rr„.  witKont  the  consent  of  ^U  A^, 
tnn:,,,     or  guardian     .    /ho,    he  knows   no    lawful   reason    ivhy   the.  sunt  part 

shoo/,/  llllf  many,   cud  /hot  the*aidA   l^J'  ^ 
resident    of  so/,/    -County    of  -*s 

immediately  previous  to  this  dale. 



\jid    has    resided   therein    for   one    month 

In    iriine**    of   WUch,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
th<s  ^l^/?       ,,a,d  °f  „    ^c^-?,       IS','' 

/  ^        nay  oT  <-^-^^, 

^r  ^U/,^4  £U_  Se. 

Jpt^SUaj,,  „f  -Ti^hiana,  '3?D5etj  .ftoimiij,  s*i 

7/1  sit 

Circuit  Court  of  the 
by  me  duly  sworn, 
n-esuid;  that  he  is 

'■  verily  doth  believe 

nt  of 

y  the  said  parties 
is  a 

--^.     ■:„.-./'.■    n    ; 

or    one    month 


•unto  set  my  hand. 
- 187 

Jgfc*-§|te4*  Of  ;|fliiiTt3tii^  3?  03  try   Grimly,  *%% 

Before  me,  /.*&?** **  .  <C  '      /     f^-^^^^-^-k  „J  tfie   Circuit    Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  rue  duly  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  saith,  that  tie  is  a    resident  of  1'wicit-  County    ufarrstrcU.:  that  he  is 

aci/uainted  with  _    ,/^-n^i  ^S-^^~_      / 07^>  -      &Xs^L 

;  that    he  hath    reason   to,  and    verily  doth   believe 

the  said  parthjs  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  m'.irnj.  without  the  eminent  of     JLt&i&xs^; 

parent     or  guardian      ;    that    he  knows    no    lawful   reason    why    the   said   purti&b 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the  jsaid  ~'-<^-^-^-i^^l^-'    /' O  a^&Cb^s'^'  is  a 

resident    of   said     County    of     nuutr    and     has    resided    therein   {for   one    month 

immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


_  dL&£&>  ^  -_:^1w  i  4-~\i 

Ira   "Witii «■<■*><*   «t   TVhioli,   I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  -3   \o        day  of         {/     ,<<-^'  18f 

7  / 


Before  me ,U  ^^c  ^y ''     t   <-•''    /L/*^'4*T&fT!ilerk  of  the  Cinuit  Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned .  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  saith,   that    he  is  a    resident  of  l'osey  Comity,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 

acquainted  with  '    f  / '  *-"z^l~~y-' «^-^-T        r  pr 

:  that  he   hath    reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  partM  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.    Jk<-  ^-<^L^_ 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   ku-jivs    no   lawful   reason    why   the   said   parttqs 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said— './_].>■<- 2=  f*-^~t ..[/  &    *£V^L*==_is   a 

Ifs^v^ck^ Lru~-~i  lx_     (so  ,    r>^~^— 
resident,    of  said     county    of    £asa/,     and    has  'resided    therein    for    one     month 

immediately  previous  to  this  date. 



In   T?Vitj»«««   «f   »"ta.l«-"H,   1   luive  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  I  &"  day  o,  '/'tuV.  1S&S7, 

Gfefc^^..^'    g  f^<~-~rx^^     £lerk 

S?~%y  ^ir^l^~c^r^f,  V> 


Before  me,/>  :<-  '  ft      /L    •    /  f  '  l.?^~>l^7Clerk  of  the   Circuit    Court  of  Cue 
Count//  aforesaid,  pdrsoually  came  the  undersigued,  who  being  bit  me  didu  sworn, 

upon  his  oath   smth.  tliaHi,    t\-u    resident  oj    tAisr.?   County    ofur /  ,r;  that  he  is 

ac^ainted  with     _  C        i>il    *d/Z.  /{? ,   <S   *Y  —     ^'-^L   £>m*~~.~- 
-    <£-)■  (n.WK*S.  ;  that   he  hath   reason  to,  and  renin  doth   believe 

the  sunt  parties  to  ha  of  l.t'.vfal  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  -<■"<:  ~&^U^ — 
parent     or  guardian     .    that    he  knows    no   lawful   reason    why    the  said   parties  ( 
should  not  marry,  and  that  t/ie^aidC     ?A*v^ '(p '.^jW^w  'V         "''"is  tt^c 
resilient  oof  said     County    of    4±meti,    and    hatfaesiaed    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  Cole. 


:  f 

In    TVitno $&    Oi    >VIiicIi,  I   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

%  1 1 1  iV^^  £  - 


%\\t  gdat*  -al  gjnMaaa,  ^QS^^  gxriittiij>  as 

,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
y  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 

■ason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

wut  the  consent  of...- 

id  reason    wluj  the  said  parties 

is   a 

resided,    therein    for    one    mouth 

a*  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

iy  of  187 


fP<  f  ptA***-*^Vlerk  of  the   Circuit  Court  of  the 

Before  me.  —^  o«c^-^f, 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  hi*  oath  saith,  that  lie  is  «  resident  of  Foucy  County  etfofoouiti;  that/ lie  is 
acquainted  with  gX^-tA^i-^C^        /'ZDs-t*^-*  <£%^-*-t    < 

r  //' 

;  that  he  hath   reasoii/to,  and  verilij  doth  believe 

the  said  partite  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  jz-^&r?^^*- 

parent     or  guardian     ;    that    tie  knows   no    lawful   reason   why    the  said  /jartie^k. 

<^~ZT7    is  J 

and    has    resided    thcreiXfZ-   one    month 

should  not  marry,   and   that  the   said      /f] 
resident    of  suid     County    of 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

it  the  said      /    „- 

d  h, 


'?7* oC^ff  (J 

In   Wi**»*ss   of   jWfaieJb,  I  have  lue~re~Hittf>  set  my  hand, 

I  ins 

\s  y,       ilay  °f         o^y^L  c^,  -    is&r  / 



/  /  ■  -> 



County  a  foresaid ,  vcrsonalh]  came  the  undersigned ,  wii/j  beiug^by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  thafJie  is  a  resident  of  Vosejf  County .  aforesaid:  tjiat  he  is 
acquainted  with  ^S^S /S^/ A//~~  fis^  y€z&&  /^J^\ 

/  I  ^sf  that  he  hutli  ren^uinto.  and  veriltf  doth  believe^ 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the' consent  if \  (S;^ 
parent  or~-guardiun  :  that  he  knows/ no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,   and   that   the   suitr -ts-i-a^ 

■dent    ».'/'   y<ud_LuiiuJ-y    of     Fo?c><,     and  ■ 

rh-rf — therein — for — rrm 

immediately  mmjumm  ta  this  date 


In   WUnetJN    of   "WUicH*   1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

/$    "  - 187 

„ Clerk. 

before  me,    L^^^^v^^aL^--aZ?   t  ■/,.,*  o/  ^e   Om«7    ft>wri!  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bu  me  dull/  sworn, 
upon  liis  oath   saith,ihat  he  is  a    resident  of  Posey    County    aforesaid;  that  he  ,.s 
aa/uainted  u-ith   <^^^^     y^  ^§^2^   ^    <v^^T     ■•// 
-     -{t^^t-zTt^f?  :  that   he  hat  I,   reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believt 

the  .sunt  ptfy/s  to  be  of  lawful-  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  or  <^V^C- 
pareut     or  guardian     :    that    he  knows   no   tan-fat   r^.son    why    the  said   parties 

resident    of  said     County    of    Posey,     aucflias    rest, ted   therein    for   one    month 
immediately  precious  to  this  daft . 

In    "Witu  <>*.<*    o!   >yiiicli,  1   hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

day  of 


1.1    ¥y 


:J?.h?  SjiaU  xi f  Jnbiana>  $?tst%  ^nnfg^  .55: 

Before  me, 
County  aforesaid, 


<  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  tin 
<llij  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn 

upon  his  oath  saith,   that    he  is  a   resident  of  Posey  Qminty,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  -\0A<^-*<^     S? ,    K-LrX-.  -^?^_^ 

:  that  he   hath    reason  to.    and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  ofj^^^^^- 
parent     or  guardian     ;   that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason    ivhij   the  said  partiHh 

should  not   marry,    and   that    the   said fefCMs^ /3   ■    /J^^k—  (/ ,,, 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has    resitted    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  precious  to  this  date. 


Cy^L^f  C^^Jvj{ 

In  "Witness    of   "VY'Hicli,   1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand 

1  i^( 

/.*/-.'         day  of  <£f%f-^<  18&  r 

Before  me,  ^^/^J^tf&^/  Cle,.k  of  f//t,  ,.,,.,.„,,  (w/  Qf  ^ 
founti/  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bit  me  dull/  sworn, 
upon  hik  oath    saith,   '^>   ><■■   •'■    ■,    t-<  ;::■:.:.  t  :jf   J'o;:c;/    ('■.:;;.,';;    ,,/,,/■ d     ?.'..,;  ,', .    /,, 

^/      sy/rW'"^-.^,,     in     UaH,      r. / /     .....,,...,.,,.     ,,:,,._ 

the-t*ud.  iiu.rlirii  fn  br  >>(  I  <  "-nd  ■!■•■■■  t ,  ,,,,,;■■■    ,.■:><■,...,  ,,.  .      ,..  ...  .  of- 

parent     or  guardian     ;    that    he  knows   no   lawful   reason    whij    the  .sunt   parties 
should  not  marry,   and  that  the  said  ">  ls  a 

resident    of  said.     County    of    Posey,    and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  precious  to  this  dale. 

■■        ,      r  '  9   I      ^ 

bigned,,      ■  ,  ,  _•-,    /.   I    ■   I  — -.    j !  J; 

In.   "Witness    of  jTHich,  I  have  heveitiito  set  my  hand, 


is      f       *..^  day  of 


Before  me,  L •"  "-'-  f^-  /  y_<S  v-^ry^  t  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Countu  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned  ./who  beingJjy  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that    he  is  a  resident  of  J&trf'i  County,  r<;<r;  ■■■■■'■(  ■  that  he  is 

acquainted  with  [_„  ' .  I  <■  VJ.  ~  .  1  M^t-U-/  ^^  //  /-/v-  1  ~£u_^ 
KYVyi/l  <-^  :  that  he  hath  reason  to.  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  o/__A*^tir" 
parent  or  guardian  :  that  he  knows  wyjlau-ful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should,  not   marry,   and   that   the.   said~~L?n,<~tKs_ '\/     f  f  /    l<«'.  w Jg   „. 

resident  fof  senti— county    of    Pnsflf,     and    hu&<jesided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  precious  to  this  dale. 

Signed,  *  /-*-—/ 

In   Witnc««    <»f   Which;    /   have  hereurffo  set  my  hand, 
this  '<   cC  day  of  _   XT>"^ — .  187f  / . 

-■  -      / 
■'-  ■  -Si', 

1~r~-  -        ~J~)  -7^-  *  ,    •*  -cuit    Court  of  Cue 

~W^   °h^     y        r"7  <**  ^    T^r^    ^  „  mr  ,ulll  sworn> 
*      c^^sy,^^  i-  ^jT  £-*— n^_^^_^    resaid;  that  he  is 

.^-3,,^.  --  /^  "^    '     '°^     "Z^  «t_-t*  erilu  doth  believe 

mWo  set. my  hand, 

J^h?  ^tat^nf  ^Ir/ainna^  |&&jS$g  .^auntij;  3i; 

Before  me,  J^-^  ->■'/'  -<  ■■  'US^)^crr\/ Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count//  aforesaid,  personally  mine  tin-  undersigned,  who  being  bit  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  salth,  that  he  is  a  resident  oKjSsng  County,  afoPestiid;  that  he  is 
acf/uainted  with  /^a^-^T^U^^  (^Z'tf^^S 

:  that  he  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  bflieve 
the  said  parti  if  to  be  of lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  P^t>rLj^L^ 
parent  or  guardian  :  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  partite 
,j,   and   that   the  said,  7?lo^6j^.       Isf*/*-^ 

should  not   mam 

t/i<;    said  J  f    .-•-'--  --,^-  __  U.,  L-_.'.=t«. 

resident    of  said    county    of    ttGZTbi,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one     month 
immediutely  previous  to  this  date. 


ez,  m  &*J^_ 

In   'Witness    of   ">VHiel»»  1  have  hereunto  set  ma  hand. 

this  J  (p         day  of  Ju/Lm'M lSff  K . 

■^U^^^  f&y  7lY-^-S~*x- Clerk. 

Before  nar^-y^     /W^Y.  U^<f?t/citrk  of  th,    Circuit    Court  of  the 
Count;,  aforesaid  naily  came  the  undersized,  who  being  bi,  me  dull,  sworn, 

:  MaZ  Ac  //"///  7-/ -f/soy/  /(/,  ««rf  cfn7«  doth  believe 
the  said  partus  to  be  of  I uvfid  age  t  ,  m-irnj.  without  th  ■  ,r,useiit  of 
parent  or  guardian  ;  /hat  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not 

upon  his  oath   suibh,  that  lie  is 
acquainted  with 

guardian      ;    /hat    he  knows    no    lawful   reason 
man*,   ana   that  the  saiTT^^  ~_         .'? 

resident    of    sa id     Con///  /  -— 
immediately  precious  to  this 


In   TTitno**    of   TThicU.  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  ^  dag  of .       :  -J^-*^'^      lStf*- 

-^/  ■?/  y~L'/ 

Before  wf,/.'2-'1-!-^  ^^.^M^.^^rJ^Cterk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Counti,  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bi,  me  dull,  sworn, 

upon  his~oath  saitli.   thatShe  is  a   resident  of  Posey  Count:,,  aforesaid:  fhats/te  is 

acquainted  with  '    '  °^i    f^/jyj'/  (, -  z<  <~4j-o^> 

:  thatQie   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

ths  said.  partieVto  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of "...     ^£L_^rt/U^-w 

parent     or  guardian     :   thatshe   knows   no  lawful   reason    why   the  said  parti'ty 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said../ Kod^T^i/'  (J  ,    /^l^t^tr^o      ,:.<,   u 

resilient    of  sou/    county    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    /herein    for    one     month 

immediately  previous  to  this  date.  ( 

signed,  <J  nr    sif^X-c^^i.-ii^^SC 

i  IVit-ne.**.'    «f   M'liicii,   1  June  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

this  3D''     day  of      S>-9^=*^y     1$&T. 

upon  his  oath  scuth,  that  ho  is  a   resident     -   "  '-■ 

Befme  ""■     -*y^  A°-     'M^^Clerk  of  the   Circuit    Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersized,  who  being  bum,;  duly  .worn, 
indent  of    /Vn,    County^  ■tffr^^^ri  :  that  he  is 
au/uainted  with  &  jjfh^  ^  '       '  ^    ^  f"7 

/f      ' 
:  that   in-  hath    reason  to,  and  verily  doth   believe 

the  said,  partes  to  be  of  Hwfal  aMe  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of    ^L^ 

parent     or  ouardian      •    that    he  knows   no   laiuful  reason  why   the  said  partM 

should   not  marry,    and   that   the   said    &S±.1\   ■       /^>^^£      fa 

resident    of  said     County    of    Pe^T^cd    has    resided    therein    %r   one    month 

immediately  precious  to  this  date. 


In   TVitno,**   f,(  >rhich,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  3    J?         day  of  ^^f '  18  f  <f 

fttyf  /£^1  ^  - «  c  ^/^^-t^  5t^ 

the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

//  \  jf       :T  •      ■  19         "Alio  ln,  me  duly  sworn, 

fa „M  f  '^^\<i!J        tffe?  y,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 

/7         /  "    ,  •  C-f  ««(/  re/v/;/   r/o/7/  believe 

•onsent  of 

^m/t  «.  Whlj  the  said  Parties 

is    a 

~-/jl*7~  /?  &  //         /•  herein    for    one    mouth 

°\, '  -<  <   tf&y  w<-/  _  

i  hereunto  set  my  hand, 



■e  me,  ^^jf^^^/iiSs*-^    -Clerk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 

iforesaid,  person  nil'/  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  /lulu  sworn, 

oath  saith,  that  he  is  a   resident  Mf  Posey   County   uforesuid;  that  he  is 

•ed  with        J^SZZZm..   <^    J^s£?   ?^C/<^-^^<u^<z^-^y_ 

:  that  he  hath  reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 
parties  to  be  of  Ixwful  age  tj  mtrrif.  without  the  consent  of  te^Zs?^ 
or  guardian  ;  ti/at  he  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
tot  marry,   and   that   Uh — sudd  ' — &    (,_ 

of  mid     Cum,/.)     nf     ToUey,     and     has     resiiie,/.    f/n-reur~foT~IJTTr~~j/i onth 

dj-h,  previous  t„  //,,\  ,h,te 

Signed,  , 

.la   "Witness   of   ^rii^cu.  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this          //^>     day  of    ^^/^7^     1Sf^ 
C^7^a--^^^^'^ N  Clerk. 

gjfot  ^oiziti  at  ^lahiniX^f^tg^^'Miiitts  jj; 

County  a 

■ircuit  Court  of  the 
>y  me  duly  sworn, 

upon  his 

•     -:-".'•       _•__// 


ireso    I;  thi  t  h     t's 


L     ^  .■     - 

the  said 

-;-    -      ^r-^J:      6../;     «, 


.,  verily  doth  believe 

It  Of— 

should  r. 

",          -Si 

I  the  said  parties 
is  a 



n.   for    one    month 


'  -'                   C'c-'' 

c            L 



•unto  set  my  hand. 



Before  me.   <^2  ^spr ~  sf^/// S-?^**'^/  Clerk  ,,/  the  Cirruit   Court  of  the 
Count//  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  mc  duly  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  saith,  thttt-h«-U  ,,    r,  udeui  of  /'..,■„,,,,,    ct(l„t„    llf ■,„,,,„„ ,,,/,■  thai  he  is 
acquainted  with    C^f^z^^^^t  ^S^^r^^&y    (/^    ^''Z'&?  i^f'SSc/ 

:  that   he  hath    reason  to,  and  verily  doth   beliaie 
the  .said  parties  to  be  of  Itwful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of     £S?V&( 
parent     or  guardian     ;    that    lie  knows    no   lawful   reason    why    the  said  parties 
should  not  mam,,   uml-Jhvt   tirr    wrrrfr-  is-^. 

resident    af-vtOd     Com,  to    ../'     Poser,      ami    fren     i      Wed    '/,,-,--/.,    /- ^mqj^ 

im wxdmMy  pntious  iu  /his  dote.. 

Signed . 

if  >Vl»f€JU»  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

^^^r  day  of    k^Z&V*^;       !*/>/- 

J£h?  J|iat£  nf  ^rcbiatta,  gz£%t%  &vunt-£>  sa; 

Before  me,  _ 
County  aforesaid,  h 
upon  his  oath  saith 
acquainted  with 

Clerk  of  the  Cirruit  Court  of  the 
ly  sworn, 


,17  l?W 

the  said  parties  to  I 
parent  or  guardia 
should  not  marry, 
resident  of  said  < 
immediately  previa 

d  parties 

is  a 

'e    month 


my  hand. 



jge/i>/-»  me^A'.  "  '  Jc  <%£.  ■  /  f<  {  IrT^l  '  Clerk  of  tile  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  pe/sonalli/  came  tin-  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  siearn. 
upon  ills  ottlJi   saitJi,  that  ho  in  a,  resident  of   fUu^"'  County    tt£#*&trr*i  /tliut  he  is 

acquainted  with  _ ^L*^  C,  '-  rx-      /.  i     n  ^?i^---    . 

;  that  he  hath    reason  to,  and   verily  doth  believe 


il  partite  to  be  of l-hwfid  age  t  >  mrtrnj.  without  the  consent  of 

parent     or  guardian     :    that    he  knows   no   lawful   reason   why   the  said   parti&f 
should  not  marry,   and   that   thesftid     ~//^\ 

resident    of   said     County    <>j      t'vscii,     and     lias    resided    therein    for   one    month 

immediately  previous  to  tins  date. 


J&ldhpL r/^. 

In  Wi&t*e£&»    <*8    ■W-hJ.eU.  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  %*^    ''    day  of.  (LJ^-  18?? <f, 

>fl.c  i^  %jl.    /^  ■   /  /;X3-tr]V7 Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Counti/  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  saith,   that    he  is  a  resident  of  lict&eiuCouitty .  afmzsdid :  that  he  is 

acquainted  with  (JaA^O^    J^a^iJ^. 

;  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  partieslto  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of O^'t/h^'X- 

parent     or   guardian     :   that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the  said  partiAj 

<;   /         I         ST-          I  ' 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said _i ___,H_e£i^: r-.^K^A— is  a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Bmeij,    and   hus\  resided    therein    for    one    mouth 

immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


_ 0^ar^ybc^l 

Im   "Wifcmes**   «**   Wb-i«U,   1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  b4£       day  of  2l-Vnr'  18ff' 


1  A        day  of  flsv 


£l~i     L%y^M^^t^(r    )xy  i^^— —  /thfe 

J.  C  BACON, 
Notary  •  public*** 

yHccdUv.Kv.dL,  lf~^.<i£..JL-Z.^~ i8cj  s — 

'"rr1  *3L  £>r^^%/  d/l/^e^L  £&£v4^  M"**'^  +*</  ^  ^) 

ggfo  yyiuU-vi  gttbiaaa,  ^flscoj  ©aunty,  *$;. 

Beforrirrrr— -'  ~c«<-jYc,     /(O,    /U^^yi/lCLevk  of  the    Circuit    ('our/  of  the 

Countu  aforesaid,  i/erp/uully  rame  the  itiidersijined,  who  /wind  bit  mi'  dull/ 

aci/uaui/cd  irith 

upon  his   oath    suitli.  that  lit:  is  ,,    resident  of    U~*rrr  County  ^ifnrrr^rftr that  lie  is 

^"/L  ,   y..       Sd^^C^ 

Al/ut  he  hath   reason  to,  and  verilii  doth  believe 

the  said  part 

of  l-iwfid  u<je  to  nfirri).  ivithotd  the  consent  of 

vareut     orK^uurdian     ,    that    he  knows   rig   lawful   reason    why   the  said   inntfrfs 
shout,/  not  marry,   and  that  the. said    '  /  ' ^-  y      (^E^-z^&*y6        ls  u 
and    has    reside,//  therein    for   one    mouth 

j^z/t^li^  S^^^xx^^.: 

■siileut    of  said     County    oj 
nmediately  previous  to  this  dole. 


C  .  ,-_ 

lit    IVitiu-HW    of,  /  have  I/vreuuto  set  my  hand 
this  %/L"       day  of-  tC/^rC/L  ISff- 

f  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
being  bit  me  duly  sworn, 
ty,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 

and  verily  dot/t  believe 

onsen  t  of—..         

why  the  said  parties 

is  a 

erein    for    one    mouth 

'■reunto  set  my  hand. 

day  of..  187 


•^      CLERKS  OFFICE     _— x 



k  V.U.,,  ia,     -JLZxA.c^ <    $■ 

VAZJy^jj  f,C^i  J*  .^^u.  d~^J,Jz~r 

cJ/i^    ^^^q/fjM         Wsrytrt    f\ 


Before  me,  s~y  f^'^U^/iP-  / ;-  ■t/.i.irrx^      ,   Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Count//  aforesaid,  ueisdna/ly  eame  the  undersigned    who  being  hi/  me  duly  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  saith,  thaL.he  is  a  resident  of  Fosey  County,  etfiresuid;  that  he  is 

acquainted  with  \J^hy^/.  {f\<ysvw/....    "   "Lj      GlTc-t^      L^i-^^^^n^— 

/ J  :  that'-iie   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  saiel  parties  to  be  of  lair  fill  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of ex-  t^ry^L^' 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no^lawful   reason    ivhjytlie  said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said^ZXi  L^wZ^^d L^^zy^i^-    -re— nr 

resident^n)'  said    county    of    Posey,     a uAjhaVi_rcsided    therein    for    one    montli 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


la   "Witri«s*«    <*t   WUiclij   1   have  hrrcuitip  set  my  hand. 

il-l^-,  &S  $T 

>s*«    of    WUicli,    1    have  hrrcuiiAp 
3  ( ...''         day  of  feS.*^. 

gjfo  gtai*  at  |UMa3m>  g$$*i)  g&wfcig,  55: 

&/»'■''  »*e,*-£c  —  ■•-  -  /£,  /  /^  '/&tnv;cierk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid.  personally  came  the.  uudei^io'ned,  who  being  hi,  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  in  a  resident  of  >W«  County  nfrfrenttkl ;  that  tie  is 
acquainted  with    -  U.  t-t -:\  Cf  c--        /  f  I^^-^jl,-  tl^-f 

:  that  he  hath  reason  to,  and/ verily  doth  believe 
the,  said  purtM  to  be  of  Uwftd  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  ^^A*~— 
parent  or  guardian  ;  that  ite  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  partiM 
should  not  many,   mid   that  the  said         i^Wf^  7~f<ss^>*A^  is   a 

resident    of  said     County    of    fimay^ind.-'ha^'jUided   /herein    fJr   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date.  J 

In    •Witnc^tft   of   ->VliicH,  I  hare, he+-eunfj\ set  mi/  hand, 

yluyof  -^         (JlSff 

2J-W-  ^-i-ni-y  u-f -  3-r/o  i  aim,  Jf  a s 1 3  %_  £m n tj| >  s  £  j 

Before  nu^/A  <?-e^f?/^vL-  ,  t,  VstSsi^er-rf  j  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count//  aforesaid,  person/illy  came  the  undersigned .  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  hnsrT/  Coiptty,  ((£!2tx±uM :  that  he  is 
acquainted  with  /  \   ^^  ^cL     /^ov-z^lyn^ 

:  that  he  hath  reason  to.  and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  pa.rttp.  in  be  of  luwful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of.  -*-~-^7^<^- 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   tjje  said   partiT^L 

should  not   marry,   and   that   the   said /—L^dL±*_--   ,4^43*^ 

resident    of  said    county    of    Eas&J.     and    has     resided    therein    for    one     month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

In  *>Vitiic*w   of  >YHicn»  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

cJie  dcj£cio*«- 

this  S<7AK         daV  °f  Cj^t^^ct       lS'rJ  f  • 


Before  me',"/-   *     <%       dt  "  ■  //  -^    '&*^ns^_    Clerk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  route  the  undersigned,  wJio  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

-7^y- ''  '.  ?\  S.-Z-fo- 

upon,  hi*  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a   resident  of  i-W'/f.  CoiciUy  ^ifwesmd;  that  he  is 

acquainted  with  _        "  '  '  ^-^f  /     ^^-^^-^r7-^.    <!>i>'_ 

;  M</f  fee  feaffe    reason  to.  and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  part tr^  to  be  of  l-iwfal  age  to  nuirry.  without  the  '■■intent  of    -<  *^^ -<=-«-- 

parent     or  guardian      :    that    he  knows    no    lawful   reason    why    the  said   parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said 

resident    of  said     County   of    Poena,     and    has    resided    th< 

imediately  previous  to   this  date. 


M  W  J^.At 

In.   'Witi»^!»<«   «f   Whieh,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand 
this  /"  day  of  fe.   ''''■■■  IS 

4u~^  &  r,,  U 


pjfie  f  '  "  '-- *  a^'h^tia,  Shssij  esunlij,  33: 

County  a, 
upon  his 

the  said 
should  r> 
residen  t 

Circuit  Court  of  the 
■"  by  me  duly  sworn, 
iforesaid :  that  he  is 

id  verily  doth  believe 
i  sent  of 
t'hy   the  said   parties 

is   a 

herein    for    one     month 

jB  >vitnf«i   of   tVhi«rhi.   1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of  187 

. , Clerk. 

Before  ine.^  '.'I--'- lie  '/-^ ,  /  f^  ■;  :^-rtyf  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Cotiuti/  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  bi/  mr  'lull/  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Jfnscy.  Count//  ^pxrrsu-^r:  that  tie  is 
acauainicd  with  L  ^^  r<^  ?%&■*  r     '/??_  ~  4±±l  '<*  £«--t- 

;  that  he  hath  reason  to,  and  veriln  doth  believe 
the,  said  i„iiIUs  to  be.  of  l-iwftd  age  to  m%rry.  without  the  consent  of  ^^^— 
parent  or  guardian  :  that  he.  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,  and  that  the  saiftfc™ -.  /,  ^^  7A  '^/.?-;-.#»r>^',s  a 
resident    of  said.     Conn/,,    of    £&£*/,    and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 

■■?  i 

humed lutein  prev 

ions  to   this  dat 




III      f¥"itU< 


'<***■    <> 

f    ">Vliicli,   1   /tare  hereunto  set  my  liaud, 
£       day  of  OW*/^  IS-Qa 

Before  nir.^  «  i^Zl-  /L'1,  /  JwsC-^rn/f  .  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid-,  'personally  came  tin-  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,   that    he  ij^a   resident  of   *f=?/  County.  af^<  ,"^  tlud  he  is 

/uaiuted  with  \U.^sr.^   <^" 

aJ-?  ms^Ol. 

that  lie  hath    reason  to.   and  verih/  doth  believi 

the  said  partUs  to  be  of  lawful  age  I"  marry,  without  the  consent  ofs^-¥~     or  guardian     .    that   he   knows   no  lawful   reason  ^hy   the  said  partite 

should  not  marry ,  and  that  the  sa iil—;^<<^~--A*:—^—-~~'> 

sidenl    of  said    county    of    ■PtX^jJ,    (i/id    has    resldAl    therein    for    one    month 

iniediufchj  previous  to  this  date. 


O^M^OU^X,  Ate 

In   TTitne!«»*    <*f  ">VKicli«  1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
day  of  .  jM*!f  "*i  .181/ H 

,      U/aML**rfi/jjsulAW^  Q\^ 

.Be/ore  me,-~££  tA  y?*      JLP ,.  /  A  K-^m.<  CLerk  o;  the   circuit   Court  of  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  camp  tlte*under signed,  who  being  In/  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.  that  ha~is  a    resident  of 
acquainted  with 

hgrisa    resident  >>}"  ga?s=r-<  ;,u ntu    •< •  ;,„. \,,-*l  ■  that  he  is 

;  that   he  hath   (tjj/ou  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  partltt  to  be  of  liwful  a'Je  to  rn'irry,  without  the  consent  of  A*-^& < 

parent  or  guardian  :  that  lie  knows  no  lawful  reason  why  the  said  partief 
should  not  marry,  and  that  the  said  /^fZc^-rfUcy  f^^y%4^^>  is  u 
resident  of  said  County  <■/'  Ht^rj.  and  luis  resided-  therein  for  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  tins  date. 

Signed , 

this  ^  C 

it  to  set  my  hi 
c^  C1  day  of  -  -    ^W#?t^^'       IS 

-i^.<s^    isi?<? 

|g&*  ^imt  zi  gtti.iaita>  gwg  $&&&&>  *** 

J^fbW: v  /Yf? 

Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
■ng  by  vie  duly  sworn, 
■,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 

<J  '•     .'..--<-    .    £*■■//<     jHr7&?iy  tnd  verily  doth  believe 

".    ._.._-  L'itlC        /^      U//L  >n  sent  of 

,t\    Cittt'iO        -f:~l/  <J/iflClLS>j£_     lC^/  why   the   said   purtii   'a  it  sjta     ? ..;  ~  "'\  ¥-<^j/- 

H    t-LL-     -    L  CcC        .     y    i    ///  kv        cC  erein   for    one    month 

.is   a 

t^/C^  dPAstfia,/,        hereunto  set  my  hand, 
aay  of  187 


Before  me,  7'er>.?*  /TJ  >£wi«*-  clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  rume  tin  undersigned  who  being  by  me  dub,  sworn, 
upon  Ins  o„th  saith,that  he  is  a   resident  of^sMff/\County  mxws&amrthat  he  is 

acyuairrfcdialtlt     y.^ii^/    «^j«      •/-^a-to    s~£    _.    /  i 

:  that   lis  hath   reaso'n  to,  and  veriltj  doth   believe 
the  said  parties  In  In'  of  , Hw fid  ,rje  f»  m%rry,  without  the  consent  of 

parent     or  guardian      ;    Unit    lie  knows    no    lawful   reason    why    the   said   parties 
should   not   marry,   and   Unit   the   said  js   u 

resident    of  sold     Count,,    of     Pose,,,     and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
in, mediate//,  previous  to   this  dote. 

lined,  p        9 


In    Wituosss    of    >Vliicli.   I  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  Z   *\  ^  day  of     (Pc££  r~  18? f- 

.     C?.^r?v?^.      /?0\     J^- ,-cffL?^<.       Clerk. 

§&fe*  j&i&it  &$  ,'dlnbuma,  '^u^txj  .&au'ni;y>  ssi 

He/ore  me,-,     s^-^?-?^     ft/     Jp^^^r..     t  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Couuti,  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  In,  me  duly  sworn, 

upon  his   oath  saith,    that    he  is  a    resilient  of  -]ft±gztf^Cou  nty ,  afsssstud:  that  MS  is 

.....;  that  he   hath    reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of. 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 

should   not    marry,    and    that    the    said is    a 

resident    of  said    county   of    Posey,    and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


j(j\klL  H-M'io-.i. 

In   "Witness    of   M'UieK,   1  hare  hereunto  set  my  hand. 
this        /    "*  day  of       ,  Z'&Ar  _      ISff 

i££z3=a^.  J?&-    /K*&2*^..    aerk 

5e/or«  »«,  Jy^^-y^U//^^^/  CLerk  0/  the  Circua  Court  Qf  the 
County  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  b„  me  dub,  sworn, 
upon  Ms  oath   saith.  tk.u   ,,.   ,...,    UJ     ,  „,„   ,    r^rr+~-  .,,    ,■,,„■■,/.•  that  he  is 

;  that  lie  hath   reason  to.  hud  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  Inivful  age  to  m%rr,,.  without  the  consent  or ^ 

parent     or  guardian     :    that   he  knows    no   lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 
should  not  many,   and   that  the   said  "~~  "\  ig   (( 

resident    of  said     County    of     Pose,/,     and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 
immediately  precious  to   this  date. 


In   TTitiios*   «r   TJJnicli.  J  have  hereunto  set  >»>i  hand, 


day  of         &jf*—     jsp£ 

Before  wf,^^/^//^  <=f^-i_/       _  ae,.k.  ,,t  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Counti/  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  saith.   tl t  Jtt  w  ti    ■  _:  '.  ;.,'    f    Pt     .     r  ,n...,.    v,  , ,  ..  ,,d.   rfm     h,    is 

rrrqnui-tH  iv:th         /&S   ^^  <^~      S^f^^e—i     <?*-/— <fs?r       >^=  '  Si 

:  that  he   hath    reason  to.   anil  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parties  to  be  of  lair  Jul  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of 
parent     or  guardian     :   tiiat  lie   knows   no  lawful   reason    why  the  said   parties 

should  not   marry,   and   that   the   said ~\ is  a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has     resided    therein    for    one    mouth 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


X^£^L     PvtAJL 

In   "Witness    of   IVfticu,   /  hjtve  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  &      ^^     day  of      C^€^^—         lSp^ ~f 

—  Clerk. 

y7:)u  £>UU  ota'Tiiiana>  3>j 

'/'""   '""'  ^  ? S^S&Sil.  <r*^/iLk  of  the   Circuit    Court  of  th, 

County  aforesaid,  tonally  cume  the  undesigned,  who  being  b»  me  duly  sworn 

-W-^w,  ,■„„,„■„   ■■/..,, .ilnntl,  r 

uci/uaiiited  with         _  'S^.^^/j^s,^^  ^-^-v 

^//,/     //„/     /;,„;■,■„.     „/,,/     //,„/     '.-..■        ..../ 

^''•'•■"f      "f-j-jj.lj^.,,,.    h,         1 ftj^ 

3*ra  '«.""/  A 

unedinhJM_Mjrruu,,4^-ihis  ,/„-. 

In    TViti 


cli,  i   fcaw 
'«//  of       ^ 

°*y%*il<ib,  1  have  hegtufttoxet  my  hand, 
is         /&£     da,  of      *m^£- 



<c  of  the  Circuit  Court  oj  the 

ho  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

yj^l-J      o       H      C+JEif-U}  ™nty,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 

Titer   S  <xs    ft    &£L>  erf  j^J 

C^i(WvJ\J      h-fj^d^      0^w       €uz/tJ^L        to,  and  verily  doth  believe 

<Uxllll^x^      Ti         'TKuln        A  wiv  <-*.?_>  he  consent  of^. 

y-Gh,+-1       &J  -    'cl/l<-i  son    why  the  said  parties 

-  *  „. 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  elate. 


lit   •WitiieMK    of   -\VlUch,   1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

this  day  of...  _  287 


^\t  gtaU  3t  g-abiaaa,  gas**)  gaiirtig,,  ss: 

Before  me,  _ 

t      ^    ?"'  '- 

parent     ur  guardian     ;    thai    lie 

Clerk  of  the   Circuit   Court  of  the 
who  being  bu  me  duly  sworn, 
■   Count//    aforesaid;  that  he  is 

on  to,  and   veriln  dotli   believe 

f  th".  consent  of 

reason   why   the  said   parties 






7/  hand, 

at  of  the 
y  sworn, 
hat  he  is 

I  parties 

is   a 

e    month 

day  of 

ny  hand. 

-  Cleric. 

v-:    -....-    _    ::.-■.•...     h 

r  S    ^ 

1  <■  - 


^  ^  .         v 

1  ^ 


r  W     *\  s 

-    I  ^ 

o . 


1    t- -^-- 

;   : 




!   -     ; 

u.  - ' 

r,1  i  ^ 

•  v 

X  v,  . 


>X^      ^>f        N 


•   h  **V-  \:' 

''     | 



Before  mo,  ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Couufi/  aforesaid,  versnnedly  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  In/  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,   thtif    he  is  a   resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid :  that  lie  is 

acquainted  with  

;  that  he   hath    reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parlies  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of. 

parent     nr  guardian     ;   that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 

should  not   marry,   and   that   the   said, is   a 

resident    of  said    county   of    Posey,    and   has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  precious  to  this  dale. 


In   Tfiiiiesst    of   >Vlticl*»   1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of.  _    187 

: Clerk. 










'     - 



b  s     . 

.    -V 

-~ >    . 

",■  . 






->  -  > 



Yau\."NU\cT,  CWrV. 

"Wlo\n\\  "\DtTT\oTv.  ini\.ai\a. 

^0  ,  *  r  Jt 

y;^z^Z^U^2^z    f 


/     (   , 

•4  "  vi     : 



- 1  ' 

t  of  the 

it  he  is 

resident    of  said    county   of    Posey,    and   has    resided    tlierein    for 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


i  >Viinc*.    of  M'liiclx.  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of  187 

_  _  Clerk. 

I  fc^L,     ;>' V  V-S 

-  & 

r  :i     s 

h  ; 


^-^    ^ 


.  i 

s^   i 


<S5>     So.  ■;      ■;■- 


E.:'     c>~~    ':-    §   SbN." 

:>>v.^^.'v-       / 

f   • 

7>V/,vr  rw,  .  ,  C7<=rA-  of  the  Court  oj  the 

Count//  aforesaid,  personally  came  thr.  undersigned,  who  being  bu  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  mith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid ;  that  he  is 
acquainted  with 

:  that  lie   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

I  lie  soul  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of. 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   lie   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 

should  not  marry,  and  that  the  said is  a 

resident  of  said  count:/  of  Posey,  and  has  resided  therein  for  one  mouth 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


In  "Witness    <*£   "WKich*  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

this  day  of  187 


3    j    ,J  V" 

«  4  J:  ^ 
0  7  1  > 






t    > 

c/3      5 



» i  \^ 


*  xv^ 



^  a 






>         vV 











3  a 

I    ^ 



K  V5 

$v.ntx[,  s.s: 

•A-  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
ir/iu  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
Count//   aforesaid;  that  lie  is 


son  to,  and  renin  doth   believe 

■   ■  C  t  i     '         .  .        ,    .       r 

i<l  the  consent  of 
reason   why    the  said  parties 

I.     "... ,  V  ,  ,  ,  >  ^sided.   therein    ft 


•   '    t    • 

>        -g-f      ■',:<... 

•  I  have  herein 

i  to 

set  7)11/  hand, 



J&BUTUO);    3  5 

Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Couutq  aforesaid,  personally  came  trie  ««..!,. ..-..»•</.  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  sa'ith,   that    he  is  a   resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 

acquainted  with  

:  that  he   hath    reason  to,    and  verily  doth  believe 
the  said  parlies  to  be  of  lairful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of—  . 
parent     or  guardian      .    that   he   knows   no   lawful   reason    why   the   said   parties 

should  not    marry,    and    that   the   said is   a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,    and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


la   fTiiiiesis   of  "WliieJv*  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  -day  of _  187 

' : .  Clerk. 

"IftauiA  Xtraoa.  ^rui'vana. 



/tZ&t/  -^o 


1&Z*      // 


<Z#7       / 

V&fcuZ&^f  /*jzy  Jv/y-? 

In  Tffitnf^t   «»r  T^hifrH^   7  iare  hereunto  set  my  hunrt, 
this  day  o/  187 

"M.o\nv\  "Oerw>T\.  iT\d\aT\a,  (  /  ^y>7^/  / />/-         V 

^i^^  /&f    ^?-/f  ^<^a^  ^^    dfajf^ '7*7**^ 

y^m^^/y^/   '/  (7 

^                                                  V''  i  Ci>v(/)7  Court  of  the 

''    /!  .,\  k  \/*^      -^  U  V  rf  &w  ?«<?  cZw/i/  sworn, 

r-  aforesaid:  that  lie  is 

,  t   '  .              /•  rid  verily  doth  believe 

/  '  .    -  ,  S  -«i.  isent  of - 

/:\      J      ^         a        jp      a/         ;'/       |           .     "y    ,  rhy   the  said  parties 

<y  '  '        'J  /  :J  . is  a 

:-P       .;,/j,u-,'    '-^>-     '^rv'^/'^r  rein    for    one     month 
1      -  '   ,-'".               "      '                     •">                      -                  ^ 

-       //    .      .  ,  . 

hereunto  set  my  hand. 


—  Clerk. 


C/         s^    ~    jr  .  unti)   aforesaid;  that  he 

4  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
'.o  being  t/i/  me  duly  sworn, 
unti/   aforesaid;  that  he  is 

c/>3  ^J,  „6-  j>/_    &£.  

/■/       .         ^~ -  r-N  y  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 

he  onseiU  of 

/  —  sou   why    the   said   purtit 


d   therein    for   one    month 

%ve  hereunto  set  my  hand, 




To    IS^i==±==«>p=k^4te^ 

~~    County  CterJc  of  JfeantTionlCoit-nii/,  ~v>/Akf&is. 

'    /L?^<?^^,^^^S  H\i,  l»»M»liiriu>i*ifvtll;lt    I 

S?7^~  A 

\j#ai/.i%i  _ 

^^l^'   Z^ 

$Bjiht  j§t&i<  if  j3  7i'Mana,  3?£S£i]  g&unigj  35; 

ite/o/v  we,  .    J/  $/£:/  /SsZSk<£L  _  ,  ( .7t>;-A-  »/  ("Ac  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Count//  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  oil  me  dub/  sworn, 
upon  his  out!,  saith,  tjinj  he  is  a  reshlnit  of  Fancy  Count!/,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 
acquainted  with      ts-/*S/ssc/   ^^J^^^E .   . 

:  that  he  hath   reason  to,   and  verily  doth,  believe 

the  said  partieA  to  be  of  lairful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of. 'y^Zuyi^ 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   lie   knows   no  kofful   reason    why   the  said  partie/ 

should  not  marry,  nod  that  the  said — ^?/f//s%US   C^?,Ms<£^ is  a 

resident  of  said  county  of  Posey,  and  has  reside//  therein  for  one  month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

Signed,  ft     I  /         /]/) 


In  TFitnoS*    of  TThlel*,   1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  £f  "         Jkty  of  /^r^^P^y   1S7 

£2/  \s/,,'JZ&?^ Clerk. 


the  su 


Be)  Lr 

Count  i 
upon  I 



Uf     i 

it   Court  of  the 

-     .  .'   :. 

<te  duly  sworn, 

aid;  that  he  is 

ily  doth  beliene 


le  said  parties 

"or   one    month 

Xm.   TTitnoH**    of   tVhicli,  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of  187 

J -         Clerk. 


^      JJlUjirruit  Court  of  the 
luly  sworn, 

/)  _  «  v./fcp--  -,  '<//  me  dull/  sworn, 

IJC£^^<X^Y  X  5  /YD  2, 

?0     X^^/^      ^W^ <l;tkatheis 


JTiyW^-^-         &*>    Cf^t-       GU^U   ^iAM^verily   doth  believe 
pa;   y^lSUU&^K^^'       ^4-Vs.*-.    -    L^CUl,      A^wvt^v,   the  said  parties 

Sho  y**-.  /r-  /rr#  r^  /?f**»  >~»>  __     is  a 

i  .  i    for    one    month 


into  set  my  hand, 


—  Clerk. 


7(77    U-     /U     ^U*,ly<  y.    .  .  ■_  'tza.  7 

'<$ 0-/17 1         fi-c<i^A        tfi       ,U?L^C 
_-  //".  (-  l&Z^-         6/-1H/L/-  ,if  /-/  ?<*-  ?  ^ 

V  f/T^        f'°  /  7     - 

^&7l£       '•■S'.Clcsrt  *  -  J-J'.-'.'-icx^ 

^7   ' 

W*  %      77*7- 


'  hand, 

crt  of  the 

Before.  ,     ■>  /-<   ,         /         /         -,-    /  ,  ' 

ttri/u/niite.  ,/ 

oth  believe 


,  v-.-'  ~"^  tfZ    nurtirs 

parent     <  r 

,      ,  ,  SD.*      ,  **'  is  a 

should  n  (2^y         c&uc^      ^ 

.  ,     ,  /?■*         .  _  5«e    month 

resident  o£-^?-*S *r  ■"-  /?  ^y 

imme'lu       ^^        sge^^  ^u     ^>/^^ 


£>  /)  et  my  hand. 


__ Clerk. 

KIT.    VfRNi'l.   LIZ 

J^  7 : 

/.  /  /UWtr^h-        'far        0-     <*>  ■  />  OL 

t  Court  of  the 
le  duly  sworn, 

uid;  t/cut  he  is 

'      hi  doth  bctieri 


said  partit 

>r   one    month 

day  of 

set  my  hand, 

_    1S7 

"M.o\itv\  X)cn\oT\,  bT\A\.a.r\a. 

W      ^"-" 



'&L^0?1/  X^a'C     &    (f/ 


'nurt  of  tlie 
full/  sworn, 
;  that  he  is 

%id  parties 

is  a 

one    month 

In    Witnogs    of  "WiiicU,  J 'hare  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of  1S7 


Before  i 
Count,,  a  fa.    £      ■■'  --Q     't 

upon  his  in     - 

the  surd  p„ 
parent  or 
shout,!   not    nun 

art  of  the 

^*r\  -^.iji:  -  .--<-<  ly  sworn, 

-'  '■  &'L    l£     />      '&'\    -,-trC  that  he  is 


>th  believe 

/    '  '     I  i  parties 


■sideiit    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  precious  to  tins  t/ale, 


l  "Witnesw    of   IVHich*  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  day  of  187 


■rk  of  the   Circuit    Court  of  the 

,  who  being  In/  me  dull/  sworn, 

_<;:/      '  '     ,  Count ,_i   aforesuid;  that  he  is 

f  jZ-u^-—  :       ^.  .  ■  • .    £,■ 

OdfT    -7^  /?         /       /  '  /      J     •     ,    so"  t0<  and  ver>l'i  doth  believe 

^  <■  -  it  the  consent  of 

/  /'■:<.  ---  •' .-  2  rU  ;-xlI^-^c      —~-  t/u.  : 
/    C  y\      ,  '  j  -       '  -/  reason   why   the  said  parties 

-     S'~t'--y<^C-i  i  Z--      -    -  U-  .   -  r&^csy 

,    '  ■  ■  ,'      -u.  "  is  a 

<r~  J?  '  :,h'<'    therein    for   one    month 

//are  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
/'C^"  '  Clerk. 

^•^  £  •  ?YoU)    S&fe  'tCCt  C^£UA> 

Jj-aseij  ^/Jinni^i  s. 

V;^    -  :  'c^VV  .. -c       --  -  «  r  -  :  ':  •  -  - ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

■  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
„     .  .-       I   ._  <'f«'  of  l'osey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 

'"^  Ac   hath    reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

Chfa.-^  j3&'fC  'f   A  narry,  without  the  consent  of 

i   no  lawful   reason    why   the  said  parties 


.is    a 

nd    has    resided    therein    for    one     month 


^r --**   TVIiicK,   1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  day  of  287 

WM  ^tate  cif  guMana^-Jgasfcg  ©2V7itoj>  5^; 

"NIoutA  "KkTOOtv,   ir\AV 

'Tratr  £j"      »o.o 



-  Clerk. 

'/it    Circuit    Court  of  the 
■ing  hn  me  duly  sworn, 

\s  (}    f£Ul      './/)  |  a»d  verily  doth  believe 

-f>      '  consent  of 

.on  why    the  said  partit 

is  a 
I    therein    fur   one    mantli 

(o  s7r7^yi4sCt  f\  .jLtJLa^l}       

tf/?lM  fr^ictf^  ,^>  hereunto  set  my  hand, 


A  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

^uuiuii  uj ure&iMi;  ui , .>■;, .....,,;,  ^._.,..t  ..*„ _ho  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

upon  his  oath  saith,   that    he  is  a   resident  of  1'osey  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 
acquainted  with 

:  that  he   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of. 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   he   knows   no   lawful  reason,   why   the   said  parties 

should  not  marry,   and   that   the  said is   a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has     resided,    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


la   Witness    of   IVhich,   1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  - day  of  187 

—  Clerk. 


/  "M.oyltA  "Oemou.  ini'va^a,  \V __  £f    /  '/ 


dwjrt&tffoiwru'  A,^  ^1^  /'l,^€^  /^^/^/^^/ 

4^  ^y  's/^^^zf  /&?,  ,/7 


r%&{ tsf7GZ6£'r  <G& 

s  / 

In  "Witness   *»«  TnacH*  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  ~        day  of  -187 


^m^-m^^*::  '  _  T_^s^j:L_?!_ai3_gii_i^^^_:-  _..____________: 

J  &*  /y  v^f  /*-*"**  -&*—* ^  *  —  rj™  *  <-> 

/"    ^Alt-vC        r^rrff 

*~S  /  4.  Co, 



<=*  ^-^  <**< 


^  ^»«<r-, 



^y^L  «^  *~  ^^-   ^U  ^^  -/~y 

1»  -*«*»**«  **  Wfelek,   2   &ar*  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  *«y°t  m 

„   ,--  -C2er&. 


u  *~uyy  //', •■/■  -£  >c .-.,    _  J 


>-'-'--   .-/-".• ../..._ 

/_      _         4,;/ 

7       +  f       - 

rn    TTItnoss    of   >riiicK,  /  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of  1S7 


Before  vie,    <^X_P       Cx^ZaX^^  ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

Count// ill.  personally  came  the  undersigned,  u-ho  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that    he  is  a   resident  of  Fosey  County,  aforesaid.;  that  he  is 

aeqiiaintedwith    ^L^^,  S,.  ^^...ko^ 

v^T    ^h-CC^/si^^-x  7^—^         •'  t,,at  he   huth    reason  to.   and  verily   doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of— _ 

parent     or  guardian     :  that  he  knows  no  lawful  reason    why  tlie  said  parties 

should  not   marry,   and   that   the   suid—P^' ' -^J~  ?T    '  a^L/"^-->=Z. is   a 

resident    of  said     county    of    Fosey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one     mouth 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


liiclt*  1   have  herein 
day  of   Jt~~; 

In  ^Tituci*^   of  ITIiioJij  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this       ://— Z.  dayof    £h^Y     /flff 

^Z- Clerk. 

Before  ,ne,  j&Q%  ^?r^^L^^ _  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
County  a fore.taiil,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  khi  oatli  saith.  thutShe  is  a  resident  of  Fosey  Count//  aforesaid;  thutShe  is 
acquainted  with  (cL^tt^-*,/^      jSy^rr-i^-^^^.        >v       <^Zt^-t>^~**--<J 

C^^U'-cA/  :  thatShe  hath    reason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  putties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of  £&*^~r 
parent     or  guardian     ;   thatS  he  knows   no   lawful   reason    why    the   said  parties 
should  not  marry,   and   that   the   said  .^7^<^^^<j    <~/f~0>-%^/  ls  u 

resident    of  said     County    of     Posey,     and    lais    resitted    therein,    for   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  tins  date. 


this      ^"^  —  ''«</  of<^y-<^ 

-^J^S^-Av Clerk. 

lerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 

~/f  •  *f-*^t~<^/  •  who  being  by  ?ue  duly  sworn, 

US'-      ctsi^<-*-^'     7fL  t/      J 

/   .         *"       * /f  -/ /  I  County,  aforesaid:  that  he  is 

C      *,  'son  to.   and  verily  doth  belien 

//  <ut  the  consent  of. 

reason   why   the  said  parties 

is   a 

therein    for    one    month 

1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

>f —187 


<0  ^r^i^^r  Clerk  of  the   Circuit    Hour t  of  t hi 

e/ore  me,  -     \> 

fiuttw///  aforesaid,  personally  tame  the,  undersigned,  who  being  hi,  me  lull/  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,  that  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  Count;)  aforesaid.;  that  tie  is 
acquainted  with         ^  ~rT^~  ^  ^  rf^&^^f     h  ji^U^ 

that    he  hath 

to,  and   verihi  doth   believt 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  Hwfid  age  to  mam/,  without  the  consent  of     *     -  <r  ' 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   he  knows   no   lawful  reason   why   the  said  parties 
should  not  marry,  and  that  the  said  r>^  ^-**     ^f-^^:----  ^-*^_^     is  „ 
resident    of  said     County    of     Posey,    and    has    resided    therein    for   one    month 

mediately  pinions  to  litis  dale. 


fc^y^  *  "(QzMkL. 

In    TTitnosM    «»P   "VTliicli,   I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  AlayM  ^^f"         /?^f   'Z' 

-?  Clerk. 


Before  mr,  ^  C?\-  O-  C/^-iZdy^^r  ,  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Count//  aforesaid-,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
a pon.  his  oath  saith,  that   he  is  a   resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid;  that  he  is 

acquainted  with     ■  ^^^.. Wl -^-^t^^€^~^^J  <^-^_ 

that  he  hath    reason,  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  partie/to  be.  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of. 

parent     or  guardian     :   that   lie   knows   no   lawful   reason    why  the   said  parties 

should  not   marry,   and   that   the   said.     <q^~rst^    *&?■    <^^<A=T js    a 

resident    of  said    county    of     Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


if^c<y)J<  (M-cvx(Su^ 

In   "Witness'    of  lYhiehj   1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

*»#  Srf^ri sift'** 

7- ,    <£?-?t: ^ C   f  'W  *>^ . t. .,    /a  -<-j  ^  „ X 



c^v     (&,£ 


^  A'--^^       ,/ J- 





£?-z^^y   S^^^r^^ 

-ZtiM'/etur  <5  .yittr/f-r 

4-  ?k- jL>-£~£>  ^  **■"& 

/  ■  y 

lit   Witness*   of  M"liicii.  /  //ai-e  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
this  day  of-  .  _  1S7 


HHIu  j&i&i*  af  ,51nMana,.  Has?;*]  .$;amU;y>  35: 

Count//  nforesuid,  personally  came  tin-  undersigned,  who  heme:  ha  me  duh/  sicorn, 
jt/w/  *■*<  w///  .w/7//,   tin,/ She  is  a   resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid;  thatshe  is 

acquainted  with 

^£=?^^ ....y^T^^^  -J%£Hhe^.i^.-L-' 

;  thatsiie   hath    reason  to,   and  verily  doth  believe 


the  said  purtijg  to  be  "J  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  eonsent  of    .  -^^-^r 

parent     or  guardian     :   thatsfie   knows   no   lawful   reason    wluj  the  said.  pa>t&& 
should,   not    marry,    and    Hint    the    said. : is— a 

Vfxide-nt    of  said — county    of — Fosey, — and-    ha* — mw?«/ — therein    for— one- — month 
immediately  previous  to  thit  date. 

Signed.  ^_^ 

_ Q-£  at  oj  . .  LjLin^l 

In  "Witness!   of  tyivicK,  1  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

ihis  ■^°>'7         day  of '.  iw   C-*-Z>-*^-  16f^ 

C^C<^_^    <£^^^ -Clerk. 

Before  in£\?£??<<*<!>*  £<?  <&&4><£^  Clerk  of  the  Circuit  Court' of  the 
Comiti/  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  hi,  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith.  thai  he  is  a  resident  of  Posey  Count/,  aforesaid:  that  lie  is 
acquainted  with        ..._        "<-^7_-£^i-.''sr^      c  ?-S  <S*  ;  t  <r- *  ~ 

;  that   he  hath    reason  to,  and   verilu  doth   believe 
the,  said  parties  to  be  of  fateful  age  to  m'irry.  without  the  consent  of         >z^2^ 
purent     or  guardian     ;    that    he  laioics    no    lawful   reason    why    the  said   parties 
should  not  marry,    and   that   the   said    "^^*-«»i^I*.  C^tL^^e^^^t^  (s   u 

resident    of  said     Conn/;,    of     Posey,     and    has    resided    therein    fur   one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 

j/fUi   s&e^^O^oU 


Before  ra^PV^s-^-iW^  &/  ^s2~_  -Q  O^r  -tr^cierk  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  the 
Counti/  aforesaid,  personally  came  the  undersigned,  who  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 
upon  his  oath  saith,   that    he^is  a   resident  of  Posey  County,  aforesaid:  that  lie  is 

;  that  he   hat//    reason  to,   and  rerili,  doth  believe 

acquainted,  with 

the  said  parties  to  be  of  lawful  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of...  .    -*^-^-^-" 
parent     or  guardian     :   that   lie   knows   no  lawful   reason    why   the  said   parties 
slwuld  not  marry,   and   that   the   said   "{^<^'?<^    l^l^-^AsT^^g  is  a 

resident    of  said    county   of    Posey,     and    has    resided-    tlterein   for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


ijyl        dlthiUt'l/.. 

la   TrUii***    of   »  hJcii,   1   have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 
tMs  !//£     day  of  0^^,         &* 

^—^^  Clerk. 

V-.-i^  Jr'-^^f-  h<>~~L  *~ 

J-=  -4--I '•''• 

l*t  7  7/«;;e  hereunto  set  my  hand. 
'/  of  _     257 

....   -      ^     C*.d2^     ;,.    ., 

•    - 

g.$ittti3J>  25;. 

1  ,•  ' 

Mt~S        -     -     ■ 

,  C/erA-  o/  tf«>  Cj"7vhz7  Court 

of  the 

isicf      i  r?     5W~^-;  '   - 

ed.  who  being  bu  me  duly 


>scy  Count//,  aforesaid;  tha 

t  he  is 

y:   - 

•eason  to,  and  verily  doth  believe 

hout  the  consent  of.  

ul  reason   ivhy   the  sai<\  parties 

is  a 

resided    therein    for    one    month 

it  J  have  hereunto  set  my  hand. 

of 257 

—  Clerk. 


c£  ^&€^c^*/ 


■  (j/      t<?LA4/C<       '  kfccui-Ojl-^^ 

^^st^-^^L^S  h  ji 




fiSS"  ^Jai*  ax  ^nDmna,  -Kaseu  mf******! 


/T?  z,<y-*~-£Z2- 

7^    *—?  ~~  ,  „ 




>-C^-  r  <    [^2  ,2  *S~-    ^/ 

<2  &■*>  '^:^?r;  ^£ 


o^/-/U.  .fc.tvdx  -  '2J±c  /S 

C7ei*  0/  Me  Circuit  Court  of  the 
(/.  w&o  being  by  me  duly  sworn, 

> .7—  _  -*— .   -/— 7       /""  '  '/■  .  y         -    ew  County,  aforesaid;  that  lie  it 


1&CLA+  9  ■  tZ<\      /T^U  >  '  '/zi  u  /  i  ' ,  •'-'       l0ut  the  consent  of- 
C   C*  Q  <     '  -'     /"      <^  Aa*w     ^  ^   reason    why   the  said  parties 

is    a 

"2v^y1  C*?i'tJv^-  '  'yL  v-^uZ— — -i--- i 1 esided    therein    for    one    month 

it  i  /wwe  hereunto  set  my  hand, 
,  of  _  -IS7 





71***:<C  "/*/-- 

t£*  XV  sA  a-,  ^_  ^5^  c<? 





^  ,t  ,^x 


/  - 




i  »-*-•/ 


ikA^  J'^^^y  *£u*^X &~*/- 


3  r^V^/cL-         ^Z^-e^O^r &*-y         -*^^^ 

5  chr^c^Jy'    sT^-c^       VLf&^<7      <$/    &J^Z.        £X^<rS  '/%-*/     /Z^^r 

11  (^C^^^, 

'#-t^/    ^C    &ge     £2^,/'  y^^tsV**^    'TZZ^s^y*'   <^s> 

Before  me,  __  ,  CTe>*  o/  ///<•  Circuit  Court  oj  the 

County  aforesaid,  personally  came  flic  undersigned,  who  being  by  ?ne  duly  sworn, 
u/)uii  his  unth  saitli.   that    lie  is  a   resilient  of  Fosey  (Minty.  aforesaid:  that  he  is 

acquainted  with 

:  that  he   hath    reason  to.   and  verily  doth  believe 

the  said  parties  to  lie  of  la irf id  age  to  marry,  without  the  consent  of 

parent     or  guardian     :   that  he   knows   no  lawful   reason    ,rhy   the  said  parties 

should  not   marry,    mid   that   the   said . is   a 

resident    of  said    county    of    Posey,     and    has    resided    tlntrein    for    one    month 
immediately  previous  to  this  date. 


In   TV\itne*iK    of   "Wkiclx?   1  leave  hereunto  set  my  hand, 

this  day  of 187 
